And now we start Book 2! :D Don't expect a constant stream of updates. I've got up to 6 chapters already typed up but I'll probably be slow in getting them up on fanfiction. I thank Jinney for reading and reviewing this story thus far and I hope to have some new chapters for you. :) Dino's in this chapter: pterodactyl (ter-e-DAK-til) and maiasaura (MAY-ya-SAWR-a).

I don't own anything except Maggie.

Chapter 1

I met Buck here in the Dino World only a couple of days after I stumbled down a hole into this tropical paradise. He was - adventurous and crazy. I tried to survive on my own and succeeded for a while, but when I met Kid the maiasaura, I realized that I would need some help. Buck became our guide through the dangerous jungle. He got me out more scraps then I can remember. I thought I had different feelings forming for him - but then I found out that he already had a mate. A pineapple. I guess he's crazier than I thought. He asked me to stay and be his 'sidekick'. I'd rather have some company than being alone again. So now we're on our way back to the Dinosaur Plateau, but the path he chose is not the same we took to get here.

Maggie jumped off of the last rock and onto solid ground. She looked back with a frown on her face as she watched Buck dispatch the last of the creatures that had been coming after them. He jumped the rest of the way over to where she stood and grinned at her. "Well that was easy!" He declared in his accented voice.

"Sure." Maggie answered, sarcasm dripping from her words. "It was really easy jumping from rock to rock for our lives. A real picnic." Her brown eyes examined his red-brown fur for any cuts. "At least you didn't get hurt."

He grinned lopsidedly as he hoisted his knife over one shoulder and a coil of vine over the other. "You did a great job gettin' ovah he'ah. Now! Let's go hitch ourselves a ride 'ome, shall we?"

Buck began walking off, leaving a confused female weasel to chase after him. "What ride?" She asked, "And why aren't we going back the way we came? I thought you said we wouldn't need to go across the Plates of Woe."

"That was for our trip to whe'ah Kid's mum lived." Buck informed. "We needed ta go this way to get back 'ome."

"But how, Buck?" She pressed.

He tossed one of his smiles over his shoulder at her. "You'll see!" They continued on towards the lava waterfall that was in the distance. Buck stopped at the edge of a cliff and stood staring up at the sky. Maggie on the other hand was looking down at the river of lava below them.

"So Buck," She began, "where's our 'ride'?"

"Comin'." He answered still looking up.

"But Buck -"

"Look Mags," Buck sighed, turning to look at her. His one blue eye sparkled with excitement but there was a trace of sane seriousness in his eye as well. "Do ya trust me?"

Maggie searched his face, looking from his leaf eye-patch to the grim line that was his mouth. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Yes, Buck. I do." His smile returned, full force. Holding out his hand, he waited. Glancing from his face to his offered paw, Maggie reached out her right paw that was bandaged with a green leaf up to her elbow. Their claws entwined before he turned to face the edge again.

"Right!" He announced, "Here come's our ride!" With a shout, he dragged Maggie in a flying leap off the edge. Maggie was screaming as they fell, but Buck was in the middle of one of his joyous battle cries. He managed to free his paw from hers as he ceased shouting. Maggie's eyes screwed shut at the fear of being left alone to fall but felt his arm wrap around her waist before her feet touched something solid.

Opening her eyes, Maggie found that they had landed on a pterodactyl. Buck was using the vine to steer the giant flying dinosaur. He grinned down at her. "Fun huh, Mags?"

"No." She gasped out as she continued to cling to him. "And I'm not too crazy about flying either."

He chuckled. "Ya don' hafta be. Cause I'm crazy enough for the both of us!" He released his hold on her so he could hold both ends of the vine. Maggie shifted to stand behind him so she could wrap her arms around him.

She really didn't have a fear of heights, just falling from them. "So - why didn't we fly from the Dinosaur Plateau instead of walking the whole way?" Maggie asked curiously.

"Kid woulda been too heavy. That an the dactyl here wouldn't of like carryin' a dino that far." Buck answered. "Sit back and relax. It'll be a long ride." Maggie didn't sit or relax. She hung onto Buck, watching the scenery below their feet. After a while, she felt her eye lids beginning to droop.

Buck noticed her arms loosening and glanced over his shoulder to see if she had relaxed like he had suggested. He smiled and chuckled when he saw that she had fallen asleep standing up. Clasping his knife between his teeth, Buck did some tricky maneuvering so that he was sitting. Putting the vine rope in one paw, he pulled Maggie into his lap. He told himself it was so he could make sure she didn't roll off the flying dino. Once he had gotten into a comfortable enough position, Buck returned his attention to flying.

Maggie shifted in her sleep, curling towards the warmth that Buck offered. He glanced down at her in surprise, unsure as to what he was supposed to do. He had never really dealt with female weasels all that much before. She sighed, a smile spreading across her face. Buck felt his own smile growing at the innocent and peaceful expression on Maggie's muzzle. He had never seen here like this before. He absentmindedly began wondering what his pineapple mate would think of the she-weasel. The two would get along, of that he was almost certain.

