Grimmjow's point of view

My sister and her two servants excited the little shop they had decided to go in after Neliel spotted what she thought to be the perfect dress for her mistress. "So you found another idiot to be your servant?...great…let's just hope he can fight." My irritated sister scoffed. It was obvious to me and everyone here who knew her that she was in one of her bad moods. She wasn't found of going out to cities and towns she preferred the plains and forests so whenever she was forced to go to an inhabited area and man did she make it known. Her whole demeanour changes when she forced out into these places. Normally she was a hyper and childish person but in the cities and towns or when in a fight was like this. It almost made me think she had two personalities but I know that wasn't the case.

"I'm not an idiot! And I can fight just fine thanks! I don't see you out on the streets fighting for your life or to get food!" Ichigo's outburst surprised me at first but then it brought a grin to my face. Looks like Ichigo and Ogichi are twins in more than one way, though it seems Ichigo is set off easier than his albino counterpart.

"Is that so? Well I'm afraid I won't believe that until you prove it and this little outburst you're having now sure isn't proving that you're not an idiot and this outburst also happens to show me that if you're angry you are wide open." As she spoke her last few words my sister's right feet thrust up in a front kick knocking the pore boy unconscious.

"Brother!" Karin and Yuzu I believe they're called hurried to their brother the smaller one of the two examining the boys chin and the back of his head. She was smart for her age already knowing that after someone is hit in the head and hits the ground you need to check both the place of contact and the back of the head for injuries. especially the back of the head in this case because he could have a conscious, though I don't think my sister hit he quite that hard.

"SHEARIA!" Oh crap. Ogichi charged at my sister for a second time today this time managing to slip past both Harribel and Neliel. How? I'm not too sure, those two were top notch fighters and I don't think I have ever seen Ogichi get past them before.

"Ogichi I'm fine calm down." My eyes widened along with Harribel's, Neliel's and my sisters. Ogichi simply whirled around watching as his brother slowly got to his feet. He waved a bit, his sisters standing close in case he fell but he didn't and instead he grinned at my sister.

"You're quick and flexible too and I guess your kicks pretty strong too but nothing I can't handle." It was like he was taunting her and doing one hell of a job of it. "But you're a girl was I'm not surprised that's the best you got…or where you holding back because you thought you could kill me?" Watch it Ichigo you're hitting nerves you don't want to be hitting.

"Sorry Brother," Crap formal tone he's screwed. "Looks like you'll have to find a new servant because this one is as good as dead." I said nothing. Might as well see how long the boy would last but of course I was planning on stopping her before she killed him though. "Harribel keep Ogichi out of this and Neliel?" The bubbly girl skipped up to her mistress. "Grab the girls I don't want them getting hurting hurt." Neliel nodded and disappeared the girls soon following after with two little 'eeps' of surprise. I heard Neliel land somewhere behind me with the two girls and stepped back a little bit myself, giving my sister so more room but staying close enough to jump in and save the boy whenever the time came.

"You bitch!" Ogichi growled, his foot stomping on the ground, body jerking left and right as he tried to get Harribel's iron grip to loosen. He had no luck of course, Harribel was known for her grip.

"You think I'm going to lose to you? Tch fuck you bitch! You can't do shit!" That sounded weird coming from Ichigo's mouth I'm not sure why though it just didn't seem like him, though who am I to say I just met the boy. Still my gut was telling me something wasn't right with what the boy was saying. "Well you going to come at me or what? Oh did you realize a girl can't win against a boy and you've lost your fighting spirit now." He's doomed.

"You'd do well to watch what you say boy." I could feel the anger and murderous intent radiating from my sister as her smirked at Ichigo. Her fangs got longer along with her nails, more like claws now as she hunched forwards, blue eyes glaring at the orange haired boy.

"Awe like at the little kitty-oohp!" He cheered as he jumped gracefully up into the air my sister's claws narrowly missing the skin of his legs. Suddenly he disappeared for sight and my sister was left in astonishment along with myself and her two servants and Ichigo's brother. "You ain't gonna hit me again." Ichigo's voice echoed around us, it sounded like it had before his true personality showing in it, well what I thought was his true personality.

Suddenly Ichigo was behind Shearia his sword at her throat his other arm around her waist holding her to him so she won't get away if she could find a way around his blade. "I would rather not have to hurt you I don't like hurting woman, and that's just my morals I mean no disrespect by it. What I was saying earlier was just to get you to act more rashly." He explained and me sister chuckled. "Humm?"

"You're an interesting one. Grimm you really know how to pick them." She chuckled again as I grinned at her, seeing as she had calmed down. "Lets go home hum?" She inquired and nodded to Harribel to let Ogichi go.

"So you got faster Ichi?" Ogichi asked with a tilt of his head, he was cute when he did that. Yes I did just call him cute and you know what I don't care it's what I think so HA.

"Yep, I am a cheetah after all Ogichi." Ichigo replied with a grin getting a wide grin from his brother in return.

"A cheetah? That's a rare find." I stated my sister nodding in agreement. I shrugged and turned to leave town. "Well lets get moving the suns going down." Everyone agreed and we headed back to the palace.

GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Well there! I updated and this story is back up and running! You can thank "The Game of Thrones" for that! Now I better get some reviews or this story will be lost yet again but don't go expecting quick updates even if I do start writing another chapter for this tonight cuz' if I don't feel the story I can't write the story. REVIEW!