We ran outside to see Ren standing there, and I saw him blast Trunks, "TRUNKS!" I screamed and ran over to him, silent tears were following out of my eyes, he was hurt badly.
"Gohan, take him to the medical bay at Bulma's." I said, then he picked him up and flew away, I turned to Ren, and went super saiyan.
I flew up to him, and kicked him in the ribs, hearing the cracks of the 4 ribs he broke.
He then punched me, but I stopped it by grabbing his hand, and squeezing it, "AHH!" he screamed from pain, and I let go, and blasted him.
Hours pasted, with us fighting like this.
I then hyper jumped behind him, and blasted him, and he fell to the ground, "It's not over yet!" he screamed, then blasted me with the rest of his life energy, he fell dead, annd I fell from pain.
Trunks POV
I woke up, looking around to see I was in mom's medical bay, "What?…" I said mumbling, then I remembered, I jumped up, opened the window and flew right out, I heard Gohan follow me, but I didn't care, what happened to Avril.
I kept flying tell I was at Goku's house, I saw everyone was surronding someone, I saw Ren dead, then I saw the person they were surronding was Avril. "No." I whispered
Avril's POV
I was now laying on my back, taking in sharp, quick breaths, with everyone around me.
"Is she going to be okay?" Pan asked.
"Ok? Selena said, "OK!" she yelled angry while crying, "There is blood surronding her, she can barley breath, and you think she and everything is going to be ok!" she shouted.
"Don't worry Pan, I will be Ok, after the pains gone." I said very quietly, giving her a tiny smile.
"What does that mean!" she said crying now also.
"It means I'll be gone, but I'll go to the other world." I replied to her.
Then I saw Trunks, and Gohan flying to Trunks up above us, I heard "No." whispered from Trunks mouth, then a few tears escaped my eyes.
Trunks and Gohan flew down, and everyone made an opening for Trunks, Trunks ran over to me, and was holding my hand, "I am soo sorry I let this happen." He said.
"It wasn't your fault." I said.
"Yes it is!" he screamed.
"Trunks, since the day I was born, I was suppose to die on this day, in fact I was born only for this day, my mom told me not to love, don't make any friends, because today, was suppose to die." I said, crying now, my quick painful breaths turned in too, short, longed, shaky breaths.
Then we all heard, a voice, my mom's voice. "Mom?" I asked.
"Yes Avril, well, it seems you broke all the rules I gave you, but don't worry because I am breaking the last one for you." Her voice said, then disappeared, I felt me regaining health, in a couple of minutes, I was completely healed, I stood up, and Trunks kissed me, but this time, he deepened the kiss, and Goten kissed Selena.
This is were I want to be even thought things can be… complicated.
*Sniff Sniff* this was the last chapter! Hurrah, but, its still kinda of sad that it is the last! But, ya, I never got that many reviews for this thing, so review, and tell... all of your friends!