
Guess who's back?

No amount of excuses or apologies could make up for the large time that has passed since my last chapter, but I hope that by actually posting one it will be okay.

I've had so much to deal with in the last few months... two marriges, school finishing, starting a new job, several hundred arguements and my nan going in and out of hospital... But I had to do this, if not to keep my mind occupied, but for you loving fans.

Please R&R and of course, enjoy!

Not only was the party a great success, but it carried on for two days and I had a feeling that most of vampires had forgotten why they were celebrating in the first place. It didn't bug me too bad because everyone seemed to be having fun, even though most of the fun was because of the amount of alcohol that was consumed. Vampires could drink crazy amounts of alcohol and not get drunk, but the level of beer, bourbon, vodka and anything else they could get their hands on was still phenomenal. Larten and I had long since left the party to attend to our own devices; hours and hours of our own devices.

On the second day when the party was finally called to a halt and everyone was made to go back to their daily chores and activities, at that point in time was when I decided to leave my sleeping quarters. Not only was I spending time with Larten, but I was also scared of what would happen to a young, female, half-vampire in a crowded room of drunken, male, full grown vampires; it just wasn't something I wanted to think about. Crepsley had demonstrated a few things that they might do to me if they were alone with me too long and I decided that I should be alone with Mr Crepsley more often.

Once the party was over and the mountain was cleaned up, I wandered around for a little while. There were few passed out people in the corridors, but it was practically deserted by the time I got to the training arena; except for one vampire. Arra was on the bars jumping back and forth, flipping from one plank of wood to the next and swinging her staff at an imaginary enemy. She was quite the athlete and could easily give the larger vampires a run for their money.

I was still in shock since my first encounter with her, Artem had explained that I was one of the very few people who had lasted longer the five minutes; one of the others was Crepsley. Maybe I was lucky; being small and quick on my feet really came in handy, but I still feel it was mostly luck.

"Darrien was there something you wanted or are you just going to stand there and stare?" Arra's voice broke my train of thought and I fought with myself to come up with the answer and reason I was there in the first place.

After taking a breath to calm myself I grabbed the two short swords Arra had given me out of my belt, "I tried to learn, I really did, but Larten doesn't use this kind of weapon and couldn't help me."

"I take it that you want my help then?" Arra stepped off the bars and grabbed one of the swords.

"I would really appreciate it." I said as I watched Arra swing the blade a few times. "I promise I'll be a good learner and I'll do just what you say and I'll try really hard and…" Arra raised her hand and silenced me.

"Alright, but you must listen." Arra's voice was harsh, but quickly became more instructive.

She forced me to hold the handle in my left hand first, "But I'm right handed."

"When fighting in a heated battle you may loose your preferred hand so it is better to learn with both." Just to help me she too held the short sword in her left. "These particular swords are 1832 foot artillery short swords, one is good if your main weapon has been knocked away, but two are lethal once you learn to use them in unison."

The first lesson was about the different ways to use the swords, we didn't jump straight into hitting each other with them and for that I was grateful; I'd rather loose an arm in real battle and not training. I watched intently as Arra showed me the different ways you could hold the sword depending on what situation you were in and how to knock the sword out of your opponents hand without much force. After three hours of calm training Arra said it was time to break and seek her out tomorrow when I felt ready to start again.

"You are a fast learner and you will get it once you start concentrating; soon you won't have to think and your body will just act on instinct." Arra explained.

Arra was an okay teacher, but she didn't seem to like me much; our training was strictly just that. Training. There was no friendly chatting in between or even a joke thrown into the mix; she was just doing what was asked of her. Her voice showed no emotion and when it did it sounded sad; in the back of my mind I knew it was my fault, because I was with Crepsley and she wasn't. I felt kind of bad that I knew me and Arra would never really be friends, I might consider her one, but she would only see me as the half-vampire sleeping with her ex; so I could see where the problem laid.

The mountain had come alive in my absence, everyone was chatting about the last couple of nights and the crazy things others had done. I headed straight to get some food, but I felt someone behind me; spinning around I came face to face with Larten's old mentor.

"Good evening Miss Shan." Seba Niles smiled broadly, "Your hearing is quite accurate, just like young Larten's was; I hope you do not cause him as much grief as he caused me?"

"I wouldn't dream of getting on his bad side," I walked alongside Seba, "Only the vampire gods would see me after that."

