Chapter 9, woot! Okay, yeah I know I've been very bad with my updates and I'm sorry. It's summer and i should be able to write more now that I'm out of the hospital & shit. And I'm gunna work to get at least 3 chaps out this summer, ( yes I know, only 3, but you have to remember the obscene word count i have per chap.) Any way, please tell me if you like the twists I've been adding. I don't even know where this stories going, but I know the general ending. I'm going do entire fanfic series from this. The next one is the Kira one :3 But, enjoy chapter 9! ( I do not own Bleach, All rights belong to their respective owners)

{Karin's POV}

My team went quietly through their training session. Even Fujimoto was solemn. They had all been subdued since the attack yesterday. I frowned as I watched them. I had no idea where Toushirou was; he'd left me a note with today's topic, saying he wouldn't be in Seiretei and I was to take over all classes, while Matsumoto dealt with the aftermath of yesterdays attack.

They barely broke a sweat, but I didn't think pushing them too hard after yesterday was a good idea. They were all nearly as stressed as me, I could see it in their every movement. Most of them were pale, their attacks sloppy. Finally, I gave up and sent them out.

"Satomi, would you stay a moment please?" She turned back, and waited til the rest of her class filed out before coming up to me.

"Hai, Kurosaki-Sensei?" I met her steady, pale eyes. They practically burned with anger- at the demon, I was sure- but in the back, there was a hint of fear.

"Satomi, if you are willing to accept... I would like to train you. I see it in everything you do, you're scared of yourself."

"I am not!" I saw a hint of red around the edges of her pupil, and her reiatsu started to rise. The, something in her clicked, and she looked away as she calmed down. "I'm scared of my Zanpakutou." I put my hand on her shoulder, smiling faintly.

"But your Zanpakutou is a part of you. You'll never be whole without it. I was just like you..I was scared of my powers, I refused to accept them. They were something best left alone, not to be considered using. It almost killed me. And It hurt Reitō-en. I was always aware of her, but I left her all alone. I lost my mother to this world. But you know what? Now I'm proud to be a part of it. Because I can stop it from happening again. I can protect Yuzu, and my friends and my dad. And If i ever get the chance, Ichigo.

"I can show you how to do that, how to gain control of your powers so you don't have to be afraid. You would make your decisions. If you didn't want to fight.. you wouldn't have to." Something flashed in her eyes, and suddenly tears were poring down her face, and she leaned against me as she sobbed. ?When the tears finally stopped, and she let go, her eyes held shame.

"I'm so weak.." she whispered, in way of apology. I tilted her chin up.

"Tears aren't a sign you're weak... They're a sign you've been strong for too long." Slowly, her eyes brightened.

"Hai... Sensei." For the first time, I saw real respect in her eyes.

"We will train tomorrow after class, alright? Unless there is an emergency attack. Then you are to find me and accompany me. Let the team know so you don't get in trouble. There are to be no miss-communications between the squad, especially now." she nodded, and bowed before leaving. I smiled, before going to find Toushirou.

{Toushirou's POV}

I met Isshin's eyes, trying to stay calm. His face was stone, unreadable.

"Karin, I assume?" I nodded.

" Hai, sir." He closed his eyes for a second,before taking a deep breath.

"I can not give you permission, for it is not my choice to make. For that you should talk to

Ichigo." I grimaced.

"I knew you would be the easy one. I'm just praying I can survive the night." He chuckled, and stood up.

"I'm sure you can track Ichigo. You were always quite good with reiatsu, and he's the equivalent of hollow bait." I smiled faintly, and said farewell before attempting to track the man who could probably easily kill me. To my surprise, I found him standing in front of the very spot Karin had always taken at the railing. The way he was staring off at the sky, preparing to set, suddenly reminded me very much of her. The way their eyes shone with peace, and inner strength.

"You should go after something you love, shouldn't you?" I came up beside him, and leaned on the railing.

"Hai, I believe any cost. Don't you?" He nodded.

"But what if it could hurt the one you loved, and you weren't even sure they loved you back?"

"No matter what, if you love someone... there will be pain. Whether it's your fault, or someone else's. All you can do is hold them, and hope that your being there helps. And as for if they love you.. try and find out if they like someone else, or tell them, but let them know.. that their happiness is whats most important. If they've found someone who loves them better, or who they love you won't interfere. They are the most important thing to you." He shouldn't really be asking me, because I had every few important people in my life.. Granny, Momo, Karin, and Matsumoto. But they were enough to have taught me.

Ichigo turned to look at me, a smile in his deep brown eyes.

"Go.. and never let a day go by that you don't let her know you love her." My face broke into a smile, and I raced myself back to Urahara's.

{Toushirou's POV}

"YOU WHAT? I stepped back in surprise, when fury lit Karin's eyes and she started to scream. She'd been doing some kidō training with her twin in the courtyard. It was around around 8, so everyone but them was getting ready for bed-or, like my lieutenant, drinking. Her voice echoed through the halls, and Karin's right hand slid down to her sword. Reitō-en flash, and flames hit Karin's hand but she ignored them and pulled her out anyway. The pure anger in Karin's eyes didn't even flicker with Reitō-en's warning, if anything, they grew stronger.

I put my palms out, and forced my voice to stay steady.

"Karin, what's wrong? Calm down and tell me." I literally saw flames light in her eyes. They burned in a red so dark, it matched the blood trailing down her hands, her grip was so tight on her sword. That brought forth old anger, but the last time, it had been Hinamori's blood. I took a breath, and slowly let it out as I took a step back when Karin approached, Reitō-en ready in her hands. This was a different time, and getting angry would only increase the bloodshed.

"How dare you!" She snarled, and it came from so deep in her throat, I would've sworn she would scrape her throat raw. It sounded familiar in a way, but I couldn't place it and now was so not the time.

"How dare I what? Karin, tell me find offensive?" The last part was fell into a question, because I had no idea what was wrong. She snarled again, and lunged at me with Reitō-en swinging towards my shoulder. I jumped off to the side, and heard Yuzu calling for her twin to stop it. Her sword came at me again, and it took all my skill to avoid it. Yuzu puffed a sigh behind her, and two hands appeared on either side of Karin's head, and slammed into the base of her neck.

"Good thinking," I told Yuzu. I'm sure my eyes were as wide as watermelons, like Karin's had been when she'd first seen Jidanbō. I grabbed Reitō-en and slid it into Karin's sheath, even though her eyes followed my movements, glaring at me with what seemed like hatred. It stung, and just for a moment I let her see that.

"I'll take care of her. You might wanna get out of here." I nodded, and stopped to kiss Karin's cheek.

"I never meant to upset you Karin... I'm sorry I did. I would never do that to you on purpose." Then, so Yuzu couldn't hear, I whispered in her ear "I Love you. I'll be at the lake..if you decide to talk." I walked away, to my room to shower. But the moment I was in the steaming water, I slammed both fists into the tile. My jaw clenched so hard my teeth ached, and blood trailed down my forearms, fighting not to cry.

