AN: Bully is such an underrated fandom. D: We really love it, so expect this to turn into a nice, long fic, eventually. Don't forget to review. c:

Disclaimer: We don't own anything~

Petey looked at the clock with a sigh. When he slipped into the library to lose the jocks that had set their sights on him, he didn't expect to stay there quite so long. But he couldn't help lingering for a while when a book caught his eye. It was fairly new and in good condition, by Bullworth's standards, anyway, and dealt with many different aspects of psychology. It was a subject he had always been somewhat interested in, but had never taken the time to really look into. And it wasn't until coming to Bullworth that he actually gained a reason to look into it: Gary Smith. Let's face it, the kid was a psycho. Petey knew it by the end of the first day he came to the school. And of course, with his luck, they had to share a room. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Petey gave a small smile to the librarian before deciding bringing the book with him wouldn't hurt and walking over to the check-out desk. "I'd like to rent this one."

The librarian returned the smile before taking the book and quickly scanning the bar code. Petey was one of the few students, besides the nerds, that she actually didn't mind too much. All the others were barbaric and idiotic clowns. They had no business being in her library. She handed the book back to Petey, curious as to why he had checked out this particular book. "This is due back in two weeks."

"Alright, thanks." Petey put the book in his bag, looking outside to make sure the coast was clear before heading back to the boy's dorm.

Gary was lounging on the couch of the commons room in the boy's dorm, a stress ball getting abused in his left hand. The school had decided counseling would be a good idea for the young sociopath. Gary, however, thought differently, and made it his mission to all but force the counselor to quit. It had gone better than he thought; after only two sessions Gary had convinced the woman with his charm the he was perfectly stable, mentally or otherwise. He had been sent off with nothing more than the stress ball he currently had for situations in which he might lose his temper. Now he was bored. He had already run off every boy in the commons, and he was hoping for some entertainment. Maybe that new kid, Hopkins, would be worth investigating.

Petey glanced at the back of Gary's head as he walked by, putting his bag down in the room they shared. It was kind of creepy when he just sat around by himself like that, but by now Petey was almost used to it. He walked back to the commons room, a little curious about what the other boy was thinking about, and sat on the couch. It wasn't like he had anywhere else to be right then, anyway. "Hey Gary."

Gary smirked when he felt the couch sink with Petey's weight. Petey was always the most fun to torment, it never got old. "Hey Femme-Boy." He shifted on the couch so he was facing Petey, one of his legs bent and the other across the boy's lap.

Petey ignored the leg in his lap, figuring Gary just wanted to get a reaction out of him as usual. "Don't call me that. Do you know where the remote is?"

"Why do you wanna know? You gonna watch the sports channel again? You like to watch the girls in their swimsuits don't you?" Gary elbowed him in the side a little rougher than necessary. "Or is it the boy's swim team that you like so much?" Since he didn't get a reaction from the way they were sitting, Gary decided he would just have to try harder.

Petey winced, rubbing his side and scooting further away from Gary. "Don't be such a jerk. And for your information, I wanted to watch Lost."

"And what in the hell is Lost? Hm?" Gary asked, leaning in, knowing full well how much Petey hated having his personal space invaded.

"A show that makes absolutely no sense." Petey leaned further away and pressed himself against the arm of the couch, not wanting to give Gary any more attention than he had to until the other boy was bored of bugging him. "You'd probably like it," he muttered quietly.

"No sense? You're right, I probably would like it!" Gary grinned. "I have an idea." He got up from the couch, yanking Petey up with him.

Petey managed to stop himself from making an incredibly embarrassing squeaking noise as he was pulled to his feet, stumbling a little. Any chance he had of watching TV was definitely gone at that point, so he figured he might as well find out what his new plans for the afternoon were. "What kind of idea?"

"I'm gonna take over the school." Gary's voice was firm, as if no amount of persuading could change his mind. And he knew exactly how he was going to do it, too.

"Oh come on, Gary. That's dumb." Petey wasn't sure why anyone would want to control their dump of a school, let alone Gary.

"It's not dumb, Petey." Gary looked down at Petey, a look in his eye that spelled disaster for anyone he was going to use in his new plan. "It'll be the start of something huge. We need that Hopkins kid."

"We? I don't want a part of something like this. Besides, Jimmy seems nice." Great, now Gary wanted to start dragging other people into trouble, too.