"He does have a temper on him." Seba sat down and poured himself a bowl of broth, "Please join me."

I sat on the opposite side of the table so that I could face the elderly vampire, "Was there something in particular that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked as nicely as possible, I mean he had been following me.

"Am I not allowed to speak to a beautiful woman when I get the chance?" Seba chuckled as I blushed, but suddenly his face became serious, "But there was something I felt was necessary to speak to you about."

I watched him intently; with every movement he made the scars and wrinkles on his face would come alive. Seba's eyes showed great wisdom and although he looked about ninty something, they also showed his true age.

"There has been a lot of talk through the mountain about what will happen to you if worse comes to worse and Larten is not successful in his trial," Seba paused to take a mouthful of food, "Before I make my proposal, I wish to hear what you wanted to do if this was in fact the situation."

For a long time I just ran what Seba had said through my head so I could better understand it, but I knew in my heart what I would do if worse did come to worse. When I had sacrificed my family for a friend another family took me in without question and I felt I owed them something for that.

"I guess I would go back to the Cirque Du Freak and try and make it on my own; I know half-vampires don't last long by themselves, but I'm sure Mr Tall would look after me." I said before shoveling broth down my throat.

"Mr Tall is a kind and caring man who would do a wonderful job of supporting you, but wouldn't you wish to be among your own kind?" The wrinkled vampire asked.

"It's not like I'd completely cut myself off from the clan, I just feel like I'd be able to do more there." I explained. "You know, give something back."

"I see," Seba smiled like my grandfather used to, "How would you feel about being my assistant if things did go bad?"

I wasn't going to be rude, but I wasn't going to lie either, "I don't think I could have another mentor, I would feel like I have betrayed Mr Crepsley in some way. It's not that I don't think you'd be an amazing mentor, it's just that Larten and the Cirque are my family; without one I would instinctually turn to the other." I explained.

"You have a good sense of family values; you will make a fine vampire even without my help." Seba smiled again before standing, "Well that was all I wished to ask of you and I do not wish to press the matter, but if you do change your mind I am sure you will find me. Have a nice night tonight Miss Shan."

"You too Seba." I waved as he left, but I couldn't help but feel like I had brushed him off without giving his idea any thought.

Unfortunately, my day dragged on like a snail in the sun and it felt like forever before I was tired enough to go back to bed; without any sense of time, my body was yelling at me for keeping odd hours. The mountain's air was thick with dirt and dust and I sometimes found myself short of breath; I would have to ask Mr Crepsley if we could take a step outside at some point. For the third time today I managed to get my self lost and it took longer than usual to get back to my room.

I hadn't seen Mr Crepsley all day and he wasn't in our rooms when I arrived back either; logic was telling me that everything was okay, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't. The room didn't look any different to what it did when I left, but I guess I hadn't checked what it looked like when I did leave. Nothing seemed to be damaged so that meant that no one had, for some strange reason, kidnapped Larten from our room or robbed us. Stepping up to the coffin I noticed a small note neatly folded on top of it; not knowing what to do, I opened it.

"Dear Darrien,

Larten told me to inform you that he is in the Hall of Princes discussing Mr Tiny's message; the fat man has stirred up a lot of problems with that sentence. He also said not to worry about anything and that he will hopefully be back later on, so don't wait up for him. You weren't here when I came to deliver this information so I left you a note; Larten's illiterate and couldn't leave his own note. I want you to tease him about this when you get the chance, because I sure did and the look on his face was priceless.

From Artem.


I saw you training with Arra today, I was surprised she even agreed; I've been asking her for years. If you want to learn how to use a broad sword I am told that I am the man to see, so feel free to seek me out."

After reading the note aloud I felt a weight being lifted off my chest; Larten was okay and not only that, Artem had offered to train me. At least now I would have something to do in this boring, old mountain that wasn't just sitting around doing nothing; which was getting kind of old itself. I put the piece of paper down a just stood in front of the slightly larger than normal coffin and I let my thoughts unleash themselves.

I thought about my life before I was turned into a half-vampire; all my friends, loving family and even a hint of what career I was going to choose. My favorite memory was when I pushed my sister's face into her birthday cake just after she had blown out the candles. I remembered her chasing me around the house until I let her catch me and smear cake across my cheek.

Then after replaying many memories I came to the one that changed my life: the night Steve had convinced me to go to the Cirque Du Freak. On paper the whole plan seemed flawless; I'd say I was going to Steve's for the night and he would say that he was staying at mine, but instead we'd both sneak off to see a freak show. Fool proof.

