AN: Alright, time for an AU! :D We aren't sure how many chapters this will end up having, but there will be a second one at the very least. We love reviews, so if you like it, tell us!

Disclaimer: We don't own anything~

Kakashi didn't look up from the book he was reading until he reached his destination, marking his place before closing it and glancing up. "Sakura, did those test results I asked you about come back yet?"

"They did, but..." Sakura trailed off as she scanned the results for what seemed like the 30th time. "Something is off. Take a look." She handed the clipboard, decorated in child's stickers, over to the man.

Kakashi hummed a little as his eyes quickly scanned over the papers. "Well it's not what we originally thought, that's for sure. There's no way he just has the flu. We need to run a few more tests."

"Would you like me to have the receptionist call Mr. Umino and set up another appointment?"

"Yes. And do me a favor, make sure I'll be the one seeing him."

"Yes sir." Sakura gave the doctor a quick bow before reclaiming the chart and making her way to the reception desk. Kakashi grinned a little as he walked off and went back to reading. It was annoying that his diagnosis had been wrong, but he didn't mind getting to see a cute patient again. The woman at the reception desk gave Sakura a small smile.

"Need something?"

"Yeah." She dropped the chart on the desk and laughed a little when the receptionist jumped. "Dr. Hatake was actually wrong. He wants this patient to come in again as soon as possible. Can you make any room on the schedule? Thanks, Hinata," she added, walking away before the timid woman got a chance to answer. Hinata nodded, even though Sakura had already made it halfway across the room by then, before looking at the chart and dialing the contact number.

Iruka Umino, groggy from his head cold, knocked a few things off the nightstand attempting to get a hand on his phone. "Hello?" He finally managed after getting the device up to his ear and clearing his throat. Which, incidentally, had been very painful to do recently.

Hinata cleared her own throat as well, reminding herself to speak up. "Hello, is this Iruka Umino?"

Blinking a few times, Iruka sat up, trying to clear the fog of sleep from his head. "Yes."

"Dr. Hatake would like you to come back for a follow-up appointment. Your tests are showing different results than he expected."

"Oh..." Iruka wasn't sure how he should take the news. It definitely worried him a little. "When should I come back?"

"When are you free? I can try to work you into the schedule sometime that's convenient for you."

"Well I took some time off work so I don't get the kids I teach sick. So any time is fine for me right now." Iruka put his hand over the receiver as he went into another coughing fit. He'd lost count how many he'd already had today.

Hinata quietly waited for the coughing to stop before speaking. "Would you prefer it to be tomorrow or this afternoon?"

Iruka chewed his lip as he looked at the flecks of blood left on his hand once the coughing had receded. "Th-this afternoon if at all possible."

"Could you make it here at 3:00?"

"Um, what time is it now?" He felt silly for asking, but he wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep.

"It's almost 2:00, sir."

"Oh!" Iruka nearly flew out of bed, grabbing some clothes that he hoped were clean off of a chair. "I can make it!"

Hinata jumped at the sudden change in the volume of Iruka's voice. "I-I can fit you in later if that's too soon, really."

"No, sorry. I can make it, thank you for calling me." Rifling through drawers he found a brush and ran it through his tangled hair a few times before holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder to put his up in a high ponytail.

"You're welcome. Just come to the reception desk when you get here, you won't need to wait."

"Alright, thank you." He hung up and quickly finished getting ready, and eventually made it to the hospital with five minutes to spare. He remembered what the soft-spoken receptionist told him and went straight to the front desk. "I'm Iruka Umino, I had an appointment at 3?"

"Go to the first room down that hall," Hinata said, pointing him in the right direction. "Dr. Hatake should be with you in just a few minutes."

He nodded, recognizing the voice as belonging to the girl he spoke on the phone with. He gave her a quick smile before going into the room she had directed him to. It was the same room he had been in during his last visit. He took a seat on the bed, cringing at the sound of the paper that crinkled whenever he moved.

As the receptionist had predicted, Kakashi walked into the room not long after Iruka had gotten himself situated. "Mr. Umino. Sorry you had to come back so soon."

"Oh, no, it's no problem. But the woman who called said that you didn't think I had the flu anymore?"

