"Remind me again why I'm moving the furniture away from the middle of the room," Riddick mumbled as he pushed the recliner back towards the living room wall.

Jack rubbed her large belly. "Because we need room to move. Now stop yapping and move the coffee table, please," she said with a sweet smile before slipping the grape sucker back into her mouth.

He smirked, picked up the empty coffee table and laid it upside down on the couch. Once that was done he looked back at Jack, who was staring out the window. "Do you know how beautiful and sexy you look carrying our child?"

Turning her attention back to Riddick, she smiled, "Yes! You have told me that every day for the last nine months." She giggled and spoke again, "Now stop trying to change the subject."

Chuckling, he nodded. "Fine, now what are we doing?" he asked as he stepped into the center of the room that now only had a rug to occupy the space.

Jack waddled to the radio on the entertainment center and turned on some soft music. "We are going to dance," she said as she turned back and made her way to him.

Crossing his arms over his chest he gave her his stubborn look. "I don't dance," he stated and kept the look up as she stood directly in front of him.

"Yes, you do," she told him with a smile. Uncrossing his arms for him she placed his hands on her waist before putting her hands on his shoulders. Since the baby had dropped down within the last week her belly seemed larger than normal; it didn't take much for their bellies to be pressed together. "I saw this on a movie called 'Dirty Dancing'."

Riddick smirked. "Isn't that the porn where the woman…" he started to say when he was interrupted.

Jack gasped and poked his chest. "It's not a porn, Riddick," she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

He laughed quietly, loving that after all of these years he could still tease her. Kissing her lips he took her hand in his, slowly and gently he spun her around once. "I was only kidding, baby."

"Thought you said you don't dance?" she questioned when he pulled her back to him.

He kissed her grape flavored lips again, "What I meant to say is that I don't dance often enough with you."

Jack shook her head, "Not buying it." Giggling, she was slowly spun again, but this time when their bellies gently touched Jack's eyes lit up in surprise.

Riddick's smirk drained from his face when he witnessed the look come over her beautiful and young features. "What's wrong, Jack?" he asked placing his hands over hers on her belly.

"I'm not sure, I just felt a sharp pain." Her words were calm and quiet as her eyes stayed locked with Riddick's.

Nodding, he let go of her belly and moved over to the couch. "Okay, let's get you sitting down." He was about to tell her that dancing at nine months along might not have been such a good idea when he heard her gasp behind him. Looking over his shoulder at the love of his life he followed her eyes down and groaned seeing the puddle forming at her bare feet.

"Riddick," she said, this time her voice was urgent. "My water just broke." Jack's eyes finally left the floor and looked up at him as he stood there with a shocked look on his face.

After another moment of looking at Jack's feet he looked up and nodded. "I can see that, baby," he said, smiling at her. "Looks like we officially get to meet our baby today." Riddick was already moving over to Jack. "Let's have you sit over here while I clean that up real quick," he very calmly suggested as he helped her move to a kitchen chair.

Jack sat down where Riddick wanted her to sit at. "We need to call Dr. Weeks and tell her the baby is coming," she said, watching him move quickly with a towel to clean up the floor.

"I'll do that from upstairs while we are getting you changed and grabbing your bag," he told her while cleaning the mess. "Don't want Cole to get into this; you know him he will find something to drag through it." Riddick smirked at Jack as he went to put the towel in the downstairs bathroom.

When Riddick came back out, Jack was just starting to stand up. "I really think we should hurry, Riddick," she said as he came over to help her up the stairs.

Just as they reached the top of the stairs Jack grabbed for her stomach and groaned. "Oh God," she cried out as her first major contraction hit her.

Riddick frowned as he put his arm around her and hooked his hand under her arm on the other side. "I'm sorry it hurts," he whispered against the top of her head since she was leaning against him.

"Can we please hurry?" Jack asked as they started to walk down the hallway again.

"We will go as fast as we can, baby," Riddick said as he helped her sit on the bed before he started getting her some dry clothes to put on.

Eleven hours later Jack screamed and squeezed Riddick's hand as another harsh contraction racked through her body.

"Gotta breathe, baby," Riddick said, trying to remind her of what the doctor told her to do. "You are doing so good, Jack. So good," he whispered.

Jack looked over at him as the nurse put a cool cloth on her forehead. "You try to breathe as you are being ripped apart from the inside out," she said as she exhaled through clenched teeth.

Riddick smirked at her and spoke quietly, "I sure hope our little one doesn't get your mean looks. If he or she does, I'm moving out to the barn with the horses."