As soon as I'd told Karin I'd asked permission to date her, she'd tried to kill me. And I knew, she could've. I wouldn't have stopped her. If I'd known this was how she would react.. I wouldn't have done it. It was like what the humans referred to as the great canyon in my chest, filled with lava. Just for a second, when I'd let Karin see my eyes, and let her know I was hurt..I thought I'd seen a flash of pain in hers. But it had been overwhelmed by Fire.

I'd known then, that our past was true. Up until now, it had seemed so distant.. I could understand it, but it hadn't seemed real. I knew now, there was no way it wasn't. Karin, truly had been born of fire. And in sometimes, I could feel the frozen element within me.

There was a knock at my door, just as I finished changing into a fresh Shihakusho. I opened it, and found Yuzu. She came in, and glanced behind her as she closed the door, like she was paranoid about being followed.

"Karin's fine, but were keeping her... lets say guarded until she really calms down. As in, when the plants stop bursting into flame, and the cookie dough in the fridge that I put out finally stops baking and cools down." I looked at Yuzu in surprise.

"She's baking cookies with her reiatsu?" She shook her head.

"No. Reiatsu couldn't bake the cookies. It'd flatten the package til it exploded. She's literally, emanating heat."

"That's a new one. Like, new to history that's been recorded. I've never heard of that happening, and I don't think even the Captain-Commander could do that. Without taking out his sword."

"Oh and that's another thing. Her sheath... well the outsides got ice crystals on it." I nodded, and then stared at her next words. "And there's flamings shooting out of it."

"Okay, this just hit the point of bizarre. When you hit that point, you don't say anything about it to anyone or you tend to loose the cause to one or Kurostuchi's experiments." Yuzu laughed.

"Oh, this? Nothing new. Unusual, rare, but not new. I've seen Karin like this before.. twice. Once, a ref expelled lost Karin's team the game, on a goal that everyone saw clearly. Like, everyone in the stadium- and it was the finals. She nearly killed him, and would have if not for Otou-san and Ichi-Nii. It took me 3 days and about 15 spoons -she broke all of them- to calm her down." Huh.

"And the other time?" A smile slowly spread over Yuzu's face.

"Ichi-Nii ate Karin's brownie. The very last one." I burst out laughing.

"She nearly killed him for that? C'mon, Ichigo's done way stupider stuff that than. There's plenty of other reasons to kill him, and she chooses a brownie?" Yuzu nodded.

"She was very pissed. She didn't talk to him for three weeks. And in the end, it depressed Ichi-Nii and he made her 3 batches of brownies- 1 per week- and she forgave him. And ate them all."

"How the hell did she eat them all?" My jaw was pretty much glued to the floor.

"She can eat quite a lot. She just doesn't need to most of the time. Or want to. She spent two days with a stomach ache." I chuckled. It was hard not to like Yuzu. But she wasn't Karin.

"Think me baking brownies would make her forgive me?" My words were half hopeful. Yuzu shook her head.

"Not for this. You don't understand why, she was upset, Hitsugaya-Kun. My sister.. is very prideful. She values that she stands on her own, and she hates having to rely on anyone.. even me. I don't get upset with her about it. She knows when she needs help, and she comes to me. But, she's always stood just a little away from everyone. At the very heart of it.. she's scared. We relied on Okaa-san for everything. We were her shadow, except for when she took Ichi-Nii somewhere. We didn't like it, but Otou-san would distract us so they could get out.

"When Okaa-san died... it tore away the reliant part of Karin, she has to make her choices. She will go the complete opposite way you tell her to if you say it wrong, or ignore you. I don't know how to say it in a way that will tell you just how much it means to her. She has to choose for herself. When you talked to Ichi-Nii, and Otou-san, you completely bypassed her... and didn't give her any choice. You think by now they'd know they can't do that by now but.." She grimaced. "You disregarded Karin-Chan, and gave her no choice. That hurt her, and you did it in a way no one else can. And then that pain turned to anger, and it..pretty much tears her will away, and there's nothing but the anger. No one even can really go near her but me.. Ichi-Nii's probably getting beaten up right now." She said it matter of factually.

"Yuzu.. I think I know a way to calm her down. But like you, I would be the only one who could do it. It would be.. far away." She studied me for a moment, and her brown eyes paled to almost white, before returned to their natural honey brown.

"Yes, I think you just might be able to. But be careful she doesn't burn you." I shook my head.

"That'd just piss her off more. Hyourinmaru will protect me from the heat." I touched my hilt and smiled.

{Toushirou's POV}

Yuzu opened the door to her and Karin's room, and I was blasted with heat. The desert had nothing on Karin. Nor did any convection oven. Ichigo was dodging Karin's attacks, and while her hands were bound, her feet most certainly were not. And neither had much in the way of clothes on. Yuzu gave me a sheepish smile.

"It's always best to put her in that when she's like this, or she passes out from dehydration."

"That sounds good about now!" Ichigo said, and Karin's foot smashed into his jaw. I glanced over at the counter, and almost laughed when I saw a giant cookie sitting there. Considering Karin noticed me about then, that would have been a really bad idea. As it was, she raced towards me, abandoning her attacks on her brother. I studied her speed for a second, and 5 feet in front of me, I bound her feet with kidō. When she would have fallen, I stepped forward and tossed her over my shoulder. I figured it was the only way to get her to go anywhere that wasn't chasing me. As it was, her bound hands and feet started pounding me, and I grabbed her feet to make sure she didn't can me. Ichigo laughed, and tossed me a blanket.

"Good luck kid. Yuzu's the only one who's ever managed to calm her down." I shrugged, and that stopped her fists slamming into my back for a split second. Yuzu opened the door for me, and I raced out, praying none of Seiretei saw this... and of course, on my way out, I ran into Matsumoto, and heard Hisagi and Kira yelling in the distance. She fell over, and I knew she was wasted. There was no way she remembered her name, and no chance she would remember this tomorrow. Or any time soon. I jumped to the rooftops, and over the gate.

By the time I managed to reach the lake, I was pretty sure she'd cracked several ribs, bruised my lungs, turned my back black, and knocked my back out of place. I spread the blanket out one handed, and laid her down on it gently. I brushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes.

"Karin... Please, give me one minute. Reign in your anger and hear me. I know I hurt you and I would do anything to take that back. Anything. But right now, your only continuing loosing control, loosing your choice. The one thing that should matter more than anything, remember?" Something flashed in her eyes, and I knew I had a chance. "I didn't think it through, I didn't realize what I was stealing from you. I wanted the whole world, -all of them, really- to know that you are mine. That I would fight anything in the world, just to see your smile, to know you were happy. You are the single most important thing in my life."

The fires went out instantly, when a tear slid down her cheek. And one mirrored her on mine, for making her cry.

She somehow got her bound arms over my head and pulled me over, so I lay with my head on her shoulder- I'd been careful where it landed- and she held me close. I could hear every beat of her heart. I dispelled the kidō, and convinced her to let me go long enough to untie her hands.

She had struggled against them so much she'd worn past skin, and when I pulled it off, she gasped in pain when it tore the scab off. I winced, and laid my hands just over her wrists. My gaze slipped off them and into her beautiful eyes, but I didn't stop healing her. It took almost no focus, and barely any energy.

