Hello all~ This is my pet project. I started this at the beginning of the summer, worked on it off and on between updating things and just finished it. I'm quite pleased with it. The Snow Queen is my favorite Hans Christian Anderson story by far and yet very few people seem to know about it! Shame, shame. This is overall a fairly loyal adaption of the original but I have added things in, taken things out, switched up a few things. (Made it a little more gay) I think that's about it. It's all complete so it will update frequently and will be seven installments, just like the original story. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I neither own any rights over Axis Powers Hetalia or The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson.

Once upon a time there was a horrible hobgoblin named Gilbert. He was a wicked creature, one of the worst of his kind, for he was a real demon. Nothing pleased him more than to spread misery across the land. There were many ways he did this but his favorite method was by using a very special looking-glass he had fashioned.

The glass had a distorting quality. If one were to look into it all beauty and goodness would be shrunk next to nothing while all that was bad and worthless looked blown up in size and seemed even worse. If one were to look at a beautiful landscape in it they would see only death and decay. If one saw other people or themselves reflected within they would see the worst qualities reflected back. Nothing good could be seen within the mirror and those who saw it claimed they could finally see the true face of mankind.

Gilbert thought this was great fun, making people see all the ugliness around them. And so he traveled the world showing people this distorted reflection. And how it made him laugh. But soon he grew bored. He wished to make a fool of the very angels in Heaven and began to fly higher and higher. But as his excitement grew at the thought of showing the angels how ridiculous they truly were he began to laugh harder and harder until his hold on the mirror slipped. Before he could stop it the looking-glass began to plummet to Earth until it smashed upon the ground.

The mirror shattered into millions of pieces and the fragments went around the entire world, causing more misery than ever. Some people found larger fragments and used the glass to make various items. Some were turned into windows and woe to those who saw their friends through them. Smaller pieces were used in eye glasses making the wearer unable to see anything justly. Others still were so small they could not be seen, and they were the most dangerous of all. They could get into a person's eye and from that moment on the person would only see the worst side of everything. Most dreadful of all were the fragments that pierced a person's heart, for the moment this happened it was turned cold like a lump of ice.

The hobgoblin had truly done a great evil unto the world with his looking-glass and this pleased him greatly. Gilbert was cruel and felt no remorse for what had happened. In fact it amused him so that he laughed till his sides shook with mirth.

There are many, many stories about each broken piece of the looking-glass and what troubles they caused. But this story focuses on two specific fragments that changed the lives of two boys who lived in a peaceful town. Now gather round children and I shall tell you their tale and that of the Snow King...