Glaring at him for a moment more she ended up smiling, "I love you so much, hun."

He nodded and kissed her lips, "I know and I love you too, Jack."

The female doctor came back into the room. "I'm going to check you again to see if you are fully dilated," she said as she moved the sheet covering Jack's legs up to her knees. After a moment she smiled at Jack. "You are all set. On the next contraction I want you to bear down and push," she told Jack as she positioned Jack's legs in the stirrups.

Riddick grinned. "This is it, Jack. We will see what we created in a few minutes," he said as he stood next to her and held her hand.

Jack didn't say anything since another contraction was coming on quickly. Jack followed the doctor's directions, taking in a deep breath she held it as she pushed hard.

"One, two, three, four," Riddick counted quietly to Jack. "Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Relax!" he watched Jack lay her head back down and breathe.

"The baby is right there, Jack; I can see the head. I need you to push again," Dr. Weeks said as she looked up at the mother to be.

Jack did her best to push three more times before she shook her head, "I can't push anymore. I'm too tired," she panted as she looked up at Riddick.

Riddick leaned down and putting his arm behind her shoulders he helped her sit up a little more. "You can do this, Jack," he whispered into her ear. "You are the strongest and bravest woman I've ever met. Just a couple more pushes and our baby will be here with us."

The doctor looked up again, "Jack, you have to push."

With another deep breath taken into her lungs, Jack put her chin on her chest and started to push with all of her might. Riddick counted again, when he reached ten, he smiled. "The head's out, baby. Our kid doesn't have any hair," he chuckled happily.

Jack let out a small laugh before she breathed in again and pushed one last time.

After carrying the child in her body for 283 days, since the baby insisted on staying in for three extra days and being in labor for a little over twelve hours, the twenty three inch, nine pound, ten ounce baby made its first appearance into the world.

"It's a boy!" the doctor said cheerfully as she held the baby up for Riddick and Jack to see.

Jack gasped and felt Riddick's grip on her hand tighten slightly. "Oh my God, a boy!" she said as happy tears started to fall from her tired eyes.

"A boy," Riddick repeated quietly as he leaned down to kiss Jack's lips. "We have a baby boy," he said to her with a huge grin on his face.

Dr. Weeks got Riddick's attention and offered him a pair of scissors. As soon as Riddick cut the umbilical cord the doctor handed the crying baby to a nurse who was there to clean him up. Riddick had his head leaning against Jack's as he said wonderful things to her. It was then that one of the nurses gasped and called the doctor over.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked loudly as she seen the doctor quickly move over to where her new son lay. "What's going on?" her voice was starting to fill with worry and concern.

Riddick shook his head and tried to smile, "I'm sure everything is fine, baby." He let go of her hand and walked to where the two nurses and the doctor were standing around his son.

At first all Riddick could see was the baby's feet that were moving slightly. "He's got ten toes, Jack," he told her and grinned as his eyes scanned up towards the baby's midsection. "Definitely my boy," he said still grinning at Jack.

Jack gasped, "Riddick!" she almost squealed in embarrassment that he would make such a comment in front of people.

He chuckled and was finally able to see the baby's fingers. The little fists opened and closed as the baby squirmed and cried. "Ten fingers," he mentioned.

"Then what's wrong with him?" Jack finally questioned, not understanding why the nurse gasped and called the doctor over if the baby was okay.

Riddick moved his eyes up to the baby's chin. "He's got my chin," he said. "Your pouty lips and my big nose," he chuckled while he glanced back to Jack. He quickly turned his attention back to the baby. "And…" he started to comment on his son's eyes, but stopped when he heard the nurse speak.

The nurse who had taken the baby as soon as it was born looked at the doctor and finally whispered, "Look at his eyes. What's wrong with them?"

The doctor had a small light and was shining it into the baby's eyes. "I think they are sh…"

"Perfect," Riddick stated, cutting the doctor off. "Let me hold him," he spoke in a tone that might have been considered demanding.

The nurse looked at the doctor who nodded her approval, picking up the now diapered and blanketed baby, she handed him to Riddick. As the baby finally stopped crying and looked up at his daddy for the very first time, Riddick was looking right back. With a smile forming on his lips, Riddick whispered one word, "Beautiful!"

The End

I loved writing this couple so much that I've decided to do a sequel. I want to get a few chapters written before I start to post it though. That way you lovely readers don't have to wait weeks or months for an update! I hope everyone that enjoyed this story will come back for the next one! Thank you again for the all of the wonderful feedback.