When I was done, she tried to curl up against me, and I couldn't stop the wince of pain. Instantly, her eyes filled with worry. I protested when she pushed open the top of my Shihakusho, but the quick glare and the fear behind it made me stop. I knew, she wouldn't stop worrying, until she'd decided I was okay. And she wouldn't forgive herself, if she didn't heal it.

Pain filled her face when she saw the bruises, and the bump on one of my ribs. Her hands laid over them immediately, and a soothing warmth seeped from her hands. When she finished healing my chest, and made me lay on it I winced when she gasped. It had to be bad. I jumped when something touched my back, before I realized it was a tear. I wasn't in any more pain than I'd been in after the winter war. I looked back, and I saw agony it her eyes. It was killing her to know that she'd done that.

"Karin.. it's okay." She shook her head, and her hands were shaking as she green light flowed from her hands. When the bruises were almost gone, she began to massage my back. She kept glancing at my face, to make sure she wasn't hurting me. Her hands were feather light against my skin.

"I am not an egg, Karin. That's not gunna do anything but tickle." She glared for a half a second, but I smiled when she put some pressure on my back. It was relaxing, just watching her as she focused on unlocking all the knots stress had recently created. I could tell she was working by reflex, because her eyes glassed over. After a while though, she looked over and smiled at me.

"I'm going to train Satomi." Her voice was soft. I wasn't surprised though. I'd seen Karin watching her, with that thoughtful look that usually meant trouble. "I see so much of how I used to be in her.. it's almost scary. Do you remember when you saved me and the others?" I knew she meant at her soccer game. I understood why it had been so important to her now. She wouldn't be pushed around in anything. That was her decision.

"Yeah. How could I not?" She stopped rubbing my back, and I rolled over. When she laid beside me I pulled the blanket over us, and then wrapped my arms around her.

"She's just like I was back then. Too scared, uncertain to use her power.. and I don't want the same thing to happen to her. I was so, so lucky back then. You saved me. If it comes to that.. I want to be the one to save her. You were there for me while I was learning, you probably saved me from myself a thousand times. I want to do that for her." I kissed her.

"I'm glad. Maybe you will grow up, Kurosaki." I laughed when she rolled her eyes.

"That's as likely as it snowing in hell." I started to offer to try, and she kissed me. I knew it was to get me to shut up- mostly- but it made me happy anyway.

{Now, after that ice- I mean nice little dose of Toushirou's mind, how about we switch it up? -grins evilly-}

{Matsumoto's POV}

I stumbled into the office, having finally woken up from my little sleep with a bush. It had taken a nice liking to my hair, and I knew twigs were sticking out of it.

"What the hell did you do with Karin Taicho?"

"Wait wha- Matsumoto just how drunk did you get last night?" He looked honestly shocked. And more than a little amused, damn him. But this wasn't a time to be cursing him. I'd seen him haul Karin off, who had been bound, when I'd first met the bush.

"Not to drunk remember you kidnapping her." He let his head fall against his desk. Then, I heard a familiar laugh, and Karin walked in with one of the team- through my pounding headache, I pulled out the name Satomi-.

"Karin. Please tell Matsumoto I did not kidnap you." He said, mild aggravation on his face. She shrugged.

"But you did." I glared at the Taicho. Satomi watched this, laughing quietly.

"Did not! I took you for forced relaxation."

"The definition of kidnapping is being taken somewhere against your will, Mr. Prodigy. I most certainly did not want to be taken anywhere by you."

"You would have chased me had we let you. And don't bother arguing that one, Yuzu and Ichigo will back me up on it." I gave up, and poured myself a cup of tea from the set steaming on the table.

"They won't if I say you were shirtless." The sip I'd just taken drenched the flowers.

"WAIT WHAT?"Karin looked over. "Oops. Ehh. She'll kill for an explanation anyway. Matsumoto, you tell anyone and I will slowly kill you." I wondered whether it was that good gossip, but nodded.

"I let my temper loose, and tried to Toushirou." I shrugged. That wouldn't get more than raised eyebrows. "My family tried to calm me down, and when it didn't work, Toushirou kidnapped me and took me to a place that... always calms me down. I bruised him more than a little along the way, and when I finally calmed down, I healed him. I couldn't do that without seeing the injuries." A thought occurred to me, and I couldn't stop my eyes from widening.

"Uhm, I have a few issues with this. Karin, honestly you should know better than to attempt anything like that!"

"What?"I saw my captain realize my problem, and he actually blushed and started banging his head against a table. Karin looked over at him, and got what we were thinking. She shot me a dirty look. "Honestly Matsumoto, I can't believe you thought of that!" Satomi fell collapsed over the back of the other couch laughing. "Well, I guess I can. But nothing like that happened. Just... no." Toushirou looked up.

"Matsumoto, you've caused enough hell today. Go sleep off your hangover." I shrugged, and stumbled my way out the door.

{Karin's POV}

I glanced over at Satomi, who was still gasping for breath, and turned to Toushirou. "Why did she have sticks in her hair?" He shrugged, and continued working on his paper work.

"Fell asleep in the bushes. Again. Fairly normal occurrence." I stared for a second, then walked around Satomi to sit on the couch. She crawled over it to sit beside me, and Toushirou finally stood up and joined us.

"Satomi, we have an offer for you. Matsumoto would be here but, she doesn't generally think well with a hangover that bad. She already agreed to this." She glanced over and me, an Toushirou fell silent.

"We want your class as Toushirou's, Matsumoto and my backup squad. And we want you as their leader." Shocked flitted through her pale eyes. Then, they warmed, and I would swear bee's would've mistaken them for honey.

"Of course, Taicho, Sensei. It would be an honour." She stood up and bowed. I laughed, and pulled her back down beside me.

"No need to be formal Satomi. Stick around long enough and you might see the Taicho crack a joke! Like say, in a thousand years or so." He glared, and she smiled.

"Kurosaki. Urusai." I raised my eyebrows.

"Make me." He smiled slowly, and I realized he could. And as it was just Satomi around, he might."Uh, scratch that."

"I thought so. Karin, why don't you take Satomi and do some one on one training?" I nodded, and we stood. When we got to the courtyard, she spoke.

"Kurosaki-Sensei... If I may, I have something to show you. I believe it will be important to my training.." I nodded. I hadn't had anything planned, so this would save me from having to think something up. She led me into Rukongai, into the 11th district.

"We're going to my old home. I grew up here, with my best friend. We were saved during a hollow attack when we were little, and from then on..all he could talk about, was becoming a Shinigami. I didn't want to, but I would have followed him anywhere. Seth...was my world." {Yeah, I know the name doesn't really fit but it's all I could think of atm. And I wanna use that name x3}

"You said was, past tense. What happened?" When she glanced back to look at me, her pale eyes were haunted, and shadowed with a pain not her own.

"You'll see. But I grew up." She led me close to the tenth district, and in a cute little house.

"Seth, it's me. I brought a friend." A tall man walked around a corner, smiling. Black, curly hair covered most of his face, and every step was slow.