Unfortunately, for both me and Steve, the night didn't go as flawlessly as we had hoped. The second Mr Crepsley appeared on stage I knew something was wrong and when I turned to look at Steve I thought he was just frightened; I mean at first glance Crepsley is quite the sight. As the night went on I noticed that it wasn't fright that had unsettled Steve so badly; it was Larten Crepsley himself.

When the show was over Steve said he'd meet me tomorrow at school, but instead of leaving like I planned on doing, curiosity got the better of me and I hid in the shadows to watch what Steve had to do. I remembered Steve yelling at Mr Crepsley saying that he knew who he was and he would blackmail him unless Crepsley turned him into a vampire. I was confused and angered; my best friend and he didn't even share this amazing information with me; we could have both blackmailed him for a large sum of money.

My memory skips to after Steve was bitten by Madam Octa; Crepsley's performing spider, to the point where I'm in the abandoned theatre. I was cold and scared out of my mind, all I knew was that I had stuffed up big time and I was ready to do anything to save Steve. When I was telling Crepsley about how Octa had bitten Steve he had laughed and said that she had done the world a favor, after that moment I hated Crepsley with a fiery passion that flared with every word he spoke.

He tried walking off, but I wouldn't let him; I had to get him to give Steve the antidote. Crepsley voiced his amazement that someone would dare steal from him and then ask for help; I could see the problem in my plan. I told him who Steve mean the world to me and that it was my fault not his that all of this had happened and Crepsley paused for a moment. My eyes lit up, but then he shook his head and said no again.

I had begged him to take me instead of Steve, that I would do anything as long as my best friend was safe and I regretted it as soon as the words were spoken. A flash crossed the vampire's eyes and I was sure that I was dead or worse, but instead of pinning me down and having his way with me; Larten Crepsley made an offer that I couldn't refuse. Mostly because it was the only thing he had suggested apart from letting Steve die.

So with a heavy heart I agreed to his terms and became a creature, no, a monster of the night. My memory quickly jumped from one scene to the next; it was like someone had made a memory montage of every moment up until now. I opened my eyes which at some point had shut and let them readjust to the change in light. Once my mind had stopped spinning a voice in the back of my head asked a question:

What if I had let Steve die and told Crepsley to look else where? Would I be able to leave the vampire world? What would my life be like now?

I'd be in my final year of school, hanging out with my friends and family… I'd be bored out on my mind. I'd have a normal life with normal problems and normal people. It wouldn't be that bad to just go back to that point in time, knowing what I know now and make the other decision that at the time wasn't an option. But would I really give up my life at make a new one? I've done it once before, but I don't think I'd have the strength to do it again; not now.

Sighing at my unusually deep thoughts I turned to leave to find Larten Crepsley watching me; his orange crop of hair was a mess and his face was slightly tinged red from stress. His brow was furrowed, his lips were pressed together tightly and he seemed tense.

"How was your day?" I asked cautiously, hoping not to anger him further.

"I did not have a pleasant day and although I must, I wish I did not have to do it again." He tried to sound happy, but it just sounded forced.

"You're here now with me and that's all that matters." I stood on my tiptoes and pecked him on the lips, but as I went to pull away he stopped me.

To my surprise Larten deepened the kiss and his body relaxed, "I missed you today."

"I missed you too." I said with a raised eyebrow, "Are you okay?"

"I am now," With this he smiled. Larten Crepsley, lord of no emotion smiled… at me.

"You're weird, but that's why I love you." Although his action was a shock, it was a pleasant shock.

I was unable to say anymore as Crepsley's lips crashed into mine and the only sound that escaped my mouth was a muffled moan. My hands snaked their way up into his greasy, sweaty strands of orange hair; on any other occasion I would have complained about the feel, but at the moment I didn't care. With this my question was answered: no, I would not be able to leave the vampire world, not now that I know that such an amazing person existed.

A week had passed and I had forgotten about Artem's offer to train so when I saw him putting away his sword I spoke with him about broad sword lessons: he said he would have to work around his other duties, but he would contact me when he was free next. This meant that I was training with Arra again and although I found her very learned in the short sword, I would have loved to have seen Artem's abilities. Living with over three hundred males I had experienced my fair share of awkward moments, but nothing compared to walking in on the only other female vampire in the mountain and one of the previously mentioned males.