Buck's ears twitched as Maggie whimpered in her sleep. Looking down, he saw what looked like pain and fear on her face. He bent towards her and spoke softly in her ear, hoping to send away whatever plagued her dreams. "It's a'right, Mags. You're safe." He felt a strange sense of accomplishment when she sighed and smiled again. Well, he would convince his mate that Maggie was a good weasel should he need to. He wasn't going to give up his new friend.

Maggie yawned and blinked slowly. She was someplace warm, that much she knew. And this someplace was soft and - moving? Trying to wake up a little more, Maggie's brown eyes focused on the light brown fur that was in her line of sight. "Have a good nap?" The soft pillow asked her. She looked up to find herself in Buck's lap. Feeling the heat of embarrassment, she tried to get out of his lap. His arms did not move though. "You'll fall if ya try to move now. Ya might as well wait till we land."

"I'm sorry for falling asleep on you." She glanced away, trying to avoid looking at him.

He laughed. "You've been through a lot, Mags. The last time ya had a chance ta sleep was the night 'fore we went through the Cave of Fe'ah. That wasn't all night eithah."

Maggie nodded. "I almost forgot about that."

"Think ya might be up to steerin' for a while?" Buck asked offering her the reins.

She looked up at him in surprise, forgetting her embarrassment. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "You'll need ta learn sooner or later if ya will be goin' on adventures with me."

Reaching out hesitantly, Maggie took the vine in her paws. "O-okay..." She listened to his instructions and did exactly as told. Eventually a smile broke out on her face. "This isn't so bad."

"See?" He grinned. "I told ya -" Buck was interrupted by a screech from over head. Looking up he growled. "Damn!"

"What?" Maggie turned to look up as well.

"Looks like our ride has some friends that aren't very happy we're ridin'." Buck stated as he moved Maggie off his lap so he could stand. "Maggie, can you ste'ah us while I keep them off our tails?"

"Sure, but how are you going to do that?" She asked eying his knife that was once the big dinosaur Rudy's tooth. "They won't get close enough for you to use that."

Buck glanced down at the trees below them. "If ya can get us close enough to those trees the'ah, I can grab some stink berries that I've used before on these guys." Maggie began shaking her head, eyes wide. Buck patted her shoulder reassuringly. "I trust ya Mags." She gulped and trained her gaze on the foliage below. Banking the pterodactyl, she aimed for the trees as Buck instructed her. He grabbed the berries, a vine, and a sturdy twig. "Pull up!" He shouted as he began fashioning a slingshot. It was finished just in time to take aim and fire at one of the closer dinos. Maggie tried to zigzag out of reach while Buck shot berry after berry. "I'm outta berries!" He called to her.

Maggie looked down and shouted, "There aren't any more trees!" She was right. They were flying over Razor Mountain and all that was visible was the crack where green gas rose up and the fog that hid the deinonychus herd. Maggie's eyes widened. That was it! The fog! "Hold on!" She shouted as she forced the pterodactyl into a dive.

"Oiy!" Buck called in protest. Just as Maggie had hoped, the pursuing dactyls followed.

She strained to see through the thick fog, unsure how long till she was near the ground. Eyes widening, she leveled out almost too late. "WOAH!" She shouted. The shriek of one of the flying dactyls and a thud alerted the weasels that the trick had worked and one less pterodactyl was following them. Maggie weaved around rock as they sprang into view, listening in satisfaction as the chasers ran into the unexpected obstructions. They broke through the fog and almost instantly - ran into a tree branch. Maggie and Buck went flying over the pterodactyl's head that they had been riding and tumbled down to the forest floor. The air rushed out of Maggie's lungs.

She lay motionless, staring up in shock as the remaining flying dinosaurs made sure their friend was all right before they all flew off back towards the lava waterfalls beyond the Plates of Woe. A breathless giggle escaped her lips, followed by a short laugh. Soon she was gasping for air because she was laughing so hard.

Buck sat up and looked around for his knife, worried for his partner. Had she breathed in some of the gas as they flew over the Chasm of Death? Picking up his knife from where it stood, point buried in the ground, Buck walked rushed over to Maggie. "Are you a'right, Mags?"

Barely managing to open her eyes long enough to see him hovering over her, Maggie burst into another peal of laughter. "Tha-that was - fun!" She gasped out as tears trickled down her face. She kept laughing as she sat up, gasping for breath.

"You were a good drivah." Buck smiled, waiting for her hysterical laughter to subside. Eventually it calmed to hiccups.

"You -hic- really -hic- think so?" Maggie asked, still smiling.

"Aye." Buck answered, offering his paw for her to take so she could stand. "Come on, let's find something to get rid ah those hiccups."

Again, please be patient with me. School has started and I don't know when I'll be able to post next. =/ Review please! :D