And Henry was right.

They would be okay.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Jessica tapped Natalie excitedly, jumping up and down. Natalie groaned and rolled over in her bed.

"We have to start cooking!" Jessica cried.

"Jess, it's 5 in the morning, we're not eating until 6 at night. We have plenty of time…go back to bed."

"But I'm already up!" Jessica cried.

"Shhhh." Natalie hushed her. "You'll wake Jason." Jessica covered her mouth when she realized she might have woken her baby brother up. And of course the cries from down the hallway began. Natalie sighed and began getting out of bed.

"Sorry." Jessica whispered.

"It's okay, c'mon a head start on the cooking can't hurt." Natalie said, taking her daughter's hand. As they walked down the hallway to the nursery, Henry walked out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.

"DADDY!" Jessica cried, jumping into his arms.

"Hey, kiddo. Happy Thanksgiving." He muttered tiredly, kissing her cheek.

"Happy Thanksgiving." She repeated, resting her head on his shoulder. Henry smiled, and leaned in to quickly kiss Natalie.

"Good morning." He whispered. She rolled her eyes.

"Were you an early riser today, Jess?" Henry asked and she smiled and nodded. Henry chuckled, and they all went into the baby's nursery.

Henry put Jessica down as she ran over to a set of blocks and began building with them. Natalie was lifting 7 month old Jason out of his crib. Henry and Natalie had gotten married a few months after the accident, and she soon became pregnant with Jason.

Henry had been the happiest person in the world when he found out he would get to be there for his child, this time. For the pregnancy, and the birth, and all of the firsts he had missed with Jessica.

Henry wrapped his arms around Natalie's waist from behind as she held and gently bounced Jason. Henry kissed her neck.

"Happy Thanksgiving." He murmured.

"You too." She whispered.

"Did you hear Jason?" Henry cooed, reaching for his son and taking him from Natalie.

"It's turkey day! Turkey day! Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble." Jason shrieked with laughter at the faces Henry was making and both Natalie and Jessica laughed.

"Can we start cooking?" Jessica asked.

"Yes. If your Dad can handle your brother." Natalie teased and Henry stuck his tongue out.

"Let's go." Natalie said, taking Jessica's hand.

Diana and Dan arrived later, along with Henry's brother, and his fiancé, and Henry's mom. Him and her had worked things out but his Dad was simply a lost cause. His mom had lunch with him, but came over their house for dinner. Everything was going smoothly, as Henry promised things would.

Two years later Henry and Natalie added two more babies to the bunch – one boy, William Dean, and a girl, Kathryn Alexandra. It wasn't planned, but once they were sure they were financially stable, they couldn't wait to have two new children in their lives. They dealt with problems in their relationship, and more family issues, and problems with the kids, and problems with their jobs, but they stuck it out as they always did, and lived happily ever after : D

I really couldn't think of a non cheesy way to end – so I picked the cheesiest!

Please review and let me know about your thoughts on this chapter and the story!