"No," Kakashi replied, sitting in the chair near the bed. "It's not the flu. The problem is I don't know what it actually is. I need to run more tests."

"Oh..." Iruka felt a bit uneasy knowing that even a doctor had no idea what was wrong with him. "What kind of tests?"

"Hey, don't worry, I'll take good care of you," Kakashi said with a grin, hoping it would help the man calm down. "Nothing awful. I'll need to take some blood samples."

Iruka fought down a blush. Was his doctor flirting with him? He pushed the thought out of his mind, deciding he was probably just delusional from the fever. "Alright."

Smirking a little at the faint blush on Iruka's face, Kakashi pushed the man's sleeve up and rubbed disinfectant on his arm. "Needles don't bother you?"

Iruka instantly looked away. Of course needles bothered him! "N-no."

Kakashi couldn't help laughing as he got out the needle. "Well how about you close your eyes anyway, just in case? Keep your arm relaxed."

"O-okay, sure." Iruka squeezed his eyes shut and hoped he was relaxed enough. He found that he was even more terrified with his eyes closed. He was more sensitive to the doctor's touch, and much more unaware of what was going on around him.

Kakashi gently touched the man's arm before sliding the needle in, and it was all over in a matter of seconds. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Awful! It was positively awful. Iruka could just feel the blood draining from his arm, and thinking about it only made it worse. He was pale, and his head spun as he tried to get a grip.

Great. Hopefully this guy wasn't a fainter. "Hey, talk to me."

Iruka opened his eyes and focused on the doctor's too close face. "H-huh?"

"Don't pass out on me. Breathe steadily."

"I-I won't." He chewed on his lip and shivered. The room felt colder than before. Rubbing his arms, he started to feel a little better than before.

Kakashi forced himself not to laugh. He'd seen little kids deal with getting blood taken better than this. "Lay down if you need to."

Iruka nodded and laid back onto the bed, sighing as the nausea left him. "So what will the blood tests tell you?"

Turning his back on Iruka for a moment, Kakashi prepared the blood to be sent off. "I just want to see if I can find anything abnormal. I can figure out a plan of action from there, and we'll get you healthy again."

"Okay, that sounds great." Iruka let his eyes slide closed as he listened to the quiet shuffling noises coming from the doctor's direction.

"I'm sure it does," Kakashi replied with a laugh. "You feeling any better now?"

"Yeah, a lot." Feeling well enough to sit up, Iruka looked at the doctor. "I feel terrible about this," He said as he laughed and rubbed the scar across his nose, "but I can't seem to recall your name."

"Dr. Hatake. Just call me Kakashi." Watching Iruka's actions made his own scar itch a little, but he managed to will it away. "I'm glad you feel better."

He nodded and smiled. "Alright Kakashi, um, when should I expect another call from you?"

"Probably tomorrow. Would you mind if I just called you myself instead of having the receptionist do it?"

"Hm? No, I don't mind." Was he that sick? He must've been if Kakashi was going to personally call him, right?

"Great," Kakashi replied with a smile. He grabbed the man's hand and opened a pen, scribbling a phone number onto his palm. "This is my cell number. Call me if you think you're getting worse, alright?" Okay, maybe he was being a tiny bit too forward this time.

Iruka couldn't stop the blush this time. Was this really happening? An incredibly handsome (and most likely wealthy) doctor had just given him, the poor teacher, his phone number. That's it; he was hallucinating. He was still at home lying in bed, dreaming of the doctor whom he'd been fantasizing about since he'd first gone in for a check up.

Kakashi watched the man's reaction, holding onto his hand a little longer than necessary before releasing it. Alright, apparently forward was good. In that case, a little teasing couldn't hurt, either. "Starting to get a fever? Your face is pretty red."

Feeling his face get hotter, he rapidly shook his head. "N-no, I'm fine." He got up from the bed and stood there awkwardly for a moment, not sure of what to say.

"Well alright. Go home and get some rest."

Iruka nodded and left the small examination room. He glanced at his hand a number of times before getting into his car and making the short drive back to his apartment. Kakashi waited until Iruka was out of sight before tracking down Sakura and tapping the young nurse on the shoulder.

Giggling obnoxiously at something the new intern, Sasuke, had said, Sakura turned to look at Kakashi. "So, how'd it go?"

"Depends on if you mean the appointment or the flirting," he said with a shrug. "I got a blood sample, so hopefully we can see what the problem is after more testing."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "You know it's against regulation to do that with the patients." She gave him a sly grin. "How'd it go anyway?"

Kakashi grinned back, laughing a little. "You say that like I follow all the other regulations. It went pretty well, I'd say. His face was as red as a tomato by the time he left."

"Aw, how cute. You know he's an elementary school teacher right? You should take it easy on him."

"I know he is. But that's no reason to go easy on him. I figure he's gotta be pretty tough to deal with all those kids every week."

"Hm, I suppose you're right." Giggling, she poked the doctor in the side. "But that's not what I meant by easy." She walked off, following Sasuke, leaving Kakashi with a vague idea of what she had meant.

Not that Kakashi spent too much time thinking about it, anyway. He took care of the rest of his appointments that day fairly easily, since none of them really required much of his attention. Iruka, however, was on his mind most of the time, and not just because he was cute. It had been a long time since Kakashi had been wrong about a patient's diagnosis, and it bugged him to no end.

Iruka was bored out of his mind, he hated not being at work, but on the other hand he didn't want to risk the health of his young students. Nothing was on television, and there was nothing that looked good in the fridge. If his mysterious illness didn't kill him surely it would be boredom. It got him thinking though. Just how sick was he? Dr. Hatake had seemed pretty concerned with the fact that he didn't know right off what was wrong with him. He pushed it to the back of his mind and picked up his phone."Naruto?" Apparently he had fallen asleep again, because there was a text message on his phone from the blond boy from about fifteen minutes ago. Checking it, he nearly jumped out of bed. Naruto was on his way over! He'd be here any minute! He hastily put on a pair of comfortable sleeping pants, and a light cotton shirt. His hair was put up into a messy ponytail, pieces of hair hanging in his face. He picked up as best he could, the initial burst of energy quickly leaving him as he slumped onto the couch.

Naruto knocked on the door, his arms almost completely full instant ramen cups. He was gonna help his teacher feel better whether he liked it or not! "Hey! Are you up yet?"

Picking himself up from the couch, Iruka made it over to the door, opening it and offering Naruto a tired smile. "Hey, let me help you with that." He grabbed a number of the ramen cups, being careful not the drop them. Naruto really didn't need to bring so much. Setting them on the counter he watched Naruto do the same. "You know, this really isn't necessary, I'm fine, Naruto." He ruffled the boy's hair and took a seat at the table.

"It was too! Did you find out what's wrong yet?" Naruto put the remaining cups on the counter, crossing his arms. "How many of these do you want? Just one for now?"

Iruka laughed at the stern face the usually smiling boy gave him. "Just one." He really needed to stop thinking of Naruto as a boy. He was a man now, with a job as an intern at the local hospital. "No, they're not sure yet. Dr. Hatake took a blood sample and said he would call as soon as he found anything out."

Naruto blinked as he filled the cup with water and put it in the microwave. "That perv is your doctor? He's supposed to never be wrong."

Iruka blushed. He couldn't say Naruto wasn't right, but he wasn't about to agree and risk being questioned about it. "He seemed pretty upset about it, he said that he would know for sure soon though." He sighed as he watched the cup turn inside the microwave.

"He's kinda weird, but he's a good doctor. I bet he'll have it figured out by the time he calls you," Naruto replied as he got the cup out and stirred it before setting it down in front of Iruka.

Getting a spoonful of noodles, he blew on it carefully. He and Naruto had always loved ramen, it was what the had for lunch nearly everyday. He made quick work of the cup before throwing it away and smiling at the blond. "Thanks again for doing this for me."

"You know I don't mind. I just want you to get better soon."

Iruka laughed and gave him a quick hug. "You better go before you catch this bug."

Naruto returned the hug, pouting a little. "Fine. Hurry and get better."

"Okay, I will. Have fun at work." Iruka liked to tease the boy since he heard about Sasuke, the 'incredibly attractive, yet still an asshole of an intern.'

"Better not be implying something. See you later." Naruto laughed and lightly punched Iruka's arm before going back to his car and driving to the hospital. After glancing at his watch, he hurried in, hoping no one noticed he was a little late.