"Jimmy doesn't look very intelligent. Which is perfect for what I need him to do. Not like anyone else here has half a brain, either." Gary smirked. "Everyone is so easy to manipulate." He headed for the door, a firm grip on Petey's elbow as he headed for the football field.

Petey frowned, following the taller boy. Not like he had much of a choice. "My brain works fine. Why are we going here?"

Gary ignored Petey's futile attempt at a comeback. "Because," he said as he stood at the top of the steps and surveyed the field, "Jocks are the most brainless of all."

"Gary, tell me you aren't gonna mess with them."

Gary grinned over his shoulder at Petey. "What else are they good for?" He headed down the cracked cement steps to the field where the jocks were practicing their plays and one of the smaller jocks, Kirby, had the ball.

Petey sighed as he followed, trying not to think of how many ways things could go horribly wrong. He wasn't doing a very good job of it. Meanwhile, a particularly sloppy pass from Kirby managed to fulfill one of those scenarios by whacking him upside the head with the football and knocking him to the ground with a yelp.

"Uh...guys, can we count that as a goal?"

Gary didn't even try to stop himself from laughing as he outright pointed at Petey. "Way to take one to the face, Femme-Boy!"

Ted, the captain of the team, just shrugged. "I guess so, it made it over the goal line."

Petey groaned, shooting Gary a glare and rubbing his forehead before standing up. "It's not funny!"

Kirby grinned proudly. "Good."

"Okay, practice is over for today, guys." With that Ted and the rest of the team climbed the stairs, headed for the gym's locker room.

"Hey Kirby," Gary said, grabbing the shorter boy by the arm, "You got a sec?" Without waiting for an answer, Gary pulled the boy behind one of the stands. Kirby yanked his arm away, annoyed at being dragged off. "What do you want? I gotta catch up with the guys."

Gary didn't say anything before leaning in and pressing his lips against Kirby's. It was obvious that Kirby was in the closet. Well, it was to him, at least. And he planned to use it to his advantage. He could care less that he was kissing another guy; things like that didn't really bother him. And he was only using Kirby, after all.

With a strangled noise that he would never, ever admit was a squeak, Kirby shoved the taller boy away with both hands. "What the hell?"

Gary held back a smirk as he ran a thumb over the boy's cheek in mock care. "Don't say that like you don't know." He leaned in to kiss Kirby again, but stopped just a breath away. He knew exactly what he was doing to the jock, and everything was going according to plan.

Kirby backed himself up against the back of the bleachers with a slight shudder and a glare. "Back off, man."

"Is that really what you want, Kirby?" Gary matched his steps and was once again in front of the boy, their height difference more prominent in such close proximity.

Kirby pressed himself against the bleachers, his glare starting to look just a little uncertain. "Yes."

"I need a little favor," Gary said as he rested his hands on Kirby's hips, giving them a quick squeeze. "How about helping me out?"

Kirby shuddered a little harder than before, trying to decide if he wanted to lean away from Gary's touch or further into it. "It, uh, depends on what you want."

"You heard of that new kid, Hopkins?" Gary knew at this point he had won for sure. He was that much closer to his goal.

Kirby furrowed his eyebrows a little, nodding. "Yes? What about him?"

"I need you to convince the jocks to hate him." If his plan was going to work, he had to get all the cliques to hate Jimmy. Then he would have no one to turn to but Gary.

At that point, Kirby just wanted to get back to his room, away from how confused Gary was making him. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Great." Gary gave Kirby one last quick kiss to seal the deal before walking out from behind the bleachers.

After wiping his lips off with the back of his hand, Kirby hurried back to his room in a daze. When people told him Gary was weird, they definitely weren't kidding.

"Alright, who's next?" Gary mumbled to himself as he wandered Bullworth's campus in search of his next victim. He knew every clique had at least one person who was gay, but he figured with some cliques it would just be easier to convince the leaders by lying. Lying would be the way to go with the preps, so he headed off towards Harrington house thinking of some insults he could throw at them.

Derby, about to head to the gym in town, frowned when he saw Gary approaching. "Is there a reason you're over here? I hope you know no one will be letting you in."

Gary rolled his eyes. "I just came to see if you've heard about all the things that the new Hopkins kid has been saying about you." These guys were even bigger jerks than Gary, and that was saying something.

Derby's eyes narrowed, his trip to the gym forgotten for a moment. "What? What kind of things?"

