New Story!

Summary: A Green-centric fic that goes through his childhood and adolesence. Pairing may vary.

Feel free to suggest a pairing. Shounen-ai or het is accepted. So is Daisy/Green. But romance is quite light^^; I will make a chapter for each pairing suggested but it will never be the main ship^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon Special.

I hope you enjoy :))

My best friend Red moved to Viridian city when I was five. Although we kept in touch, I still felt a bit lonely. I was an orphan, my grandfather and older sister being my only family, but both were always busy, and none had time left for me.

My grandfather was a world renowned professor, he was always stuck in his lab, and I hardly ever saw him go out. All I could remember that he had white hair with a mix of gray and a few wrinkles on his face. My sister, was a student at the nearby school, she was ten at that time, just a small gap between us but it seemed that studies was more important to her than a little brother. She wanted to be like our grandfather more than anything, and she was going to let nothing stand in her way.

And thus, most of the time, I played alone. Even as I started kindergarten, I was a loner; I hated being called, "Professor Oak's grandson." I just wished that they would stop. It was like they did not know me as myself, only as is grandson or Daisy's bother, never did they say "Green Oak".

A year later, my grandfather disapproved of my low grades. I never bothered to study that well since they would credit my grandfather and never my efforts. I was a spoiled brat. He just sighed, I wanted him to get angry, and it could at least show that he cared, even just a little bit. But he didn't, he never did. He just sighed.

"Green, I'm sending you to Johto to train under my friend."

I was surprised. Did he not want me here? Was I nuisance? Did I disgrace our name? Was he disowning me? Those kinds of questions filled my mind, at that time I could not understand why he did that and I could not feel anything else except for utter hatred.

"So you're Professor Oak's grandson, huh?"

"Stop calling me that," I murmured.

"What was that you said, little boy?"

The man sure was a buff person. His hair was spiky; it reminded me of my own hair. His sideburns reached to his moustache but surprisingly, he did not have a beard. He also had a lot of muscles, especially on his arms. You could sometimes see the veins as he makes his hand into a fist. He did not have a shirt and it revealed his rather plump stomach. I take back what I said, he was not that buff. He wore worn white slacks with black sash acting like a belt.

That man was Chuck, a person who I was forever grateful to.

"I said to stop calling me that. I have a name, you know," I snorted.

"Geh, what a rude boy, I oughta teach you some manners."

He picked me up with my shirt and I was stunned. I was scared, but there was no way I would admit that.

"Lemme go! Lemme go!" I whined.

"Well, let me ask you nicely then, what is your name, boy?" He looked at me with intimidating eyes and I knew that he could see the fear in my eyes. I looked away from him and whispered my name.

"Hey, when you're talking to someone, speak up! Let your voice be heard! And have some eye contact, boy!"

I looked up, right at his face; I stared at his fierce eyes. I gulped but my pride would not let me admit that. "G-green. Green Oak."

Chuck suddenly started chuckling, his laugh was so loud that it was almost deafening.

He put me down and I fell to the ground, I bet that no other six-year old had to go through this.

"Green Oak, huh? Strange that I don't often hear that name."

"That's 'cause nobody ever calls me that." I said in a low voice.

"Didn't I just tell you to speak up, boy?" He looked at me and I could not tell whether he was angry or not.

"I-I..." I hated to stutter. "My name is 'Green', not 'boy." I said firmly.

He grunted. "Well said, now your first should get used to being called "Prof Oak's grandson". Accept it, it's a fact. You should be proud of it instead of telling everybody not to call you that. Then again, it's not like they ever hear you though!" He snickered and that made me angry.

"Stop it! Nobody knows me! To them, I'm just my grandfather's grandson and nothing more. Everything I do, all the credit goes to him! Most of them don't even know my name! Tell me why I should be proud of it!" I may have been on the brink of tears; I never use my voice like that. My throat hurt, I expected him to get angry at me or even laugh again. I just hung my head in shame.

I was surprised by what he really did. He patted me on the head and gave me a big grin. He kneeled down and looked at me in the eye.

"Look here. You're Green Oak and nobody else. Even if they call you by names like "Professor Oak's grandchild" or any of the sorts, you are still you. They might say that your talents are because you are his relative, but I don't believe in what they call talent. What makes you recognized is through your hard work! Talent is a good head start, but everything comes from scratch. Samuel Oak started like that too. If you work hard enough, people might even call him 'Green Oak's grandfather.'"

He chortled and removed his hand from my head. I could not help but stare at him.

Something changed that day. I no longer loathed the fact that I was his grandson. I looked up at Chuck and started to cry, for once I did not let my pride get the better of me.

End of first chapter. Feel Free to Critique =))