"Of course it's you, Rika. I would recognize your footsteps anywhere. He walked over and held out a hand in my direction. I grabbed it an shook it, and though he couldn't see it I couldn't help but smiling.

"I am Kurosaki Karin, third seat of the 10th division." His smile faltered for a second, but returned more brightly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I didn't imagine Rika would bring home someone of such high respect in the squads. Even in Rukongai, we know of your brother." I laughed.

"My...accomplishments are very different than my brothers. But Rika herself is worthy of the same respect. She has just received a promotion." he turned towards her, his smile brighter than ever.

"Really Rika? That's amazing!" Her smile was hesitant.

"I'm now the leader of Hitsugaya-Taicho's back up team. And Kurosaki-Sensei is going to tutor me... so i can control my powers." The smile slipped off his face.

"Can you guarantee she won't get hurt while you're training her?" I almost shook my head, but something was nagging at me.

"No. Life itself does not guarantee that, and I will never make a promise I'm not sure of. But I was once like Satomi.. it nearly killed me, and my friends. My Taicho saved me then, and then continued to save my life while he trained me. I would be dead a thousand times without him. And I will not see that happen to Satomi, not if I have the chance to make sure it doesn't happen." He stood still for a second.

"I see why she brought you here. If you're going to train her, you should know what her powers can do, uncontrolled." His hands came up to his face and pulled his hair back. What would have been a handsome face was marred with scars that stretched across his face. His eyes stayed closed. "I would have still joined the academy, but I lost my sight. There's no way I can fight, like this.." His voice broke. And I knew, I couldn't just help Satomi.

"Actually, there is a way. I close my eyes when I'm fighting, and I still haven't quite lost my head to the captain." He stiffened.

"Rika why didn't you tell me about this!" There was pain, and anger in his face.

"She didn't know. It's not common knowledge, and it... bring back bad memories to those that do know. Ichimaru Gin did it. You don't need eyes to be a Shinigami. You just need a heart." Rika snickered.

"Kenpachi doesn't have one." I smiled.

"I think, somewhere he does. Why else would he have taken care of Yachiru?" She shrugged.

"Why don't I make some tea, and you can explain to me this...technique." Seth said, and walked back to the kitchen while Rika took me to the sitting room.

"Kurosaki-Sensei do you really think he can learn it? I talked to Unohana-Taicho, and she said there was no way to heal him.." I looked at her, a thought sparking to life in my mind.

"Maybe there is. When we get back to Seiretei, I want you to find my sister and send her to me, and ask my brother where Orihime Inoue is." I said. She nodded.

"They're both healers, but even Unohana.." She trailed off.

"My family is a little out of the ordinary. My brothers reiatsu is so high, it began raising his friends at school and they developed abilities. Ishida already had his Quincy powers, but Sado developed his arms. And Orihime, was so gentle she developed a healing power. She literally reverses the damage, so it's as if it never happened. And Unohana told me just the other day, that my sister has the rawest healing abilities shes ever seen. I'll talk to them, and see if they might be able to help Seth, okay?" She nodded, but misery still clouded her features.

"What if they refuse?" I put a hand on her shoulder.

"They won't. That I can promise. Orihime would do it because she could, and she hates seeing anyone in pain. Yuzu would do it for those same reasons, and because I asked." Seth walked in, and set down a tray with tea. While Satomi pored us cups, I began to explain to Seth.

"It's not something that would work well in the human world, but in Seiretei, it's perfect. It requires control, and you'd want to work on it for at least 6 months before you even try getting into the academy. It's seeing... with reiatsu."

{Karin's POV}

I sat, waiting for my twin for a day trip to the human world. I didn't even really think of it as home anymore. We would visit Otou-san, Orihime, Urahara, and of course... the mall. Yuzu was insisting on getting our hair done for the party tonight. I nearly gagged at the thought, but I thought I should visit Issei. Just maybe he knew. I pulled out my pendant, and stared at it. I hadn't really thought about it since I put it on, but I could always feel it, just like Reitō-en. When my twin walked in, i couldn't help but smile. Her hair had grown, and now just teased the top of her shoulders.

"Are you ready, Karin-Chan?" She folded up a huge bag, and then stuffed it in her purse with her wallet. I nodded, and followed her back out the door, to the Senkaimon gate. I slipped my one of my headphones in as I walked, still think about Satomi & Seth. The soothing voice of Kagamine Rin, apologizing to her dead twin soothed me. I grabbed Yuzu's hand, and we ran through the shifting world. When we came out on the river bank, we paused to catch our breath. As we lay beside the flowing water, a dragonfly zoomed past us, and I heard a dog bark in the distance. I smiled, listening to the familiar sounds of my hometown. It was nice to be back, even for just a little while. Yuzu stood, and grabbed my hand.

"C'mon, Karin-Chan!" I couldn't help but laugh as she pulled me up, and we ran down the streets, just like we had when we were young. Goat Chin was standing on the lawn, waiting for us. Yuzu tackled him, and she would have done a football player proud. I smiled, when she turned red, Otou-san hugged her so hard. When he let her go, and started towards me, I used one of the tricks Yourichi-San had taught me. I jumped and slammed my right foot into his chest, and using the momentum, spun and my left foot slammed into his face. I landed on my palms, and did a hand spring. When I turned, he was cupping a hand to when my foot had landed on him, and surprise had taken over his features.

"Karin-Chan, you've gotten better... it's impressive. What seat do you hold?" I stood there for a second, shocked.

"Third seat of the 10th division." He nodded.

"They might try and force you into captaincy if you power continues to develop at this rate." I snorted.

"No, they wouldn't. And I wouldn't; I have no desire for that power, and I am most definitely not dead yet." He stared at me for a second, before smiling.

"Those that do not desire power, are often the best leaders. Perhaps, you may become one yet, my little Karin." I punched his arm, but it was half-hearted. I was too busy thinking to put any effort into it.

Goat-Chin, was a Shinigami- or he had been. Maybe, during his own time as one, he had heard of a cure. While Yuzu went inside to get us lemonade, I turned to him.

"Otou-san, have you heard of a way to heal someones sight destroyed by a Zanpakutou's abilities?" He frowned.

"What kind of ability?"

"Fire."| Immediately, he shook his head.

"Fire is the destructive element, Karin. It is extremely hard, if at all possible to heal a wound caused by it. There is Earth, the passive element, and it is slow to call- most users are destroyed in battle before they can use there powers. Air, is the timeless element, and is wild, almost uncontrollable. But when it is used, it is with precision. Water is the ever changing element. The one that provides sustenance. It is, in a way, the mother of life. And then, there is fire. A Fire Zanpakutou is the most dangerous weapon there is- Why do you think The captain-Commander is so powerful? It destroys, but it also renews. Some seeds cannot grow until they have been in a forest fire. The phoenix is born from the fire, and returns to it. Fire can save lives or end it. But to heal an elemental Zanpakutou burn requires more power than I or Unohana-Taicho has." I nodded.