Thank god they were so caught up in what they were doing that I didn't think they heard me gasp and run in the opposite direction; although I didn't believe it for a second. In a split second my plans for the day had changed and I now had nothing to do except take a shower and try and wash my eyes until I forgot what I had seen.

I finally got to the waterfall with a towel and a change of clothes; I know that no amount of soap could erase my memory, but it didn't mean I couldn't try. Stepping into the shower, if you could call it that, I froze nearly instantaneously from the blast of freezing cold water. Clenching my fists I began to wash; no matter how many times I had showered in the waterfall, it didn't seem to be physically possible to adjust or get used to the below zero temperature of the water.

As I was washing I heard voices getting closer and even though my lips were turning blue I decided to stay and try and listen in on the conversation. Not surprisingly the voices were both male, but what was surprising was the conversation; both were in deep discussion about the message that had brought Mr Crepsley and I to the mountain in the first place.

"… And even now there are generals out looking for him."

"How will they know which one's the right one?" The vampire with the deeper voice asked; his words echoing through the waterfall.

"I would say that they start with the vampaneze who's surrounded by guards, but it doesn't mean we can't kill anyone who gets in our way." The other laughed.

"If we kill just one of them it means war, do you really wish that upon the clan?"

"We're already at war, the vampaneze are coming; I can feel it."

"You can feel it?" He laughed, "Maybe you need some blood."

"I'm fine, just you wait; many will perish in the near future and it's because of that girl."

"Darrien Shan? What could she possibly have to do with all of this?"

"Why else would Mr Tiny send her and Larten to deliver the message?"

I was frozen through fear and below zero water rushing over my body.

"You're rambling."

"He chose them because the Vampaneze Lord is connected to them somehow."

"I have met Darrien Shan myself and that girl couldn't possibly have any connection to the Vampaneze Lord and if there was a connection it would be a coincidence." At this the vampire stormed out of the area followed by his friend who was shouting at him.

I didn't have time to think about the conversation that I had just witnessed because I had just realized that I was unable to move; I was frozen in place. Vampires could withstand extreme temperatures… but I was only a half vampire and I hadn't been trained to withstand freezing cold whether. My eyes went wide; what was I going to do?

The water continued to fall over my body; each one a dagger as it touched my skin. My mind was racing and my eyes were darting around; I caught glimpses of my flesh through the water and I could tell that I was slowly turning into the first vampire popsicle. It was only when I lifted my hand to wipe my eyes did I realize how much effort and pain it took just to move the slightest bit, but as painful as it was it was possible.

Mustering every bit of unfrozen strength I had, I began to heave my way through the gallons of water pushing down on my body. I was just at the edge of the waterfall when I remembered the ledge of rock that you had to climb over to get into the actual water and although it was going to take everything I had I leaped over it. My plan worked; I got out of the waterfall, but I was so cold that I was unable to put my arms up to break my fall, so instead I let myself slam into the stone floor.

Pain riddled my entire body as the stone scraped off skin and drew blood; I had pins and needles all over and my head hurt from the temperature change. I couldn't move, not that I planned to, but then I remembered that I was lying naked on the floor in a mountain full of males and I started to drag myself to the wall. It seemed that no matter how much I tried I couldn't move as fast as I wanted to and I could hear that guy from before coming back.

I started to panic again as his voice got louder and I was in plain slight in the middle of the room. Naked. I thought about yelling out a warning to him, but I didn't know what kind of vampire this man was and he had already expressed a dislike for me.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked myself, but the only answer I could think of was 'run' and that was physically impossible.

The man's voice was now clear over the waterfall, but I wasn't thinking about what he was saying; I was thinking about what to do. I tried moving faster, but the cold had penetrated my muscles and every little movement caused agony; it was a loosing battle.

"What do we have here?" His voice sent shivers down my spine; more than the waterfall ever could.

"Please help me," I begged, "I can't move."

His laugh echoed over the roar of the waterfall behind him, "Why would I help you?"

My eyebrows furrowed with confusion; was I actually supposed to answer that? He's meant to help me because I'm in peril.

"You're the meddlin' little bitch who's going to throw our whole world into war and you think I'm going to just help you?" He laughed again, "Well, you are sadly mistaken."

Suddenly, a bare foot was getting to know my head. My vision blurred and I fought to keep consciousness; I watched as I was dragged behind the waterfall, back to where no one, not even a vampire could hear you scream. There was the sound of a zip being pulled down and I felt my body being moved into position.