"Just that you're all inbred and you have webbed toes." Gary shrugged. "But who would believe that? I mean he's just the new guy, where does he get off saying things like that about the upper-class of Bullworth?" Too easy. Give these guys a few compliments and they're on your side in no time.

Derby let out a low growl, sneering. "Is that so? Well then, I'll have to let the others know. He's going to regret this."

"I figured as much, the jocks aren't very happy about him either. Though I doubt you care what they think." Feeling like his job was done, Gary headed in the opposite direction, back to the boy's dorms. Once he was back inside his own room he looked over at Petey who seemed absorbed by the book he was reading. Feeling a grin form on his face, Gary snuck up behind the other boy, taking hold of the back of his chair and jolting him. "Petey!"

Petey shrieked, dropping the book and covering his mouth. "Gary, you jerk!" His face felt hot, and he grabbed the book and returned it to his bag while he waited for the embarrassed blush to fade away.

Gary nearly died! He felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes as he held his stomach, nearly doubling over from laughing. "W-wow, Petey, that was the best one yet!" Straightening himself up and fighting back another wave of laughter, he retrieved the book from Petey's bag. "Symptoms of mental illnesses? What is this?"

"It's for an essay," Petey answered far too quickly, hoping he didn't sound too suspicious. He should've known better than to think keeping the book with him wouldn't end horribly like everything else. His face was still a little red as he tried to snatch the book out of Gary's hands.

Gary frowned as he held the book up and out of Petey's reach. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?" He flipped to a page with a pink bookmark in it, momentarily scoffing at it before scanning the page. "You think I'm a sociopath?"

Petey bit his lower lip, looking guilty. "I don't think that, Gary. Come on. Give the book back."

He was a little pissed that Petey was doing this behind his back, but that was outweighed by his amusement for Petey's apparent concern for his condition. "What else have I got?" He turned a few more pages before losing interest and tossing the book on the desk where it thudded loudly.

Cringing a little at the noise, Petey put the book back into his bag. "I'm telling you, it's for an essay I'm writing. You're just being paranoid."

"So I have paranoia, too?" Gary smirked as Petey became more flustered and animated in his attempt to convince him. He looked over at the alarm clock they shared, the smirk never leaving his face. "Hey, isn't it past your bedtime?"

Petey stammered a bit before giving Gary a resigned sigh, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere at the time. "I don't go to bed for another hour," he answered seriously, not quite catching on that he was still being made fun of.

"Whatever, Femme-Boy." Gary yawned as he laid down on his bed, arms behind his head. He watched Petey sit at the desk and do homework for what felt like forever. He was almost asleep when Petey finally stirred.

Petey stifled a yawn with his hand as he stood up and grabbed his pajamas, changing into them. He wasn't sure if Gary had fallen asleep yet, but after he had turned off the light and curled up under his blanket, he mumbled a quiet 'goodnight' to the other boy.

Petey must've been really tired to have changed in front of him. He usually went into the bathroom that was connected to their room when he changed, and Gary was mildly surprised by just how effeminate he really was. He ignored the boy as he continued to watch him from his bed.

Figuring Gary wasn't even awake anymore, Petey didn't think much of not getting an answer. He pulled his blanket up further, quickly falling asleep.

Gary closed his eyes, but he couldn't quell his thoughts. His mind was racing with plans and ideas, and he couldn't keep up. He sat up and took one quick glance at Petey before getting up and getting the book back out of the other boy's bag. He took a seat on the edge of his bed, and switched the small lamp on his nightstand on. Glancing over more of the pages he discovered that people that had these illnesses might be even more messed up than he was. He would have to meet those people. After reading the book for a while and finding himself nodding off every now and then, Gary looked over at the clock. The red digital letters read 2:00 am. He dropped the book back in Petey's bag before collapsing on his bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Petey had managed to sleep pretty well, and the next morning he even managed to convince Gary to go have breakfast with him, once he got him out of bed. He never did understand why the other boy was so hard to wake up at a decent time. He grabbed an apple from one of the baskets in the cafeteria, glancing at Jimmy sitting by himself and giving him a small wave before looking back to Gary. "What are you gonna eat?"

Gary yawned, too tired to be angry at Petey for waking him up so early. He looked at Jimmy briefly before grabbing a banana and peeling it. "This."

Jimmy waved back to Petey from his table, and considered going to sit with him before he spotted Gary. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't trust that guy. He got up and left before Petey had time to invite him over.