"Otou-san, did Ichi-Nii tell you my Zanpakutou's name?" He shook his head. "Her name is Reitō-en." He stared at me for a second.

"You can both sustain, or destroy, Karin. Beware, and be careful with the power you wield." I nodded, and changed the subject.

" You would be proud of Yuzu. Unohana told me she has the rawest healing power she's ever seen." He chuckled.

"It makes sense. There has to be a way to balance out your and your brothers destructive powers. And she balances you." I stared at him, for a second, before sighing.

"I think, for a long time, she wasn't the only one who balanced me. Do you know more stories about the Fire Lady, Otou-san?" He nodded.

"Hai, but I shall save those. I think, you will have need of those later." Yuzu came back out, and handed each of us a glass. I sat back, and listened as Yuzu told our father of what she had been learning, and the new friends she'd made. She sounded so happy, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe she belonged there too. But when she started talking wistfully about everything she missed here, I knew she would live out her human life, just like Ichi-Nii.

Somehow, I couldn't help but wonder if I would.

{Karin's POV}

I glared at Yuzu once more, before leading her into the pottery shop. She had forced me to have my hair done, and I was freaked out by the change. It was so weird to have all my hair but a few strands on one side. They'd piled it onto the right side of my head, and given me side bangs. Then, they'd curled it all, and stuck liberal amount of hairspray, curling gel, and other gunk in my hair. It was disgusting. And worse, we'd paid for it. Issei stood the moment we walked in.

"Kurosaki-Sama, and her beautiful twin. Welcome to my humble store." I stared, and was surprised at how he'd sounded just like Urahara for a moment. I laughed, when Yuzu let out a surprised gasp.

"Yuzu, this is Issei." I turned towards her, and saw a figure behind her, for just a second- the same woman she'd been when she'd order the demon away. I put my hand on her arm, and shook my head. Issei bowed.

"It has been a very long time since I have seen the White Lady, and the Fire Lady together. All that's missing, is the Ice Lord." I glared at him.

"What do you mean, the White Lady?" A grin spread over his face, and it reminded me of his true nature.

"Why Karin, have you forgotten your twin too, but remembered your-"

"You know damn well I remember almost nothing!" I swore at him, then paused. "But that's not why I came here. I want to know if there's a way to cure an injury from an elemental Zanpakutou, that's almost exactly like mine used to be." I met his black eyes steadily.

"Back then, there was one way, but we never had access to it. Even among your true kind, your sister had an extraordinary healing power. Now, you have two powers able to do it at your disposal- but it will kill them if they loose control at any point." His grin was malicious.

"Why?" I watched him closely, for any hint he was lying.

"They are undoing a power that surpasses their own exponentially. They have to make up for the lack of power with focus. The entire spell is dangerous, and loosing control, more so." His black eyes turned from me, to my younger twin. "With this spell you must bond with the injured person almost completely, until it's hard to tell who's who. Then you have to relive the injury with them, and then heal them strait away. The entire process is extremely painful, to both the healer and the injured. It is almost...not worth it." His tone put me on guard.

"Why is it not worth it, what are the side effects?" His gaze stayed on my twin.

"There is a 50% chance the healer will loose their powers." I turned to her, feeling panic rise up within me.

"Your not doing it, Yuzu." But the moment I met her eyes, I knew, even if she didn't that she would never be able to unlock her true potential until someones life as at stake..Her own, and Seth's.

"I have to, Karin-Chan." Though it killed me, I slowly nodded. And, just then everything flashed away, and agony shot down to my hips as I collapsed into the memories.

I lay on a bed, Toushirou's hand in mine and my sister stood over me, worry clouding her features. She looked older, but the fear on her faces made her younger, somehow, like I still had to protect her- yet this time, she was the one protecting me. I looked over at Toushirou, but as I did, my gaze flew over my own body, and my stomach was swollen. My hand slid down over it, and I felt the baby kick through my stomach. Toushirou's hand bled, I was clenching it so tightly with every contraction. But his eyes held no fear, no pain, nothing but reassurance.

Everything flashed back, and I found myself staring back into my twins wide eyes.

"Karin-Chan, are you okay?" I took a breath and nodded. But her warm brown eyes told me she'd seen it with me, and she was waiting to ask me. She too, didn't trust Issei. I stood up, and turned to Issei.

"We'll be back sometime soon. For now, we have a party to go to."

{Karin's POV}

I stood there, mildly annoyed as Yuzu sprayed me liberally in Sakura scented body spray, and then covered my dress that lay on the bed beside me too. While she sprayed herself, I set some music playing on my Ipod, then jumped when someone knocked.

"Uhm... Kurosaki-San, Yuzu-San, may I come it?" I recognized the voice as Hinamori, and quickly opened the door then jumped behind it when I saw Toushirou standing behind Hinamori.

"Thank you for walking me here, Hitsugaya-Kun." She said, and bowed. I watched, my head poking out from behind the door.

"No problem, Hinamori Karin, why are you hiding behind the door?" Perceptive bastard. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Because I thought it was just Hinamori, and I'm not dressed. Now go away!" Hinamori stepped in and I closed the door in his face. I could practically see him rolling his eyes as he walked away. Hinamori laid her dress on the bed beside mine. Yuzu had arranged for us all to get ready together, though I wasn't sure why. But I obliged when Yuzu tossed me my dress, and ordered me to get dressed. Her time among the Shinigami was starting to change her- it was subtle, and only one who knew her as well as me could tell. My twin was starting to get an air of strength, much like Unohana. I smiled at her as I pulled my head out of the folds of silk. Before I could lower my arms she grabbed the lower folds of my dress and pulled them down to smooth them out. Hinamori's gentle face broke out into a huge smile. My twins was slower, but it was smug.

"Black nail polish," she declared. "With silver over coat." I rolled my eyes, But then she shoved me in front of a mirror, and I stared at a total stranger. A single strand of curly hair hand slipped away, and framed the side of my face not surrounded by curls. Strong chocolate eyes glared back at me, and the dress seemed to whisper of danger and Shadows. Yuzu was right- the black and silver nails would compliment it perfect. Hinamori slid in to use my shower, while my twin made me sit down at the table to work on my nails- there was no way she'd ask me to do hers. We'd found out years ago I had no talent for that sort of thing. I smiled and sang along with the music, fighting not to shift. By the time Hinamori got out, my nails were done, and I was fighting not to use my hands. It was driving me insane, to be unable to do anything. But my twin and friend were enjoying it.

I could understand their love to relax and be pampered- I loved it every now and then too- but I preferred being useful. By the time I could use my hands again, I'd carefully switched between songs so many times Yuzu turned to glare at me.

"Next time, you're using the fast dry stuff." I grinned sheepishly. Being all dressed up like this was so limiting- you always had to be careful not to mess up your make up or chip your nails, or trip in your heels. Thank god I'd insisted on getting flats- unlike everything else I was wearing, it was practical.

