A/N: At last, the final chapter is here! Loose ends are tied up (somewhat-a certain prophet character being troublesome on that end) and things are completed! (almost) In any case, thank you to everyone who has reviewed, and thank you for sticking with this story until the end. Enjoy and review, as always!

Chapter 40: Which is Something Like an Epilogue, I Suppose

There was a round of applause as Atsushi Inaba arrived back in the Clover studio.

"Wonderfully executed, Inaba-san!" said Hideki Kamiya, the director and lead designer of the project.

"It was nothing at all," Inaba replied, waving away his companions' applause. "This was a group effort. And in the end, we succeeded in testing Amaterasu's strength."

A cheer rose up from the studio members.

"Sake, anyone?" asked Kamiya, grinning.

They cheered once more as the sake was poured and set about swapping ideas for the sequel of Okami, and how they would motivate Chibiterasu to save Nippon, if he was anything like his mother.


The flush of victory was waning, and now Ammy stood awkwardly on the abandoned platform, wondering how to get…wherever it was that she wanted to go. Mostly she wanted to go back to earth and party it up with Link in Sei-An, but she had a feeling her lot was with the Celestial Plain. Which was dumb, considering there'd be no one there and she'd be bored out of her skull.

"Fantastique, Amaterasu!" clapped Waka, soaring toward her in a miniature flying saucer. When he saw her expression, he sighed despondently. "You forgot that I also call the Celestial Plain home, didn't you, ma cherie?"

"Of course not," she lied. "And what's with the spaceship? It's not like you built it during your long fall down."

Waka smiled secretly and winked.

Ammy gaped, then shook her head vehemtly. "…No. No. I refuse to believe you made that while I fought the final boss."

"Ahaha, you should really know when I'm teasing you, ma cherie. No, this here is a Jomon period spaceship. They were very sophisticated, you know."

Waka beckoned her to board the ship. She noticed he had found his flute. She looked at the spaceship warily.

"Do I have to go back to the Celestial Plain?" she asked, a little plaintively.

"Well, someone has to keep the sun shining," said Waka absently. "And besides, something tells me that your long absence from our beloved homeland has left the place in quite the mess…"

Good work, whispered Clover, giving him a mental thumbs up. He mental thumbs-upped back.

"Gah!" sulked Ammy. "You know I hate leaving things undone." She hopped into the ship, nevertheless, and pouted at him. "You know, I kind of wanted to just sort of chill out after all this."

Waka smiled indulgently. "You will after we sort things out. I'm sure it won't be difficult at all. Blooming things here and there. Also, I would appreciate if you returned my geta."

"WHAT!" Ammy cried. "No way! You gave them to me!"

"My dear Amaterasu, that was a short-term loan. Besides, you like them better on me, no?"

Ammy grumbled, but as always, he was right. Waka simply wasn't Waka without his stilettos.

"Geta," he corrected.

"Whatever," she muttered. She suddenly remembered something. "Hey. You never got the chance to finish telling me where you bought those. All your Tao Troopers have them as well."

Waka sighed. "I did promise, didn't I? Well then, as I was going to say, I—" He bent down and cupped his hands to her ear, which she offered eagerly. "I bought them all out."

He had, in fact, bought out all the red-painted geta from Mr. Bamboo's BambooWare store for his Tao Troopers, but as for his own, it was still a secret~~

Ammy glared darkly up at him. "DAMN YOU."

He grinned infuriatingly. "I love you too, ma cherie."

Waka pressed some buttons and the spaceship—which also seemed to control the Ark of Yamato for some strange reason—began to show pictures of their destination, and together they went soaring off toward the Celestial Plain.


After many more trials and tribulations (which included planting and securing a dangerously adorable plant that Waka had brought aboard the ship that Ammy was not aware of nor prepared for; making sure the brush gods were all accounted for and didn't make trouble; and fighting her own horrendous laziness and divine wrath when she accidentally stirred up wind and blew all the petals off previously bloomed trees), Ammy took a nice, long nap. She had a wonderful dream about being a statue. But then Nuregami wakened her for a bath, and, because she was a god and damn well better smell like one, but mostly because all the brush gods were celebrating her glorious return and she wanted to please Nuregami, she allowed herself to smell like roses. Just this once.

She was working on a juicy WakaxLink fanfic while simultaneously plotting out a fluffy OkixSami one when she got a video call from Link in Japan.

"AMMY!" Link shouted before she had a chance to respond. "AMMYAMMYAMMYAMMYAMMYAMMYAMMY"

"What the hell, Link," she said, grinning in spite of herself. "How're things going?"

