They hung out on the beach until sunset, sipping cocktails and just relaxing. Alex didn't want to swim and Olivia didn't push her. Being near the water calmed Alex, and she was enjoying being here. All that existed was her, Olivia, and the beach, and that was all she needed.

Finally the air began to cool and Olivia said that it was probably time to go back inside. Alex didn't really want to, but she followed Olivia anyway. Catching the look of disappointment flitting across Alex's features, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, baby. We can come back tomorrow."

"Okay," agreed Alex softly.

They went back to the beach the next morning, too. "Do you want to come closer to the water?" asked Olivia, taking Alex's hand and leading her a bit further out. "We can wade in a bit."

Alex hesitated. "I don't want to get my clothes wet."

Olivia laughed. "It's okay, baby. We've got some more in the house. Come on."

Alex pulled off her sandals and cautiously dipped a toe in the water. The sand on her feet felt . . . nice. She looked up at Olivia, who gave her an encouraging nod, and smiled. "It's nice."

"Come in a bit further," suggested Olivia.

Alex submerged her feet, a third of the way to her knees, then bit her lip. "I don't know . . ."

"It's okay. I've got you."

Alex nodded. She'd always loved the water, and she did want to do this. She followed Olivia a couple more feet from the shore, immersing herself in water nearly to her knees before smiling up at her girlfriend.

Olivia lightly squeezed Alex's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

Alex waded out a little further, past her knees, and then Olivia felt a tight compression on her hand. Alex slipped on a rock and fell in the water, breaking her fall with her arms and immersing herself halfway past her stomach.

"Are you okay?" asked Olivia in concern, helping Alex to her feet.

But Alex's face spread into a smile. Beaming, she threw her head back and soaked her hair in the water, pulling Olivia down with her. They both sat in the water, Olivia in her bathing suit and Alex fully clothed, staring into each other's eyes. "I love the water," whispered Alex in amazement. Then she started to laugh, splashing water toward Olivia.

Olivia laughed too, lightly splashing Alex back, then pulling the blonde to her. "Love you so much," she murmured, brushing her lips against Alex's wet forehead.

Alex smiled. "Love you, too." And as Olivia leaned in to give her another kiss, Alex ducked her head underwater and splashed Olivia, getting the detective's face all wet.

Olivia spluttered, then grinned. "You little –" She pulled Alex onto her lap and began to tickle her, leaving Alex giggling helplessly.

"Okay, okay! You win."

Olivia laughed, kissing Alex's forehead. "I never thought I'd hear those words coming from you."

Alex smiled blissfully and leaned against Olivia, resting her head on the detective's shoulder. "Livvy," she said sweetly. "I can't move."

Olivia laughed again. "Of course you can't. You're all wet! You're probably thirty pounds heavier."

"I think you're exaggerating." She offered Olivia her most winsome smile and held out her arms. "Will you carry me?"

She knew Olivia could never say no when she turned on the charm, and sure enough, Olivia heaved a theatrical sigh before lifting Alex into her arms and carrying her, dripping wet clothes and all, back toward the beach. Alex wrapped her arms tightly around Olivia's neck and smiled to herself as the detective set her on the beach towel. "Let's go inside, baby, and get you out of these soaking wet clothes."

Alex smiled contentedly. "Okay."

They went inside and changed into different clothes before returning to the beach. They didn't go near the water, just lay down on their towels and held each other.

It was the best day Alex had had in what seemed like forever.

The next morning, Olivia awoke before Alex. She went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee and a cup of tea for Alex. She sat reading the newspaper and sipping her coffee, waiting for Alex to wake up.

She did a double take when she heard footsteps approaching and turned to find Alex standing behind her, clad in her red bathing suit and carrying a towel. She looked a bit apprehensive, but her voice didn't waver as she said, "Liv, let's go swimming."

And Olivia knew they were going to be okay.

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