Hinamori had painted her nails to match the soft glitter that shone from her pale pink dress, and she'd used decorative chopsticks to secure her hair in a bun. She was absolutely beautiful. My twin had chosen a dress that had surprised even me; a scarlet red dress, that was in a way almost identical to mine; it had the black shimmering net over it, and she too, held a look of danger. Her hair, now teasing her bare shoulders was teased into curls that would tempt any man. I smiled proudly. We would make an entrance, for sure. There was a knock at the door, and I raced the others to open it. Of course, my constant racing Toushirou made it no contest what so ever. I flung it open, and laughed at the look of shock on my brothers face.

"Karin? Yuzu? What the hell?" Then he winced, as Rukia kicked him and ordered him to get out of the way. He stepped aside, and Rukia too stared. She broke out into a grin.

"You all look beautiful! Even if Ichigo is so busy choking on his on tongue to say so." She exclaimed. A few people passing my room poked their heads in to see what the commotion was a bout. They stared for a second, then practically ran off. I smirked as we stepped out of the room.

"Karin-Chan, where is Hitsugaya-Kun?" Yuzu asked. Unlike me, she didn't have someone to escort her. Jinta was still in the human world. I'd been approached for her, but I'd directed the requests to her, and she had politely refused. When I'd teased her about it, she'd turned as red as a tomato.

"I'm meeting him there, so I could enter with you." It would be hosted by the Kuchiki family, so it was surprising that Rukia had come with Ichi-Nii to pick us up. As we walked there- it wasn't far- I asked Rukia about it, ad she smiled.

"I convinced Byakuya-Sama to let me pick up our Honoured Guests." MY eyes widened in alarm and I squeaked

"What?" Ichi-Nii smirked. "I thought this was just some random Squad party!" Rukia too, held a smug look on her face, which she carefully covered up in the perfect hostess smile.

"Of course not, Karin-Chan. Soul Society wishes to honour the Kurosaki family. Many times they have helped us, and we would be rude to completely ignore it. We even went to the effort to invite Kurosaki Isshin, but he declined to attend. Your brother was a tremendous help in the Winter war, and we have no doubt that you will be equally helpful during this war with the Demon." I smiled faintly.

"I'd rather not talk about the demon tonight." She nodded.

"Of course not. All captains and lieutenants shall be at the party, as well as a few other people. Even Urahara-San has decided to come for a visit." Making sure Yuzu couldn't see, she winked at my, and I fought to hide a chuckled. I knew she had done it just so Jinta would come, and please my twin. As we entered the manor, Rukia led us into a courtyard that had beautiful lights casting down shadows among the group of people laughing and talking. They'd had probably 11th squad set up music playing, and to my surprise it was all new. They were probably inheriting some of the real worlds culture.

The song changed just as we came out, and everyone looked up at the change of music -you couldn't completely tune out battle instincts- and saw us. I swear, the only sound for a full minute was the music as people gawked at us. And to my amusement, among them was Toushirou. Immediately, people rushed forward to talk to us. Thankfully, most went to talk to Ichigo and Yuzu- I wasn't known for my diplomatic abilities, because I completely lacked them. That was better left to Yuzu, cuz Ichigo had even less than me. She could tactfully reply to anything. It was a trait she and Rukia shared, and I smiled watching them. Toushirou grabbed my hands, and kissed them.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I couldn't stop my cheeks from glowing like a beacon. " If I hadn't already told everyone I was courting you, you would have a hundred offers for your hand." I rolled my eyes.

"Bullshit. But I have to say, you look very... cool, Captain." I smirked when he glared at me. "Oh just shut up, and accept a compliment." He wore a teal dress shirt, the first button undone, and the dragon on his black pants glittered. And, to my surprise, his own pendant glittered white, just hanging out of his shirt. I smiled at him, and he held out his arm. I grabbed it, and he led e over to the captain commander. I almost fell over when I saw him and his lieutenant in suits. Surprisingly, his eyes were open. I bowed.

"Konichiwa, Captain-Commander. It is a pleasure to see you here." I smiled at him.

"The pleasure is mine, Kurosaki Karin. You look most magnificent tonight, like a black pearl; a rare, dark beauty." I blushed again, but this time on purpose.

"You honour me so, Captain Yamamoto, I am not worthy." His sharp gaze met mine.

"But of course you are. Your family has done great things for Soul Society. As it is, you have the strength of a warrior unheard of in years, especially for one your age." That kind of bugged me, but I must seem like a newborn to him.

"It seems to be a hereditary trait, though I am grateful my twin seems to have missed it. I have absolutely no desire to see her in battle, even if it is to heal. But if it does not endanger her, and that is her wish I would never deny her that. It is as much a part of her as Reitō-en is a part of me." He almost frowned.

"I am surprised you brought your sword with you." I stared, surprised. Toushirou had just shown me today how to manipulate my swords form, and she glittered on my wrist as a bracelet. She was a thin silver chain, that met into a coloured metal flame at the inside of my wrist.

"I have been attacked when least expected before, and that is part of the demons game. He wishes to make me paranoid, and scared. To feel like I am safe nowhere. Besides, it does not feel right to part with my weapon, and one of the people who knows me best."

Karin... I would like to meet this man, and see him through my own eyes. His Ryuujinjakka is very strong.. it is alarming. I smiled. "Would you care to meet her, Captain-Commander? She is most eager to meet the person who put this all together." He did not smile, but he did nod. I reached with my mind into my bracelet, and pulled. It took a minute of full concentration to pull her form into the physical world. When people stared, I realize Reitō-en had also planned this; to startle them again with my power. She bowed to the Captain commander, and her clothing looked totally out of place, yet it still suited her. Sexy, strong, almost arrogant, but still holding an air of danger, like she was an assassin, searching for her mark.

"Captain-Commander Yamamoto, it is a true honour to meet you, and to have spoken with your Zanpakutou. I am truly happy to have met another fire elemental Zanpakutou and wielder." To my surprise, he smiled.

"Yes.. You hold much power, young one. And even so, you differ in many ways from me. Such as how you are fused with ice. Such contradicting elements in a Zanpakutou is unheard of. You are unique in many ways. Such as your true third release." I frowned.

"What?" Reitō-en turned to me.

"You will understand in time, Young One. Such as The Child will." I turned to Toushirou.

"Why is it always riddles?" He snickered.

"You have no idea how fast things are moving for you. It would take me years to solve one of b Hyourinmaru's riddles, before he would speak to me again. You solve hers in days. And you have achieve in under a year what takes at least 25 here." Suddenly, I heard running and turned to see Satomi.

"Satomi!" She stopped on a penny, and bowed to us.

"Kurosaki-Sensei! I am so glad you're here, and Kurosaki-Sama too! Can you please help me? I do not believe it will take long, but I would like you guys to check on.. my friend." Immediately I nodded., and waved Yuzu over. At my frantic motioning, she hurried.

"Of course. What can we do to help?" Her face tightened with stress.

" He did as you instructed, to see with Reiatsu, and its working.. but he started crying and collapsed." I turned to the Captain-Commander.

"Please excuse me and my twin for a little while, we have something to do." He nodded.

"Before you go, Kurosaki Karin, it is quite normal to collapse the first few times someone sees with reiatsu. I would know... I am an expert." I broke into a smile, and raced away. Seth's house wasn't far, and Yuzu were soon at opposite sides of his bed. She laid a hand on his forehead, while I measured his heart beat.