Link scratched his head. "Oh, you know, just normal wandering minstrel stuff. Hey, your fight with Yami is all over Youtube, so I finally got to see it myself! God," he said, scrutinizing some corner of the screen. "You were down pretty bad, weren't you?"

Ammy groaned. "Oh, you're watching that part. Hey wait, who was filming this, anyway?"

Link wasn't listening. "BUT LINK SAVES THE DAY!" he whooped, doing a victory dance.

"Link, don't do that over video, please, it looks even more awful than in person."


Ammy facepalmed. "Link, I don't need a blow-by-blow commentary of what I did in my battle with Yami. I was there, I know what happened."

"I wasn't, so I'm making up for it," he said. "But anyway, that's not why I called. Have you checked out your loot yet?"


Link sighed heavily. "Ugh, seriously, Ammy, how do you survive without me? Of course you got loot from the freaking final boss battle, Furbrain!"

Ammy opened her menus, and indeed, quite a few surprises were awaiting her.

"Karmic transformers?" she said. "WOAH, look Link, I'm a fuzzball!" She barked, and it came out all cute and yippy.

"UWAHAHA, look at that one, it's so ugly!" sniggered Link, pointing at the next transformer she tried.

She moved on to the other items and found the String of Beads. Her eyes widened when she read the description. "Invicible, infinite ink, infinite paper, AND 10X the attack power? LINK!" she said, "I'M A FREAKING GOD!"

"I knooooooow!" said Link.

"Hang on," she said, frowning. "Link…"


"I'm missing one dog on my feeding list."

She showed Link the menu.

"Pft!" he snickered.

"Dammit," she muttered. "I never finished my quest! Where the hell was the last dog?"

Link searched up the feeding walkthrough. "Ammy, did you ever get the one from Kamiki 100 years ago? After the Spirit Gate?"

Ammy groaned. "AGH. Does this mean I have to do all that AGAIN?"

"If you want 100% on everything. And you never found all the different types of treasure!" he whined.

"Godammit," said Ammy. "Plus, this String of Beads isn't useful after I beat the final boss. Damn Clover, it's like they're making me go through endless torture."

Link grinned and struck a pose. "But that means more party time with your favorite person in all of Japan!"

"Did somebody mention moi?" cut in Waka, smiling into the camera.

Link jumped up and down angrily. "NOBODY MENTIONED YOU, YOU DAM—ASHURCHRUMPHLERMPH!" Waka covered the speakers, muffling Link's outcries.

"Well, then, ma cherie, will you be undertaking your quest once again?"

"I have no choice," Ammy sighed. "It's a matter of pride. And completion. And I get to be a statue for a brief period of time."

"Ah, the perks."

"Shut up, damn pretty boy."

"AHMMY! AHMMY! GEARASHUMPLIGNSIGEREMFK!" said Link, which could have meant anything and probably concerned Waka, but no one cared.

And so, equipped with her new weapons and items and walkthroughs, Ammy returned triumphantly to the mortal realm as a statue, prepared to take on the world with her newfound awesomeness and feedbags, while Link eagerly found his way back to Kamiki and into Sakuya's clothes. He was promptly swatted like a bug.

"And just when it was getting peaceful," Sakuya sighed mournfully, staring up at the darkening clouds.

A/N: So that's it. The end of my Okami parody. This is the longest thing I have ever written, by far. I'm feeling rather proud of it myself. Just because it's the end doesn't mean you shouldn't review, however...

Also, I might end up adding more special chapters to show what everyone else has been doing around Nippon after Ammy went off to the Celestial Plain. I'll probably do some things about Link's wandering minstrel exploits and such, as well as what the general townsfolk and friends we met along the way have been up to. That sort of thing. They will be special chapters. And I do not guarantee that they will actually happen. My other stories take precedence, as I am a horrible author and neglect to update them because I'm too lazy to write things that aren't parodies. T^T However, if you'd like a special chapter, please PM me or write in your review which character you'd like me to write a short epilogue for, and I'll try my best to post it.

I also might (MAYBE, if I get enough good ideas for it and have the energy) write an Okamiden parody. No guarantees on that one either. I'd also have to play it again, considering I blew through it in the two days within its release. XD

Anyway, thanks for sticking it out with me. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. You are all free souls now, and are no longer bound to this story against your free will and better judgment. BE FREE. READ THINGS THAT AREN'T CRAP LIKE THE SHOUJO MANGA I DON'T READ. OR PLAY VIDEO GAMES, BECAUSE YEAH. VIDEO GAMES. DON'T WATCH KOREAN DRAMAS, EITHER, BECAUSE THEY PREVENT YOU FROM DOING THINGS YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING, LIKE WRITING MORE CHAPTERS AND FINDING JOBS. Well, enough of my words of wisdom...but there is one last thing: