
Okay this one takes place after the major sweet kiss at the end of Stoned. I don't know about you, but I squealed as soon as Allison pushed Jack up against the wall and kissed him back. It's about time that they got themselves together. I still don't trust Old Spice and damn it, Beverly is back. Didn't we finally get rid of her?

Jack finally kisses Allison...'nough said.

Still don't own them, still wished I did.


Allison was kissing him, finally. Jack couldn't be any happier than he was at that moment. Zoe was going to be okay, yeah he wasn't happy about her crush on Zane, but it was only a crush...he hoped. He felt bad that Jo had to find out the way she did, and he hoped that she would be alright. But, not even that could take the joy out of his heart.

Jack had finally done it, he'd kissed Allison and she'd kissed him back. It only took him four years to man up and do something about him and Allison. He loved her, he'd even told Kevin that. Now he just had to tell her that. He needed to tell her now, before he lost the nerve to ay it.

He pulled back and smiled as he looked at her. She had a matching smile on her face. "I love you Allison, and I always have." He told her finally.

Her smile never left her face. "I love you too Jack. So, where does this put us? I mean are we a couple now or what?"

Jack pulled her over to one of the sets of chairs and they sat down. "The way I see it Allison, if I had my way, I'd say that we're together. Yes, we're a couple." He said.

She smiled again and leaned over, kissing him again. She felt giddy and happy, and it was a feeling she hadn't had in a long time. "Okay, it's official then. We're together."

He smiled back at her. That meant that Grant was history and he didn't have to worry about him trying to take her away from him. "Why did I wait four years to do this?" He asked himself, out loud.

"I don't know Jack, why did you wait four years to kiss me?" She also asked.

"I don't know either, but I plan on spending a lot of time to make it up to you." He promised.

"I'm going to hold you to that promise Jack." She told him.

"It's one promise I plan on keeping Alli." He said as he leaned over and kissed her again.

Zane walked out of the infirmary and saw them kissing in the corner. "Get a room you two." He said before heading off.

Jack and Allison pulled back and laughed. "Cone on, I want to say goodnight to Zoe before I leave." He said.

"Yeah, I wanna check on her before I leave too. Wanna come over for dinner?" She asked as they went into the infirmary.

"Sure, let me go home and change and I'll come over." He said before they got to Zoe's bed. He'd finally gotten the one thing he's always wanted, Allison.


I hope that this was an enjoyable story, thanks for reading. Please do me a favor and review it.