Taking a bite out of the apple, Petey blinked when he looked back and didn't see Jimmy. "Hey, where'd he go? Weird." Hoping someone had warned Jimmy that the only safe food in the cafeteria was in the fruit baskets, he sat at a table to finish eating.

Finishing the banana in three big bites, Gary tossed the peel on the floor. He hoped a nerd would slip on it before he left, but he doubted it. "Who cares where he went? I do need to talk to him, though." He looked over at the entrance to the cafeteria and was mildly surprised when he saw Kirby walk in.

"You're still going through with your ridiculous take over the school plan? Come on, Gary," Petey said with a frown.

Kirby glanced at Gary and looked around the cafeteria as inconspicuously as he could, making sure none of his friends were around before greeting the taller boy. "Hey Gary. Hey shirt kid."

He smiled charmingly at the boy. He knew his plan from yesterday had worked, and that he had at least confused Kirby enough to fall into his trap. "Did you do me that favor?" Gary figured that since Petey was so against his plan, the less he knew, the better.

Petey huffed when Gary ignored him, confused about why this guy was even talking to them. How did Gary convince a jock to help with his crazy schemes? "My name is Petey."

"I took care of it," Kirby answered, shrugging off Petey's reply.

"Perfect. Did you want to do something with me today?" He gave the jock a sultry look as he stood up.

Petey made a face before standing up as well and walking out, not particularly interested in watching Gary try to charm his way into their classmate's pants, which left Kirby standing there trying to figure out what to say.

"Uh. Well I'm sorta busy, I dunno..."

Shrugging, Gary walked past the shorter boy. "Maybe some other time, then?"

Kirby drummed his fingers on the table for a moment before looking back at Gary. "We could see a movie tomorrow. If you wanna, I mean."

"Sure thing." Gary waved without looking back and headed for the dorms. Maybe it was time for a break from the plan, to let things sink in. In the meantime he would mess with Petey, but how? Since Petey already thought he was a sociopath, perhaps he could make him think he had other illnesses too? Making a sharp turn, Gary instead went to the library, plopping down in front of a computer.

He searched the web for all kinds of disorders and symptoms before finding a few he liked. "Let's see here...maybe I should just have a bunch of symptoms and let Petey figure it out. That seems much more fun." Gary continued to mumble to himself as he planned out his new little scheme.

After storming off, Petey actually found himself getting a little bored. That tended to happen when he wasn't around Gary, and it annoyed him to no end. It made him seem so dependant. Shaking his head, he picked up the book that had been getting so much of his attention lately and flipped through it a bit more.

Jimmy had seen Petey go back to his room, and since Gary was nowhere in sight, he decided to follow him. "Hey Pete."

"Oh, hey Jimmy." Petey put his bookmark back and put the book away, giving Jimmy a smile. "You disappeared pretty fast earlier."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Jimmy said as he took a seat on the bed next to Petey, "Gary just gives me the creeps, you know?"

Petey couldn't help laughing a little at that. "He creeped me out at first, too. I'm used to him now."

"How long have you known him?" Jimmy put his hands down on the bed, his left brushing against Petey's thigh.

Petey couldn't help being embarrassed when he flinched a bit at the contact. "A little over a year."

"I almost feel bad for you." Jimmy laughed as he set his hand on Petey's knee. "Jumpy much?"

Petey felt his face flush as he laughed a little. "Sorry, Gary's been sneaking up and trying to scare me a lot, lately."

"Why?" He slowly slid his hand up the smaller boy's leg, feeling him tense up. He wasn't all that sure what he was doing; did he have a thing for this guy?

If there was one thing Petey knew how to do, it was to completely ignore a problem and hope it got better. So when Jimmy's hand stayed on his leg, he forced himself not to think about it and tried to keep the conversation going. "Uh, he wants to see what kind of embarrassing noises he can scare me into making. It's fun for him."

"That does sound like fun." Jimmy wondered just exactly what kind of noises Petey did make, and figured he might as well find out. The hand that was still slowly moving up the other boy's leg finally reached its destination as his fingers brushed over Petey's crotch.

Admittedly, the ignore-it-and-pray-it-goes-away method wasn't usually very reliable. Petey made a shrill squeaking noise and grabbed the bigger boy's wrist, his face redder than ever. "I-I think you need to stop."

"Sorry, I-" Jimmy was interrupted by a cough. Turning to look at the doorway, he frowned when he saw Gary. "What're you doing here?"