"No fever." He woke up at the sound of our voices.

"I'm fine, I swear.. I can see you all!" Then he paused. "With reiatsu." He looked directly at Satomi, and the softest smile lit his lips.

"Everything will be okay now, Rika. I can finally become a Shinigami." We cautioned him against it, but he got out of bed anyway. " I promise I'm fine." Satomi looked at me, and I swear I saw pure joy on her face. It brought out my own smile.

"In that case, why don't you come and meet the Captains, so you can meet those who will command you one day?"

When we made it to the party, Seth followed us strait over to Toushirou.

"Captain-Commander, Hitsugaya-Kun, this is my students best friend, and a future Shinigami." The Captain-Commanders cold gaze seemed to contradict his fiery element. I looked around and saw Reitō-en smiling at Rukia.

"Are you so sure you want to lead this life? You have already suffered damages from it, and it is dangerous." Seth stared at the Old Captain, with no fear in his eyes

"Hai. It is because of these damages that I want to, more so than I had. I want to make sure even less people suffer what I did. And if possible, I would like to join the 10th squad when I graduate the academy. Kurosaki-San has been ever so kind to me, and given me an opportunity I thought lost. And anyone she cares about as much as she does for her Captain must be a truly amazing person. Rika has told me much about them both." I almost glared at Satomi. But then, here I'd thought she almost hated me. The Captain-Commander nodded, though Seth couldn't see it.

"A worthy choice. They are both huge assets to Soul Society. Kurosaki's methods and strength have surprised many of our warriors." I threw my hands in the air.

"If apologiesay one more praising word about me, i'm going to go and talk to other people." Toushirou grinned.

"I'm honestly surprised you lasted this long, Karin." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he snapped at it with his teeth and I quickly withdrew it.

I saw Yuzu smile suddenly, and looked over to see her watching Urahara. But I searched for Jinta's reiatsu, & he was hiding behind his employer. I made our excuses, and took my twin over to them- with Toushirou of course. He was my date, and it was extremely unlikely I'd be able to get away from him.

"Urahara-San, it's so nice to see you again!" She exclaimed. Ururu and Jinta stepped out on either side of him, and Yuzu almost screamed in surprise. Then she jumped forward and to everyone's surprise, even mine, she hugged him. A soft glow lit her cheeks when she let him go, and I couldn't hide my smile.

"Yuzu, do you think you could grab me a drink?" I knew she'd seize the opportunity.

"Of course, I'll grab everyone drinks. Jinta-Kun, would you help me carry them?" He nodded, and they hurried away.

"Well that was subtle," Urahara said smiling behind his ever present fan. I snickered. " How have you been, Karin-Chan? Whether it is obvious or not, this place is dangerous. Politics are ever present with the Nobles, and sometimes the Shinigami who protect decide they are above the ancient laws." His eyes unnerved me, the way they always did when he spoke seriously. Ururu chose now to pipe up.

"You look beautiful, Karin-Chan!" I had to fight to hear her soft voice, and I smiled when I heard what she'd said.

"Arigato, Ururu-Chan! You look beautiful as well" She wore a light purple dress, and a butterfly hair pin pulled her bangs back. She smiled at me. "I am fine, Urahara-San. My twin may be better at politics, by I haven't really met many people who it would be dangerous to offend. They usually have some level of respect for my when they do, however. It tends to be dangerous if they don't." Urahara grinned.

"Beware of our wondrous host then. He is well known for his arrogance. Usually his biggest concern with your brother is him protecting Rukia, and how Ichigo refers to him by his first name." I grinned. Our family was pretty informal. Rukia appeared beside me, and she grabbed my hand.

"Karin, you must come meet my Onii-Sama!" She practically dragged me over to a table, leaving Toushirou in the dust, where a pale man stood. I'd see him every now and then of course. I bowed, to show some respect, whether I would get it back or not.

"Konichiwa, my name is Kurosaki Karin. Thank you very much for organizing this party, Kuchiki-Sama." His cold gaze was so arrogant, I was surprised he could see me at all.

"Call it my honour, Kurosaki-San. Your Taicho has kept you very guarded. The only people who have met you are those than you have trained with, or have seen you in the 10th squads offices." I stared at him in surprise, and smiled.

"If I had known someone of such high standing had wanted to meet me, I would have made myself immediately available to you, Kuchiki-Sama." He nodded, still as cold and arrogant as ever.

"Your skill with weapons preceded you to Soul Society, and I was curious to see if you are as good as your brother. I think your Challenges did not even begin to touch your skill." To my own surprise, they had been a lot easier than expected; most were double digit seated officers.

" I think everyone fought well, and a lot of luck was involved." If he decided he wanted to fight me, that would be way bad. I was definitely nowhere near strong enough to take on Kuchiki Byakuya. Hell, I'd probably die taking on my brother if it was a serious fight.

"Your manners are much better than your brothers; his are barbaric." I pretended to blush.

"I am not worthy of such praise. But yes, my twin and I believe his manners were beaten right out of him." Rukia hid a smile.

"One thing he has retained in surprising amounts, is his Honour. Even Nobles are hard pressed to match his." I bowed. I might not be as good as Yuzu, but I was doing fairly well- for politics.

"Thank you very much, on behalf of my family." He nodded again, and I saw a glimmer of respect in his eyes.

"I must see to the others guests. Enjoy the party." He wandered off, and Rukia turned to me.

"Well I'm surprised I haven't grown more arrogant just from talking to him." She chuckled.

"That's how he was raised. He is a noble, through and through." A shadow cast over Rukia, and we looked over to see her Captain.

"Captain Ukitake! Would you like a seat, I can get one- I mean have one brought." It wasn't obvious often, but Rukia seemed to have trouble shifting from Shinigami, to Princess of the Kuchiki Clan. Ukitake shook his head.

"I'm fine Kuchiki. This is a wonderful party." Ukitake wore a white suit, and a blue tie with yellow rubber ducks printed on it.

"Arigato!" A servant came up to Rukia, and she excused herself to deal with some problem that had arisen.

"Has that notebook I found for you and Captain-Hitsugaya appeared useful?" I flushed, for real this time.

"My appologies, but we have been extremely busy lately and have not gotten the time to look over it. I'm sure it will tell us lots, we just need to sort out a few other things first." He smiled.

"Of course. After all, you have your entire lives to learn about your pasts, Lady of the Fire.." My eyes flashed to his. It shouldn't surprise me that he'd figured it out; honestly we should have expected it.

"Yes, I guess so. But still, it would be so much easier if we understood now, why the demon hates us so much. And maybe it would show a weakness, some way we could defeat him and see no one killed. Make sure my twin never has to heal me, Ichi-Nii doesn't have to go into Bankai.." I sighed.

"Maybe, Kurosaki-San, you should think about your own Bankai." I looked at him, startled.

" No, I don't think I'll need it. I don't want to need it. And to me, it's not about forcing Reitō-en to obey me. It has always been about balance, and us being equal; we used to be one." He smiled.

