Back on track! So I have an Edward POV for you. We get to learn about how Bella gets to the Cullen's house with Edward. Also a note about the chapter song, I have a Charmed obsession and decided that this song fit perfectly. Anyway, please enjoy.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.

You shut your mouth

How can you say

I go about things the wrong way

I am human and I need to be loved

Just like everybody else does

When you say it's gonna happen now

When exactly do you mean?

See I've already waited too long

And all my hope is gone

- How Soon Is Now (Love Spit Love)

The Other Side of Me

Chapter 8



"You are a complete idiot did you know that?" she yelled at me. "I mean what kind of person allows someone to abandon their kid for some fuck!"

"Don't fucking judge me! I mean who the fuck takes a kid from the street and brings them to get ice cream before even alerting the parent that you have them!"

A sting struck me suddenly. I realized that she had slapped me. Her face was red with fury. I really pissed her off.

"You are a piece of work and I am so glad I know what your priorities are now. You are despicable."

She walked away from me, leaving my apartment with a parting slam of the door. I flinched.

**End Flashback**

I regret everything I said to her. I regret letting Tanya seduce me. I regret not going to pick up Jessie myself. I regret fucking things up with Anthony. I just regret.

A knock on the door alerted me to the company I was expecting. Esme was supposed to be stopping by for a visit. I looked at the clock. "She's early."

I pulled open the door and froze.

"Hey Edward," Anthony whispered. His hair was messy. He looked tired but happy.

"Tony, what are you doing here?"

He ran his fingers through his hair roughly. "I am here to apologize. I shouldn't have stormed off the other day like I did. It was rude and despicable. I am so sorry for what I did."

I frowned. "I don't blame you Tony. Seriously, if it came off that way, I don't. You don't need to apologize to me. Sorry for making you believe you did."

"I don't mean to sound like a broken record but you really should tell Dad to 'Fuck off'. It will do you and Jessie some good," he said.

I sighed. "I can't. It's not fair."

"Fuck, Edward, quit being such a pussy!" he hissed.

"Get out. I won't let you yell at me when I have my son here," I whispered quietly.

"You know I actually felt bad for how I treated you but you are still as big of a pussy as you ever were." Then he left.

"Fuck," I muttered and ran after him. By the time I got out the door with my crutches the elevator doors were closing. "Shit!"

"Are you okay?" a soft voice asked on my right.

"Oh hey Bella. Yeah my brother is just pissed at me."

She nodded. "He is very intense."

"You've met Anthony?"

"Yeah, he was performing at the bar I was at," she said.

I smiled. "He is an amazing musician."


Bella and I turned. Jessie was standing in the door with the cordless phone in his hand.

"Nana is on the phone. She wants to know if it's just us for dinner or if you are bringing a date?"

"Oh tell Nana that it is just us."

"Hi Bella! Do you want to be my date?" Jessie asked ignoring me.

Bella blushed and looked at me. I shrugged. "Of course, Jessie. I would love to accompany you to dinner."

He laughed excitedly and put the phone to his ear and told Esme the news. I looked over at Bella.

"Thank you so much for what you did," I said smiling.

"Anytime," she replied, grabbing a pad of paper from next to her just inside the door and scribbled something on it. "Call me or text me with the details."

I nodded and walked into my apartment. Today was looking up.


"How are we going to tell him?" Kate whispered biting her lip softly. "He's going to hate us."

I shook my head. "I don't know but we need to tell him soon. I guarantee Dad already knows and has probably told Mom. So we have to tell everyone soon."

Kate dropped her head into her hands and started crying. "I feel so stupid. I know I shouldn't have cheated. I love you both so much."

My hand rubbed her back softly. "We'll get through this. You, me and the baby."

"Baby?" a rough, voice croaked from the door.

"Tony…" I froze, he was standing behind us.

"Please tell me you are fucking joking," he growled.

**End Flashback**

I hung up the phone smiling excitedly. Jessie was at my mom's house and everything was all set. Bella was due any minute. Just then there was a knock on my front door. I walked over and pulled it open. Bella was standing there looking like an angel. She wore a suede black dress that stopped at her knees matched it with a white jacket and black ankle boots.

"You look beautiful," I whispered.

A light blush colored her cheeks. "Thank you. Is Jessie ready?"

"He went to my mom's house straight after school. His private school is right by my parents," I explained pulling the door shut.

She clutched her jacket to her tightly as we rode downstairs in the elevator. I held out my keys to her.

"Would you mind terribly if you were to drive?"

Her eyes lit up as she took in the BMW symbol. "I'd love to! What kind of car is it?"

"Black 2008 BMW x5," I replied nonchalant. "I got it because an SUV is best for having kids. Plus it's a great car."

"Wow, the nicest car I've ever driven is a brand new Honda Civic," she mumbled.

I laughed and got into the passenger seat. She hopped into the driver's side and started up the car. She was literally vibrating with excitement. I punched in the address to my GPS and leaned back flipping on the radio to the AUX jack for my iPod.