"This is my room." Gary narrowed his eyes when he got a good look at the situation. "Do I need to come back later?" He crossed his arms; this wasn't what he was expecting at all. Damn Jimmy.

Petey practically cringed at the tone of Gary's voice. He was pissed. "I-I, um, no. It's not what it looks like, Gary," he stammered as he pushed Jimmy's hand out of his lap, wishing he had something to say that didn't sound so damn ridiculous.

"Maybe you should go." Jimmy was skeptical about how tough Gary really was, and to prove his point he snaked an arm around Petey's waist.

Gary clenched his teeth. Screw this bastard, he was going to make Jimmy Hopkins' life a living hell. Forcing himself to put on a cool facade, Gary smirked. "Glad to see you're finally getting some action, Femme-Boy. I figured you swung that way. Wait until everyone hears about this." He then walked out before either of the other boys had a chance to say anything. He knew Petey would be scared shitless, but Jimmy had no idea of what was to come.

"Jimmy, you made him mad!" Petey gave the boy an almost frantic look. Gary already made a good portion of Petey's life hell, but if he followed through on that threat then he might as well have painted a big red target on his forehead. And the most frustrating thing was that Jimmy didn't even seem to care what anyone thought!

"It's not that big of a deal, Pete."

Petey sighed, flopping back on the bed. "Tell that to Gary."

Gary spent the rest of the day going from clique to clique making sure that by the end of it, everyone was against Jimmy Hopkins. After meeting up with Kirby around 7 pm Gary relaxed a little while listening to him go on about that day's football practice. He wasn't paying particularly close attention through most of it, as he was still plotting against Jimmy and coming up with ways to make Petey think he was crazier than he really was. "Hey Kirby, let's go back to my room." He put an arm around the boy and gave a quick tug, hoping he would get the idea.

Kirby froze in the middle of explaining his favorite new play the team had come up with, leaning into Gary a little. "Uh, sure."

"Good." He slid his hand down to rest on Kirby's hip before leading him back to the boy's dorm and into his room. "Home sweet home."

Glancing around nervously every now and then, Kirby followed him. "Hey, don't you have a roommate?"

"Yeah, but he shouldn't care since he was getting it on with Hopkins this afternoon." He sat down on his bed and pulled Kirby into his lap. Petey usually showered around this time, so he wanted to make sure that the boy would get a show when he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Sick," Kirby muttered, scrunching up his nose. "My roommate is always bringing people back to the room with him." Without the danger of being in public, he was feeling a lot less nervous and a lot more curious as he tried to get comfortable in the other boy's lap.

Gary laughed as he ran his hands down Kirby's sides where they came to rest on his ass. "Who's your roommate? What's he do with them?" He wondered just how easy it would be to get into this boy's pants. By the way he was adjusting himself in his lap, he figured not too long.

Kirby squirmed, trying to figure out what to do with his hands and finally settling for resting them on Gary's shoulders. "Trent, and he does all kinds of things. Doesn't even care if I'm in there."

"Be a little more specific, hm?" He gave an exploratory squeeze and grinned at the look on Kirby's face. "Does he do anything that interests you?"

"I don't watch, man. Gross." Kirby leaned closer, licking up the side of the taller boy's neck to see if he could get a reaction.

"Well, if there's a show-" Gary couldn't stop himself from gasping at the sudden sensation. Kirby was braver than he thought; he'd have to get back at him for that one. He brought one hand around to run down Kirby's chest and stomach before it dipped into the waistband of his pants and boxers.

Kirby shivered, squeezing Gary's shoulders in anticipation. He thought it was about the time he should've been saying things were going way too fast, but he didn't feel anywhere near ready to stop yet.

When Petey stepped out of the bathroom, he must have stared for at least half a minute before mumbling a rushed apology and hurrying out of the room. He did not need to see that.

Gary snickered at Petey's reaction. He had been wondering how much further he was going to have to go before he decided to walk in. "Well that was fun, but it's getting pretty late and you should be getting back to your room."

Kirby went a little pale at the thought of someone seeing them, but it was just that wimpy kid, so he hoped no one else would find out. "Uh, yeah, see you later." He stood up and adjusted his clothes a little before going to his own room, giving Petey the most threatening look he could manage as he passed him in the hall. Petey just sighed, going back into the room and sitting on his bed without bothering to look at Gary.