"And maybe that will keep Yama from offering you captaincy." I smiled at him.

"I'd refuse. I'm still human, I still want to live my human life. And I don't want that responsibility. Some are born leading others. Others are born to lead. And there are those that are taught to lead. I've had Yuzu tell me a thousand times I'm the first, but it doesn't mean it's what I want to do. I enjoy living like this. That's not going to change with my squad, or what world I'm in." He chuckled.

"Very few would even think about saying no to Old Yama, yet you seem unafraid of the thought. It is interesting. You are a brave young woman, Kurosaki-San. Soul Society is lucky to have you, even if it is only part of the time." I laughed, and Toushirou came out of nowhere to lock his hand with mine.

"Having fun?" He asked, a teasing glow in his eyes. I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"How could I not be?" I replied, and he chuckled.

"Ukitake, thank you for looking after her for me. I hope she hasn't caused a riot yet."

"Yet? What the hell do you mean? There's nothing I could do at the moment to start a riot." He smirked.

"Men will do anything for a pretty girl in a pretty dress, never mind and astonishingly beautiful girl in an amazing dress." He said, his eyes laughing, but there was a hint of seriousness too." I squeezed his hand.

"No, Kurosaki-San has been extremely well behaved, and has even thanked our host, talked with me, and several other guests." He started to discuss what he'd read of the diary with Toushirou, and I kind of tuned out. I had half an ear to their conversation, as I watched everyone. All of the captains were here, and their lieutenants, along with a few other guests, and some nobles. It was nice, to watch people mix and mingle, to let go of the stress of their lives and just laugh and enjoy it- even if Matsumoto was already drunk, with Hisagi and Kira over halfway to joining her. I smiled faintly, and was surprised to see my twin in a corner, kissing Jinta. Well, I'd have to talk to her about that later. Yourichi was laughing as she talked with some of the older captains she knew, from the days of her own captaincy.

I wondered if Ukitake had been serious and Captain Yamamoto might actually offer me a spot as a captain, even if it was just to fill one of the empty spots. I hoped not, because I didn't want to turn him down. But it'd hurt more people if I did because my heart would still be with the 10th squad, and I'd be putting them before my squad. So I could never switched squads; it wouldn't be fair to anyone involved. And that was assuming Toushirou would let me, which I knew he wouldn't. And for that I was thankful. Because I knew, he would never let me go.

"Soul Society to Karin-Chan, are you there?" I focused, to see Urahara-San in front of me. I chuckled.

"Sorry, I was thinking. How has your evening been, Urahara-San?" He answered slowly, as he tended to.

"It was nice to get away from all the murders in Kakura, and see some old friends." I frowned.

"What murders?" He smiled that ghostly smile.

" There has been a murdered raging on Kakura, and by the time your brother gets there the spirit is gone too. I've managed to trace the reiatsu lingering at the scene, enough to discover that it is your little demon." All colour drained from my face, and I leaned against Toushirou.

"What do you know about him?"

"His name is Asodelus, and he's a Demonic force that has manage to escape hell, with revenge as his purpose." I raised an eyebrow.

"We knew all of that but his name." I pointed out.

"I'd be willing to bet money that you don't know this; he has a pet hollow, and he plans on feeding it Shinigami, like rich people eat caviar." I nearly gagged, and glared at him.

"Wish I still didn't know that. And how did you find that out?"

" Ah, he told Ichigo when he managed to arrive early enough to see the hollow feeding on a soul." I snorted.

"Joyful. An Ichi-Nii's gunna have his ass handed to him for not telling me this himself." He chuckled.

"There's more danger for people trying to protect you than if they'd just told you what ever was already a danger and they're hiding." He said with a smile.

"Of course. Because them not telling me makes it easier to be surprised in battle and that puts me in danger. Therefore, keeping those secrets puts me in danger. That in turned makes is dangerous for everyone around me, including my subordinates. I will not let something so stupid endanger them, not when they are under my command. Not when this entire thing was my fault." There was no way Urahara didn't know already. He could have a wire on every person in Seiretei and know less. The Scientists around here were too smart for their own damn good. One day they'd find out something that would get them killed. I just hoped I didn't do it,.

"Oh, I'm surprised at how much you've discovered Karin-Chan. Maybe sometime in the next decade you'll uncover all of it." I glared at him.

"Karin,behave." I turned my glare onto Toushirou, and he smiled faintly as he reached out a hand to brush my cheek. "You look even more beautiful when you smile." Despite my annoyance that drew one to my lips. Urahara hid a smile behind his fan.

"Ying and Yang..." He murmured. "The whole world depends on balance. Yuzu-Chan is yours and Ichigo's, Karin-Chan. And Toushirou is the Ice to your fire. Rukia is the cold to your brothers fire. Water and Fire, Earth and Air. Balance. Find the Demons, and you might have a chance of beating him." I groaned as he turned and walked away.

"Does this entire damn world revolve around riddles? I would be happy to never hear another one, honestly." Toushirou chuckled, and pulled me away from the crowd. We eventually wandered away from the crowd and found a seat in one of the gardens. The marble was cool beneath us, but that didn't bother either of us.

"You know," I whispered "next time it should just be us. Somewhere quiet, with no politics." He chuckled, and the soft smile grew on his face. It was a tender look, That I hadn't seen him use on anyone else. His hands slid over mine, wrapping it like a Christmas present. His eyes locked on mine, and I leaned over to let my head rest on his shoulder.

"I wish you could see just how beautiful you look, Karin. If I didn't already love you, I would have fallen in love with you all over again." I almost rolled my eyes.

"Nuhuh! You couldn't learn enough about someone to fall in love with them in just one night." I argued.

"Yes I could. I'll tell you just what I would have learned.." He pulled our hands up to kiss mine.

" I've learned you're absolutely beautiful, even if you ignore it most of the time. You're completely devoted to your twin, and would do anything to protect her. You see what's beneath the surface, like how Rukia and Ichigo love each other, even if neither know it. I can see that under your loving disrespect for your brother, you care for him and do respect him. I can tell you hate politics, even if you're good at them. You know how to read people, and see the reactions they hide. You have a noble heart, and won't just sit around while someone's hurt; you have to help them. That you inspire people, and they trust you. That you would do anything for those you love. How you're sensible and wary, strong and independent, smart, amazing, a born leader, and all around... The only person I could fall in love with." One of his hands released mine to gently tip my chip up, and softly touch his lips to mine.

And of course, with our luck, just the Ichigo burst through the the bushes and drag us back to the party, his face set in stone, and his grip on my arm too tight. I knew that look, and I felt a strand of despair circle my heart and squeeze it. I took a breath, and glanced at Toushirou. His face too, was cold. I gently toyed with the flaming clasp of my bracelet. It heated up at my touch, and I smiled, knowing Reitō-en was ready for battle. We reached the courtyard, and Reitō-en reformed into a sword, heat emiting from her blade. I froze when I saw the Demon stood at the center of the courtyard, Satomi held to his chest, and a black claw at her throat. Reitō-en clattered to the ground.