The Last Olympian: Annabeth's POV

By: Meredith Roberson

Chapter 1: Percy Goes Cruising With Explosives While I'm stuck At My Cabin

Today was the day. The Armageddon. The supposed end of the world.

Our watchmen had sighted the Princess Andromeda and immediately sent Beckendorf to go get Percy. They had already been over the procedure a thousand times before on how to blow up the ship. Gods I hoped they were okay! Almost every time Percy and I went on a mission something had to go wrong! The first time we went on the Princess Andromeda, we were caught and very nearly killed. When we went to save the Di Angelos, we were caught and nearly killed. When we went to retrieve the Fleece for Thalia's tree, we were caught and nearly killed. See a pattern here? Why I'm worried?

Beckendorf has only been gone about fifteen minutes and I'm already freaking out! Okay, I have to calm down. I should go look at some of Daedulus's architecture designs on his laptop. That usually works. Or maybe letting off some steam in the arena? No that would just frustrate me. Ugh! To Daedulus's laptop it is!

There were amazing designs on the computer. Arches, supports, columns, and such. I could sit here forever and not look at all the genius designs on the thing! I have actually built a few models but most I had my friends in the Hephaestus cabin build them. I'm not the best at building things.

I don't know how long I had sat there just staring at the little screen but eventually I got this terrible feeling. Like someone stepping on your grave. I tried to shake it off but failed terribly. I had to sleep eventually though because it had gotten dark out.

I woke up the next day just not feeling good. I went to the showers and cleaned myself up. Not thirty minutes later did Percy come backā€¦ without Beckendorf. I paled and I could feel it. He didn't have to explain that it happened, just that it did. He reran the details by us later. Beckendorf had known it was the only way to save at least one of them. There was no other way out. He sacrificed his life to save Percy's.

I wish I didn't, but I felt relieved. If I had to choose I think I would definitely choose Percy. He was my number one best friend, and to be honest, I had a bit of a crush on the guy. I have ever since last summer. I kissed him under Mt. St. Helens thinking it would be my last chance. I had hoped things would change. But then I thought he had died and I was a wreck! I cried all day until I finally fell asleep. I had actually almost gone emo. Then he came back and I was kind of normal again. The night I saw him I was so happy! I hugged him in front of everyone before realizing what happened. Nothing was going to be normal again because by then I had realized I was about a step away from being in love with the guy! I avoided him for a little while because whenever I was around him I couldn't stop staring into his gorgeous green eyes. Yes I am that far gone. But that is beside the point.

Wow, I'm rambling about my feelings for Percy when I should be preoccupied with Beckendorf's death. Oh no. Selena Beauregard, Beckendorf's girlfriend was looking for him. Nobody had to tell her either. When nobody met her eyes she just lost it. She broke down and bawled. Clarisse was, oddly enough, the first to jump to help her. Of course I was obligated to. She had kept my secret about Percy when I told her last year. Clarisse became her bodyguard. And life went on. For most of us anyway.