I have millions of Fanfictions going on now, but I seriously was going to die if I didn't start writing this before school started;D

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush or any of the songs; I do however own certain characters that will me mentioned later.


Harsh winds stormed by, howling as they past while powerful rain came forcefully down. Six year old Kendall Knight starred out at the dark Minnesota sky, begging silently for his father to home safely (a few minutes ago his mother had put his baby sister Katie to sleep so he could be alone.) Derek Knight had left one week ago on a 'Business trip' (as his mother had told him) with Aunt Morgan. But, his father most solemnly promised to return.

Kendall hadn't wanted his father to go away, even if it was only temporary. But to a six year old, one week was almost like one year! He missed how his father would always turn something sad into happy, or how he would change a boring thing into an exciting thing. But what Kendall liked most about his dad was that before he went to sleep, he would sing to him. Sing a song to him until he fell asleep. Now, some other kid may think its some normal lullaby but Kendall knew secretly that they weren't normal lullabies. They were magic song-a-byes that kept away nightmares and made your good dreams come.

Kendall jumped at the sound of . He bounded over to her, eyes wide, "Well? What the news say? Are the planes gonna make it? To Kendall's surprise, his mother began to cry. First it came slowly then she was bawling. He backed away slightly, "Mommy? Is daddy comin'?" His mother stopped for a moment, kneeling down to reach his height. For the first time, Kendall noticed his mom was holding the phone.

"Kendall…sweetie that was Aunt Morgan on the phone."

His bright green eyes widened, "Does she know when daddy comes?"She wrapped her arms around him.

"She called from the hospital, and…She said the plane crashed."

Kendall remembered his dad telling him the hospital was where the very, very sick or hurt went. "Why she there? Is daddy with her?"

She shook her head, "No…Kendall baby, he died in the crash."

Then his whole world seemed to freeze around him. Kendall also recalled his dad explaining death when his grandma had died of sickness. He said, "'Kendall, things don't last forever, sometimes things can happen or a person or animal gets to old and they die."'Right then and there he wanted to wail aloud. How could this happen? His dad promised!

"N-no. He whimpered in a small voice, "Daddy can't be dead! He promised!"

"Kendall," His mom tried; but Kendall stepped back eyes watering, he took off towards the door. He thrust it open and ran as fast as he could. Kendall thought he heard his mother call out but he ignored it. The rain stung his skin but it was nothing compared to how red from tears his eyes were. Kendall took a sharp turn right at the curb, slipping he fell into a huge puddle. Not caring much now, he lay there crying his little heart out.

**The next day**

Kindergarten is fun right? Especially the playground right? But it wasn't. At least for Kendall it wasn't. His mother had quickly found him after he fled. So, now he sat on a wet green bench starring out at his friends as they laughed, chased each other, and occasionally slipped and fell flat on there faces.

"Kendall? You okay?" One of his best friends, Carlos Garcia asked; then added, "I know what happen to your daddy."

Kendall didn't even want his friends' comfort right now. "I don't wanna talk about!" With that, he ran from them. He decided to hide directly under one of the slides where he would be unfound. Kendall blinked up at the shadows of little feet creeping above him (The teachers had told them to be carful.) All he wanted right now was to see his father.

"Hi Kendall. Kendall's third friend James Diamond exclaimed, "If you want my dad can hang with you some time, sound good?"

Kendall's mixed sadness and anger bubbled up right there and he socked James in the nose crying out, "I don't want your stupid dad, I want mine!"James gave a sniff before covering his nose with both hands; he ran over towards their teacher. So what if he tells… Kendall thought hardly.

"Kendall, we need to talk. He looked up to see his teacher Mrs. Burk. Her blue eyes weren't mad, just worried. She took him back to the green bench (James and Carlos were long gone) and sat him down, "why'd you punch James? Isn't he one of your best friends?"

"He want me to hang with his dad," He murmured trying not look away from the muddy ground.

"Kendall…I understand; I'll call your mom okay?"

He just nodded. At least he'd be going home. Away from Carlos's questions and more happily; away from James's offer. When his mother arrived, Kendall ran into her arms. He didn't want to go back to kindergarten for a while.

**That night**

After all the bathroom priorities, Kendall gratefully climbed into bed.

"Sweetie, I know it's hard right now but I promise it'll be okay."Before turning out the light, she gave him a small kiss on the forehead. Inside Kendall knew it wasn't the same as a song-a-by though. When she had closed the door, he let all of his tears come pouring out. He cried until sleep came. Kendall right then made a inside promise. That was to never let anyone replace his dad. Suddenly satisfied with himself, he let sleep take him into a dream of nothing but darkness.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this is before Logan moved there; so just clearing that up :)