Iruka smiled and rubbed his arm as he watched Naruto leave. He grown up so much since he was a little ten year old kid. He remembered that year so well. It was Iruka's first year of teaching, and of course he would end up with the biggest trouble maker in school. Naruto didn't cut him any breaks. They eventually made a truce and since then Iruka had always watched out for went back to his bedroom and picked up the piece of paper he had written Dr. Hatake's number on before punching the numbers into his cell phone.

Kakashi barely glanced up from the test results he was holding to pick up his phone and answer it, actually sounding serious for once. "Hello?"

"Hello Dr. Hatake, it's Iruka. I was just calling to see if you had the results of my blood test, I hope I'm not being a pest." He took a seat on the bed and scratched his nose, feeling embarrassed even over the phone.

"Iruka, I'm glad you called. I want you to come back to the hospital as soon as you can."

"Hm? Like right this second?" He was confused. Why was Dr. Hatake sounding so urgent?

"If you can." Kakashi scanned over the paper again, shaking his head. "I don't know exactly what's wrong. I've never seen this happen before."

" it bad?" He didn't know? Well that didn't exactly put Iruka at ease.

Kakashi paused for a moment, wondering exactly what to say. "It might be," he finally replied, laying the test results down. "I don't know for sure. I want to keep an eye on you."

"Okay...I'm not feeling too doctors still make house calls?" Iruka felt almost ridiculous asking such a thing, but he figured since Kakashi was being so straight forward he could be too.

"I can come over if you want. It'll be about half an hour. Are you resting?"

"Yeah, I've been in bed most of the day. My friend Naruto came by with ramen earlier. Do you happen to know him? He's a nursing intern at the hospital."

"Good, you should stay in bed for a while. And yeah, I know him. I didn't know you two were friends." Kakashi went out to his car, holding his phone up with his shoulder as he started the drive to Iruka's house. "I'm glad someone's taking care of you."

"He's a really sweet kid when you get to know him, I used to be his teacher. I live in apartment 145. Do you need directions?"

"Is that so? I've been hearing a few different things about him. Nah, I have your address on file. I'm on my way now."

"Oh, alright. What have you heard about him? Has he been making trouble?" Feeling light-headed again, Iruka laid back on to his bed.

"Not really. One of the new interns is pretty annoyed with him, though." Kakashi managed to arrive a little faster than he expected and parked his car outside the apartment building before heading inside and up to the floor Iruka's apartment was on. "Hey, I'm here."

"Already? Okay." Iruka wondered then just what kind of car Kakashi drove. Was he one of those rich doctors who drove sports car? He ended his daydream about Kakashi's life just as he opened the door. He smiled. "Come in."

Kakashi ended the call and put his phone back into his pocket, grinning a little. "Nice to see you again."

That grin was just too much, Iruka felt his face get hot as incredibly erotic images and thoughts filled his head. He was not that kind of person! He furiously tried to push away the ideas and focused on the handsome man in front of him. "S-so...what did we need to talk about?" He continued his mental scolding as he tried to pay more attention to what Kakashi was saying, and less about the way his lips looked as he spoke.

"I really have no idea what's wrong. Sorry if that's not too reassuring, but like I said, I want to keep an eye on you for any changes. I'll get you healthy again. Mind if I sit down?"

"Of course! Sorry, please come in, I'm not really thinking straight right now." Iruka gave the couch a quick once over, pleased that it was clutter free.

Kakashi sat down and couldn't stop himself from continuing to grin a little. "Don't worry about it. You have a pretty nice place."

Iruka sat down next to the doctor, making sure there was still a good bit of room between them. "Thanks, it's usually not this dirty. I just haven't felt up to cleaning you know?"

"Doesn't look dirty to me. And I'm not going to bite you, you know. Well, unless you ask," Kakashi replied with a laugh.

Again, Iruka felt his face heat up. Why did he have to say things like that? Did he just have no clue about innuendo, or was he completely aware of what he was doing? If he was why would he be doing it with him of all people? "Uh..." He hand no idea what to say to that, what could he even say?

"Whatever you have, it doesn't seem contagious. You could sit a little closer."