I started to scream with every bit of energy I had left, but deep down I knew that no one could hear me. Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and blocked out the vile things that were happening with memories of my past. I felt my stomach churn as he entered me and I didn't try and hide my disgust or gagging as vomit threatened to spill. His movements were hard and they pained my frozen body.

"Please stop," I whispered over and over, but all I received was laughter and grunts.

Without warning, the weight above me was gone and there was a sickening cracking sound. Although I didn't want to, I opened my eyes to see the monster unconscious against the wall and a blanket being wrapped around me. I didn't fight this person; they felt like the good guy; that and I didn't have the energy.

My mind began to do things on autopilot; I felt empty, a shell filled with horrible things. Today hadn't been that good. I notice my surroundings change as I enter my room, Crepsley's there and he looks angry. I wonder what's upset him so badly. I hear people talking, but they're just sounds in the distance; noises in a far off land. I know that something's wrong because I see Larten walk up to me and inspect me before asking if I'm okay; I don't hear him, but I see his lips move.

Instead of answering I decided to focus on a crack in the roof; I feel a strong connection with it, like we're the same. Broken. No one would notice the crack unless you pointed it out, it would just be there. With enough traumas the crack would grow and become more obvious; people would start to question if it should be fixed, but others would reassure that everything was okay. Eventually the crack would cause people to avoid the room, but without attention the crack would continue to grow without anyone knowing and in the end the room would collapse.

I felt like I was collapsing and everyone was here to enjoy the show. Not being one to disappoint an audience, I let myself crumble; letting all the horrible things go and just becoming a shell. My eyes remained open, not that it made much of a difference, I couldn't respond to anyone if I wanted to. I was in my own world; one filled with butterflies, ponies and a never ending rainbow. Although I wasn't responsive, I wasn't asleep and I could hear Larten's voice calling to me, but I couldn't find where it's coming from. After a while I realize that his voice is all around me, not just in one place.

Larten stopped calling for me and begun to speak of other things; he spoke of his trial and how I would miss it if I remained like this. It wasn't my fault I couldn't leave; there isn't a door that says 'exit' and there isn't someone wishing me well and hoping that I return soon. I hear him tell me goodbye and that he will be back after his trial.

"Goodbye Larten." I say, but I think it's in my head because he doesn't hear me.

It's been weeks after the incident in the waterfall, or has it only been hours? I can't tell because I haven't come back from my own little world to check, but I'm pretty sure that at least one day has passed. I'm sitting in a beautiful grass valley looking out at the snowy mountain tops. Suddenly an image flashes in front of me, almost as if there was a glitch in a movie, but as soon as it happened the world around me became brighter and more filled with rabbits and butterflies. I don't take any notice until it happens again only this time there's a laugh that follows; the sickening laughter of a monster. As soon as the image is gone a rainbow appears along with a few horses.

"Something's not right." I mutter as I stand up.

The world around me looks real enough and smells just as good, but there's an underlying horror that I can't put my finger on. Another image, another sound and another series of overly happy thing appear. I watch as the images slowly become more detailed and slowly I begin to recognize the people who they are showing; I know one is me, but I don't look like me, I look terrified. The other person is more demon than human and his laugh makes my feel sick.

As I start to focus on the images in front of me I don't realize that the world around me is changing as well; the horses become creatures with decaying flesh clinging to their bones, the rainbow disappears to be replaces by black clouds. Rabbits turn into feral animals with razor sharp teeth and large claws, the grass around me quickly dies and turns to ash and all the trees loose their leaves and become twisted and evil.

When I finally look up I see what has become of my happy place, my sanctuary; a land of death and horror coated in the blood of innocents. I suddenly realize that this is not a physical place, but a thought, a memory that has manifested in my mind. At first it was trying to protect me, but now it feeds off of my fear and continues to grow.

A man walks up behind me and throws me to the ground, the ash at my feet turns to stone as I tumble to the floor. There's a loud roar of water falling all around me and I become very cold; my stomach clenches as I see my attackers face. Instead of being frozen with fear I let out a scream that shatters the world around me; as I sit bolt upright I continue to scream until Larten comes racing to my side to comfort me. At first I try to push him away, but then I realize who he is and I pull him closer as tears stream from my eyes; I cry so hard it hurts.

