A/N: I don't own anything except the plot. I wish I did own this though, I would make it sooo awesome!

Genesis: No, no you wouldn't.

Excuse me? *picks up Buster Blade*

Genesis: I mean of course you'd make it awesome! *backs away in terror*

That's what I thought. Also, major thanks and a round of applause to MyOrli. Without her this plot would suck. *Tosses her a virtual cookies and milk* Remember R&R

Chapter One

Angeal let out another sigh. He tried to focus on his issue of Garden Weekly, but his thoughts were far away. No, it wasn't on the current pain-in-the-ass mission he'd just returned from; his thoughts decided to vacation to thoughts of a certain fiery redhead. One who'd been on his mind a little too often, lately. But not just the certain redhead in particular-the hair, the voice, the eyes...

'Oh, please! Wake up, Angeal!' he cursed angrily at himself. He abruptly sat up from where he lay on his bed, throwing the magazine to the side and buried his face into his hands. 'How can someone so tantalizing manage to torture me so without even knowing it?' Genesis could have anyone he wanted...and yet he held Angeal's heart in the palm of his pretty hand. If he really wanted to, Genesis could hold the treasure dear to his own essence of life, accept Angeal into a deeper form of friendship and-

Or he could simply close his fist and crush the only sentient piece Angeal had left for him.

Angeal had never been in love before. At least, not like this. Sweet Gaia, all Genesis had to do was glance in his direction and Angeal would be willing to throw down his entire life for him...

But wait...Angeal was overlooking one important detail.

'Genesis would never want me.' He thought sadly as he ran a hand through his hair. 'If he did, then he wouldn't have run off with Sephiroth...' How long had the two other friends been together? 'Too long.' Angeal had accepted Sephiroth's relationship with Genesis...but that didn't mean he was happy with it. The general had everything he could possibly want, and he had wanted Genesis. The redhead seemed flattered by the desire, but couldn't Angeal offer him the same thing? Genesis practically charged into Sephiroth's waiting arms without so much as a second thought. They seemed happy. That was what mattered...right?

Right. Angeal would rather impale himself on his own prized Buster Sword before he would see a stroke of sadness on his dear friend's features.

Angeal sighed for a final time before deciding his mental roller coasters were getting him nothing but a headache. He stood up and tried to clear his mind.

He needed a shower.



The soothing warm water felt good on Genesis's face as he stood still under the gentle spray. It had been a long day. He should have been unable to think straight right now...but all he could find himself doing was thinking. He didn't like to think. Because every time he found a quiet moment to do so, his only thoughts dwelled on-

"Angeal," he muttered quietly to himself, slicking his auburn hair from his porcelain face. "Angeal, you tempting little devil..." he stopped for a moment and let a grim smile stretch his face. 'Why am I feeling like this? This shouldn't be how I feel. If Sephiroth...' a shudder wracked his shoulders for a moment. No, he definitely shouldn't be feeling this way. Hell, he shouldn't even be considering the thought! Besides...

'Angeal would never want me...' That was why he had so willingly given himself to Sephiroth. Perhaps to distract himself from the agony of the truth... Or maybe to make Angeal jealous? Make him want to snatch Genesis from the general's grasp and keep him for his own? No, that wasn't possible; the man was just too perfect. Not at all like the screw-up Genesis knew himself to be.

Jenova- Project G-a creation, not a birth.

A sharp throb began to swell in Genesis's right hand. Taking a look, he realized he'd just sent a fist through the marble tiles of his shower. He blinked, withdrawing his abused hand from the wreckage. All four knuckles were bleeding. Genesis cradled his hand under the showerhead as his thoughts started up again.

He knew what he was; he could hardly call himself a human being. Hell, no one else did until Angeal walked into his life. 'They were right. I don't deserve love. I don't even know what it's supposed to feel like!' With much difficulty, Genesis managed to not send his other fist through the wall.

Genesis was very unhappy-unhappy about everything. His life was so fucked up and he knew it.

He let his very blue eyes drift to the vast array of scars marring his forearms. Yes, he cut himself. Quite often. On purpose. ...It was really the only way he knew that would dull the emotional pain he always carried deep inside of him. For some reason, physical pain just didn't hurt as much as everything else. At least, when he himself did it. In fact, he had been tempted-so very tempted-on many occasions to just let the razorblade or kitchen knife drift a little closer to his wrists. Death, he imagined, was such a relief from the hell living was.

'Stop it, Rhapsodos!' with a groan, Genesis let his forehead fall against the cool tiles in front of him, his injured hand forgotten. He closed his eyes and let a different drop of water slide down his cheek. There were two very good reasons why he still hadn't ended it.

Reason One: Angeal. It would surely break the man's golden heart to discover his childhood friend had deemed life unworthy enough to continue.

Reason Two: Sephiroth. Oh, he would be so angry. Besides, he'd be waiting with a FullCure materia and a clenched fist to rain on him if he even tried.



A/N: Yay! The first chapter already done.