Well..." Iruka chewed his lower lip as he scooted closer to the doctor, tensing up briefly when their thighs connected. He wondered what in the world he was doing. Well, he was obviously flirting back with his doctor, but why was the real question.

Kakashi laughed, putting his arm around Iruka's shoulders. "Too forward?"

"I uh...I just..." He fidgeted with his hands, feeling incredibly awkward. When was the last time he'd even been in a relationship? Oh yeah, that time with Mizuki. Too bad he had to end up being a creep that preyed on elementary students. Iruka had felt guilty for months afterward, feeling like he was at fault for not realizing that Mizuki was that kind of person. Ever since then, he'd really never been very interested in dating, and since no one had taken an interest in him until now he hadn't even thought about it.

"You can just tell me to stop, you know."

"I don't know if I want you to..." He felt like slapping himself, he could only imagine how stupid he had just sounded. 'Seriously Iruka? Come on, you couldn't come up with anything better than that? He's gonna think you're a fifteen year old girl.'

"How about you tell me what you do want," Kakashi asked, pulling him closer.

Iruka blushed furiously. At this close proximity he could practically smell Kakashi. He couldn't say that he didn't like the man's scent, it sent chills down his spine as the doctor's breath brushed against his cheek. He tried to think of something clever, or even sexy to say, but all that came out was, "I-I dunno."

"Guess I'll just take the lead, then," Kakashi said with a shrug before turning Iruka's face towards him and pressing their lips together.

Iruka's hair practically stood on end. He kissed back without any hesitation, the timidness slowly leaving him. The man was obviously very experienced with the way he moved his lips. Iruka just tried to keep up as the kiss became more heated.

Now that he was sure Iruka didn't mind his advances, there was no way Kakashi was about to hold back. He was barely stopping himself from jumping the man, but he managed to settle for pushing his shirt up and running one of his hands up Iruka's stomach and chest.

Shuddering at the contact, Iruka pressed even closer to the man. Was it wrong to be intimate with your doctor? He didn't quite care at the moment as he slid his arms around Kakashi's neck, loving the feel of his soft hair against his arms. He nearly jumped when the ring of a cell phone went off. He broke the kiss to look down towards Kakashi's pocket. "Are you gonna get that?" Iruka half hoped that he wouldn't answer, but his hopes were dashed when Kakashi took out the phone and flipped it open in one fluid motion.

It never failed, someone always had to call him at the worst times. He tried his best not to sound impatient as he answered. "Hello?"

Iruka only then noticed that he was nearly panting, he felt hot all over, and any place that Kakashi had laid his hands on pleasantly tingled. He listened as a rather dramatic voice was heard over the phone, Iruka could practically hear the man striking a pose as he spoke. Whatever the call was about, it must've been important with the way Kakashi's one visible eyebrow furrowed. Iruka had never stopped to wonder why Kakashi covered that eye. Was he blind, injured, was it missing? He figured it was none of his business, and wasn't planning on asking. He waited patiently for the conversation to finish as he watched the man.

"Somehow you always manage to mess things up in ways I never thought were possible," he muttered, shaking his head. "I'll be there soon, just leave the computer alone." Kakashi didn't bother saying goodbye before hanging up and giving Iruka an apologetic grin. "I really have to go for now. Some other time?"

Iruka blushed and rubbed the scar on his nose in embarrassment. "Um, sure." He wasn't sure what the strange feeling of disappointment was that was filling up his chest, but he knew that he didn't want Kakashi to leave. "When can I see you again? And when will you know what's wrong with me?"

"You'll see me tomorrow, if that's okay. I still want to keep an eye on you. And I don't know when I'll have it figured out, but I won't stop trying until I do."

"Well alright, tomorrow it is then." He gave Kakashi a polite smile as he walked him to the door.

"Remember to get plenty of rest," Kakashi said, sounding just a little more serious as he walked out, waving over his shoulder. "See you later."

Iruka gave a small wave and felt at twitch at the corner of his lips. That man was really something else, he was really looking forward to the next time he would see the doctor. He headed back to the bedroom and sat on the bed. What was he supposed to do now? He considered cleaning up, but feeling another wave of nausea hit him he decided against him.