A/N: Really really small Fic. Takes place right after CLOAK and the elevator scene.

Please review


Could work for either of them though. Tony or Ziva.

Fine. I give up. You win.
I lied. I'm not over you. My heart is breaking.
Are you happy?
I'm killing myself trying not to think about you.
I tried pretending I was over you and that I had moved on.. But I'm tired of pretending.
I thought that pretending I was over you, would eventually help me get over you. But nothing helps.

Because once you're heart has started breaking, nothing can stop it, except for the one who holds the pieces.

The problem is, you hold the pieces to my broken heart, but you have no desire to fix it.
So I give up. And you win.


Told you it was small. R+R!