"Do you have any particular musical preference?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Whatever is fine."

I nodded and pulled up my car playlist. My Wish by Rascal Flatts was the first song on. I watched Bella out of the corner of my eye to see what her reaction was. She mouthed along to the words. I nodded, pleased.

"So what brought you to Chicago?"

"School. I am a transfer this year. I go to Saint Xavier for English. I transferred from University of Washington."

"That's cool. What are you going to do with your English degree?"

"Well they have a Creative Writing minor to go along with it so I am going to do teaching for the English portion and hopefully write books or something with my minor," she said excitedly.

I laughed. "Sounds like you have your life planned out. So are you going to stay here or move back to Washington?"

"I think I am going to stay. A lot of my friends live here but I also have family back home so it is really a tough choice but there is just so much more out here."

I smiled. Higher by Taio Cruz came on next and Bella reached over turning it up. She sang along excitedly. "Cause I can't get enough, I can't get enough I can't stay on the ground."

I laughed. "You've got a good voice Bella."

"Liar," she giggled. "How close are we?"

"Just take a left here."

"You have reached your destination."

"Thanks Lola," Bella and I said sarcastically at the same time.

"Thank you for coming tonight, Bella. It really means a lot to me. Just to forewarn you that Anthony usually brings his best friend to these dinners and there will most likely be fighting."

"That's alright, I can guarantee that I have seen my fair share of fights."

True to my word as soon as we were inside Rosalie and Amy were at each other's throats. Anthony is a complete and utter asshole. He is a dick and a man-whore. One thing Anthony is, though, he is loyal especially when it comes to friends. Loyalty almost to the point of protectiveness. When Rose went to slap Amy he was over the back of the couch and between Amy and Rosalie. I tensed waiting for something bad, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Rose left with Emmett trailing behind her. As soon as the door slammed shut tension was thick. Jessie suddenly spoke up "Well that was fun."

All eyes snapped to Jessie who was sitting on the couch. He had a grin on his face. We all burst out laughing at that point.

"You are like your uncle, baby," Esme said, ruffling his blonde hair and pulled him onto her lap.

Headlights flashed across the window. Mom perked up, glancing over her shoulder. A car door slammed shut. It wasn't Rosalie. Footsteps crunched against the ground and stomped up the steps. Keys jingled against the door. The heavy door swung open to reveal Carlisle.

"Carlisle? What are you doing here?" Esme asked standing up quickly setting Jessie back on his seat.

"My flight was cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon so I decided to come back home." He looked around. "What's going on here?"

"I invited the children over for dinner because I'd rather not eat alone," she explained.

"And this happens every time I leave town?"

Esme's head shook. "Not always so many people. Sometimes only one of them comes. Plus it's the only time I get to see Anthony."

Carlisle's head snapped around and found Tony standing with Amy. He sneered. "I see the prodigal son has returned. Are you still whoring around? How is that shithole you call a bookstore?"

Tony's fists clenched tightly. "Still an asshole Carlisle? Living off of your son's fame? After I heart what you said to Edward I know you're a fucking failure as a doctor."

There was a thump as Carlisle's bags dropped to the floor and he tore across the room towards Anthony. His hand locked around my twin's throat, his eyes flaming. The vein in his neck was pulsing angrily. Tony struggled under our father's firm grip. That was when the shouting started.

"You ungrateful, fucking piece of shit do not fucking dare come into my Goddamn house and fucking question me. Who was it that fucking bailed you out of jail all those times? Who was it that saved your fucking life after you cut your fucking arm wide open in a piss-poor attempt at suicide? So do not act like a little fucking bitch Anthony."

Anthony's eyes flashed, he was itching to yell back but he held steady.

"Who was it that lost the best piece of ass he will ever see? You are such a fucking failure Anthony that even Kathryn chose your twin brother over you!"

Tears actually fell from my bad boy brother's eyes. Kate was one thing you never used against him. She was his Kryptonite.

"You couldn't hold onto her. She fucked your brother and had a child with him. You are a disgrace to all men. You're the reason Kathryn is dead," Carlisle growled.

Anthony's cool façade cracked. He became a broken man. He always blamed himself but to actually hear the words broke him. To watch a grown man cry was one thing, to watch my twin brother cry was heartbreaking. I was frozen in place, tear swelling in my own eyes. Jasper was the first to react. He grabbed Carlisle and pulled him back. Tony slid to the ground sobbing, his arms wrapped around his knees where he buried his face. Amy sat next to him and along with Alice they tried to comfort him.

"That was so uncalled for Dad," Jasper hissed. "He is your Goddamn son!"

"He's not my son," was all Carlisle whispered before he walked upstairs.

*takes a deep shaky breath* That was a really hard chapter to write. I hope you enjoyed it, or not. I really hate when I have to write for Carlisle but it is completely necessary. Tell me what you think. Leave a review or just fave the story.

xx K