Hats and Flying

Sven yawned widely as he stood in the early morning sun. Today was the day that the entrance exam to the Ranger School was held. Sven had passed his written exam even though he had only opened the book to study five minutes before the exam started. Sven's older sister, Emma, had studied for weeks before but failed. There were 52 hopefuls today and only 20 places open. The small number of students in the classes made sure that everyone got help with whatever they were struggling with. Not that Sven would struggle with anything.

Sven scanned through the crowd, trying to see if anyone was interesting enough for him to talk to. He didn't want to become friendly with someone today, only to have them fail their exam. A girl standing on her own caught his eye. Her long blue hair curled slightly and she had an air of confidence around her. She wasn't bad looking either. Sven crossed the distance between them so he could start a conversation with her. She ignored him as he went to stand beside her. Sven wasn't used to being ignored. Even at only 14, he had a knack of attracting girls. "Hey." He said and the girl finally looked at him. Her eyes reached the tip of Sven's nose, he noted. "I'm Sven." He held his hand out for the girl to shake it. Girls loved stuff like that.

This girl however, didn't seem to be like most girls. She stared at the hand for a second as if it was a dead Rattata before shaking it quickly. "I'm Wendy." She said.

"How did you do in your written exam? I got 93% without even studying."

Wendy seemed annoyed now. "I got 98%. And yes, I didstudy."

"So what are you here for?" Sven paused before announcing proudly, "I want to be a ranger."

"Same." Wendy desperately wanted to get away from this over-confident guy. Thankfully she was saved by a man standing in front of the crowd of children and turning on a microphone that was connected to the main building of the school.

"Attention everyone." Attention was gained when feedback screeched from the microphone's speakers. "When I call your name, please enter the building to your left." He waved his hand at a small building. "You will be then issued stylers and your practical exam will commence. Names will be read in alphabetical order going by your surnames.

Adams, Wendy." Wendy groaned internally. Why did she have to go first?

"Aldred, Darren

Anderson, Akira.

Ashford, Sven." Wendy cursed silently this time. It was bad enough having to go first without that guy Sven watching her every move.


Ashton, Mike." The five children, whose names had been announced, went where they had been told to. Wendy looked over her four companions. There was Sven with his shaggy black hair and blue eyes. There were two boys who stayed beside each other. One was tall and broad with short black hair, the other shorter with blonde hair. Then there was the other girl, Akira. She was tiny with auburn hair that didn't quite reach her shoulders. The five were all given the green school stylers when they entered the building. Inside, was a Pikachu that had a weary expression as if it had been captured hundreds of times before and a woman who introduced herself as Ms. Claire. Wendy nervously stepped closer to the Pikachu. The electric type lazily moved closer as well. Wendy took in a calming breath. She was ok. She could do this. She was not going to make a fool out of herself in front of that boy.

Wait. Since when did Wendy care what he thought?