Chapter 1

Floating up in the clouds above all the mortals, yes I am a Greek demigod. So I am able to float on clouds, and mortals will never see me because I don't exist in their world. For years I have always lived here in Mount Olympus with my family and the rest of the Greek gods. I am the daughter of Rene Greek god of Aphrodite, and my father who is a mortal name Charlie Swan. The last time I had ever seen my father was when I was five, when I started getting my powers and that was when I found out what I was, what I really am. I am what you call a half breed or demigod.

I never got to see my father; mom always said that I was forbidden to go down the mortal world. What mother doesn't know won't hurt her.

I didn't want this life; I had never wanted it, to be daughter of a god. Most people thought it was the life, having people do everything for you, not doing things for yourself. But in reality I didn't want that, I am seventeen years old and I could do things perfectly for myself. I wanted a life where I could do things on my own, learning on my own, doing everything like regular normal people do. I wanted to have fun, to be myself, but couldn't. I wanted to go out like other kids my age in here. Kids my age got to do everything else that I wasn't allowed to do, like go out and have some fun, but no mother said it was bad.

This is the night where everything in my life would change forever.