Chapter 9


What I didn't get didn't understand was why now? I get it that everything happens for a reason, and sometimes it always worked in my favor or sometimes it doesn't.

I knew why she was here, but she didn't say a thing. She looked at me like she was disgusted with what I did and why I did it. It was like she didn't know who I was anymore, and in that way I'm right. I'm not the same person I was back then. I learned the true meaning of love, happiness. It was like a part of me was complete and that wasn't something I was willing to give up.

I couldn't tell how she had found me. I thought I had made it clear to not look for me or shielding myself from other gods, but I guess not when the god that is standing in front of me is my mother. I didn't feel anything because I was more shocked than anything else. Here we go.

My mother looked the same, not changing for nothing. She had pale skin that looked flawless, brown hair that went down her shoulders, eyes of brown, just by one look she owned you.

"Hello mother" I said looking at her trying to get a better reading, but of course she was blocking me. She looked at me as if she was going to kill me; eyes that make you feel like you were burning in the fiery hell. Tension that makes you feel like the world is holding you down, sinking you to nothingness. Voice that makes you shakes scared shitless, that makes you want to run for mercy.

"Don't you hi mother me? You know why I am here."

"Look I did what I thought what was right for me. In the past I knew who I was. I knew what I wanted to do and didn't think twice. That day I left a letter, because I felt like I was missing something. I was missing love. I know that know. I didn't know I was missing something till that day. All I could think about what was really out there for me. I started to question who I was and where I belong. I tried asking you but you kept giving me the same answer, "you're the daughter of a god, you have the power to do anything." I understood that back then but now I questioned that. I'm sorry I left the way I did, I'm sorry I had you worried. I'm sorry for a lot of things. I knew if I told you I was leaving I knew you would have done everything in your power to stop me. I couldn't let that happen. "I couldn't continue I had tears falling down my face.

My mom looked at me with teary eyes, like she couldn't stop what she was feeling. She always knew how to put an emotionless front on. I knew right then there I knew I had her. She finally understood why I left.

My mother takes a step closer wiping the tears from her eyes; she wraps me in a hug. It was nice to feel loved again.

" I get it ok, I get it why you left. But that still doesn't give you the reason to run away. Don't you understand how hard it's been for me, and the others? When I had seen that letter lying on top of your bed my heart sank, I couldn't think straight. I waited so long to see if you would return on your own, but I knew you wouldn't, in the back of my mind I knew. I had made mistakes I'm not proud of, but they made me who I am today. I'm proud to be the mother of a stubborn teenager, who makes everything better."

I wouldn't have thought that my mom would be staying in the mortal world with me for about 2 weeks. I thought I need to get my hearing checked. I was finally happy she was willing to meet my boyfriend, and the rest of his entire family. i knew she was going to love him and the rest of the family.

It was night and Charlie would be coming home soon, he didn't know that his wife was back home. I think this is a good thing that they see each other. It's been so many years since they have seen each other. She doesn't even come with me to see me off. She would always be watching from above. I don't know how he will react to this.

My dad is here. I don't know how to handle this situation. I can't sit, can't stay still. I walk around the table knowing it won't do anything for my nerves. He walks through the door hanging up his belt.

"Bella, what smells good?" his voice sounds closer than I thought. I don't give him an answer. I see him in the kitchen eyes wide.

"Rene?" he asked voice sounding as if something was stuck in it.

"Hi, Charlie". she said it with a little regret and happiness.

He moved closer to her, seeing as if she was real. He touched her, felling the warmness of her skin, touching those lips that he kissed a thousand times. Once he knew that she was real, he pulled her into a hug. I knew he was missing her comfort, telling him that everything was going to be ok.. He knew from this moment that everything was going to be ok.

He kissed her as if his life depended on it. From that moment on I knew everything was going to be different. Things around us are going to change for the better. We were going to be one big happy family. I knew that kiss meant something much more than it should. They kissed like how Edward and I kiss, full of love and passion. They kissed as if they were going to die any moment, as if they needed each other. I couldn't blame them. They were meant to be and I wasn't going to be in there way. They deserve what Edward and I have. If that meant moving out of the house and living with Edward, then I know my answer.