I didn't want to leave my happy place, where the reality of what happened was too much to bear; I beg to go back and I curse the man who did this to me. Soon enough my sobs turn to whimpers and I feel myself being rocked back and forth. As soon as I've stopped crying I'm carried away to a room I've only been to once; The Hall of Princes. Inside there are rows of empty seats and in front of them are three thrones in which the Princes sit. I'm bombarded with questions until the eldest Prince raises his hand for silence.

"My dear child, I understand that you must be terribly frightened at the moment, but I need you to answer a few questions for us," He pauses and I nod. "They will be simple 'yes' and 'no' questions; you may elaborate where you see fit, but you must understand that we need the truth no matter what."

I nod again and try to stand; my legs instantly buckle and I hit the floor, but refuse Larten's hand to help me up. Struggling, I realize that I haven't used my legs in a while nor have I drunk any blood, but I soon get to my feet. A few wobbly steps and I'm standing in front of the Princes. I straighten my back and pretend that I'm not in pain.

"Such strength young one," The larger Prince says, "You are a fighter."

Paris nods in agreement before his expression turns serious, "Please state your name, level of blood and your sire."

I must have looked confused for a second to long before Larten nudged me grabbing my attention and whispered, "You are a half-blood sired by me."

"Oh," I turn back, "My name is Darrien Shan and I am a half-blood sired by Larten Crepsley." My voice was a lot stronger than I thought it was going to be.

"Now Miss Shan, were you or were you not violated by a member of our clan" Paris asked with a hint of sadness.

"Yes, I was."

"Did you have any relations with the vampire before the incident?"

"I don't quite understand." I asked; my brain wasn't working properly.

"Did you have sex with him beforehand?" The Vampire Prince with dark clothing asked and Paris pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No." I felt Larten's tension fall away a bit; he mustn't have liked that question much.

"Very well," Paris cast Mika a look before turning back to me, "Did you even know the vampire?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes," I pause, "Every haunting second, every scream, every pain filled plead, every detail…"

Paris' face drops; I don't think he thought I was going to elaborate.

"Could you tell us?"

"I could."

"But you're not going to?" Arrow asked.

I could tell that he was a warrior who had lost someone important; it was the look in his eyes that, although it was far from the surface, it was the same look I held when I 'died'.

"Even the toughest warrior's fall in combat, but we never hear of their failures. They are stories that will never be told around a table of friends, but stay with that person and affect how they go into battle the next time." At that moment I felt very poetic and my answer seemed to be accepted by the Princes.

"So you have learned from this?" Paris looked surprised.

"I didn't just learn something," Suddenly I realized that the game had changed "I've gone to the darkest corner of my mind and now I'm back with a vengeance."

"A vengeance Miss Shan?" Paris seemed confused.

"The reason I was targeted was because I'm a girl and a half-blood and to the monster … to everyone I'm weak, but that stops now." I could feel Larten smile, "I am going to prove to everyone in this mountain that I am just as worthy as they are, that I deserve to be here."

"That's quite a statement from one a small as you," Mika smiled darkly, "How do you intend on doing all of this?"

"By completing the trials of course!" Arrow clapped his hands together, "You will shine by completing the age old tradition of Vampirism."

At that moment I knew that I was in trouble, "The trials?"

Paris sighed, "The trials are a series of randomly chosen challenges that all vampires must complete, but they are only done by full vampires."

"Then it will be all the more impressive when she finishes them." Arrow smiles, "I knew there was something about you little one, you're a fighter."

"Do you wish to take part in the trials Miss Shan?" Paris asked.

But before Larten could answer for me I accepted, "If it will prove my strength to the others, then yes."

"Then it's settled, you're first challenge will be chosen in three days time." Arrow beamed down at me and I knew that this was possibly the dumbest thing I've ever agreed to and I've done a lot of stupid things.

But one of the most stupid things I've done is not speak up about or ask questions about 'The Trials'. Once we were dismissed and promised justice I watched Larten turn and look down at me with his eyebrows raised. I had only seen this look twice; the first was when I had confronted him at the Cirque Du Freak about saving Steve's life, the second was just now. It was a look full of shock, worry, anger and complete disbelief.



I know it's another cliff hanger, but at least this time I'm going to give you a bit of notice...

This story is being put on hold for a bit, I will keep writing and adding bits to i, but it could be a while until I updat next.

That is unless I get mass amounts of reviews and loving comments that urge me to continue; I couldn't let you guys down, not on purpose.
