That Day

Author's Note: I had this idea for a one shot, so I wrote it. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

~~This is a Line~~

It was another strange day,

when something happened.

Zoro stopped in the middle of training,

and almost dropped Kuina's sword into the sea.

Nami stared in disbelief,

mumbling a silent 'No way.'

Usopp stopped telling his tale,

and could not think of a lie.

Sanji, in shock, had dropped the food,

he was bringing to Nami and Robin.

Chopper would have blamed sickness,

but he had already passed out.

Franky was so completely bewildered,

he didn't notice his cola spilling on his invention.

Brook's heart almost stopped,

even though he had none.

Even Robin, ever so calm Robin's,

eyes widened in shock.

They thought of the apocalypse,

for surely this was a sign.

Because it was on that day,

that Luffy, to Robin, had said-


~~This is a Line~~

Author's Note: So what do you think? How do you think Luffy won? (I assure you it wasn't his amazing intellect) Please Review!