A/N - A large proportion is speech, please let me know if you think more description is needed. This chapter is very tame.
I do not own these characters.
"Sherlock?" John called. No answer, typical, did that man need no sleep? He spotted a note on the mirror. "Out of milk. Used it to determine whether milk counteracts a mixture of acids and gunpowder. Unsuccessful. Shall buy new bowls and microwave while out. May be some time. Text me where you can buy microwaves. SH" John rolled his eyes glanced in the kitchen and started walking towards his coat. "Breakfast from a cafe again today" he muttered.
He had one arm in his coat when he spotted a packet of books on the desk; partially opened and hurriedly wrapped again. He was slowly picking up these deductions skills from Sherlock. Sherlock obviously didn't want John to see what they were. He pulled off his coat and picked up the packet. There was a note attached. "Sherlock old fellow, hope these help to quench curiosities. JS" Now John was curious, it felt like a few books.
His pocket beeped "Is there such thing as a microwave shop? SH". John sighed and replied "Try Argos or electrical store. JW" Sherlock was busy elsewhere that meant John was alone for a while yet. He opened the packet and stared. 4 very surprising books sat in his hand. "The Beauty and attraction of the female body." But Sherlock said that wasn't his area. "The Beauty and attraction of the male body." That seemed more plausible for Sherlock but married to his work implied he was more asexual than anything. John looked confused and then looked at the other two books. He let out a surprised giggle. Two of the dirtiest books, with pictures, ever. These were infamous and ridiculously hard to get hold of. He knew, he had tried before going to war.
John sat down on the armchair facing away from the door and divided the books into two piles. Men and Women. Logical divide. The beauty and attraction books intrigued him, he reached for the female one and then stopped and picked up the male one. He was six pages in when it dawned on him he was reading the wrong book. Sherlock wasn't home. He was still thinking about "Chapter One - The first impression of the attraction of men" and picked up "The Male Most Infamous" and started reading.
He had never read this kind of thing before, a dirty book and no women. He undid his shirt top button feeling a bit hot and flustered. He wasn't used to these feelings coming from reading about men. He turned the page and stared at the picture slightly horrified. It was explicit, very explicit, but he could feel it making an impact on him. He tried to look away but couldn't. It was sort of beautiful.
"Interesting" John slammed the book shut and tried to put in on top of the other male one.
Sherlock smirked as he sat down. John didn't move, he knew Sherlock had already deduced everything he needed to. He felt like a fox caught in headlights. Sherlock was still smirking.
"Well, I was right about that. Still only had the brother/sister thing wrong."
John felt nervous. "What?"
"That part of your reason you joined the army was a subconscious yearning to be around men. It was also a desire to prove your masculinity and affirm your sexuality."
"My what?" John hoped he had misheard.
"Your sexuality."
"I am pretty confident I like the ladies Sherlock."
"Tell me John. Does it not strike you strange that the book you picked up is the male one?"
John looked worried. "I just er, erm..." he blustered and blushed.
"John" Sherlock looked serious now, like a father explaining something important yet obvious. "Although undeniably the picking up of the male books could be associated with a desire to find the attractions and faults of the self, the fact that you stopped reading the attractions book."
John started and opened his mouth to argue.
"The pages have clearly been turned John, but only the first 6, I believe." John sat back and prepared himself for an uncomfortable few minutes. "This shows that you remembered I would be coming back. Now being someone who can deal with pain and lock away elements that are irrelevant." John looked confused. "You, John. Due to your army days. Your mindset is fairly firmly fixed on the fact that you must only be attracted to the female sex. Now the fact is the subconscious inside shows an attraction to a man. I mean several facts about you point to over-masculinisation counteracting these feelings." John stared. "Are you with me John?"
"You are calling me gay?"
"No, I am saying you have an attraction to the male sex. I believe, I understand this right. Sexuality is not a fixed thing. The human mind can find attraction in most things. For some they fail to acknowledge that this attraction is having a big impact on their everyday lives. Now the fact that your sister is gay may have prompted you into the mindset of fancying girls, especially if they are nice. Additionally you may not have wanted your parents to have two gay children, but I don't think that is as relevant."
John started to protest.
"John, I am not saying that you don't have an attraction to women too. I am just saying you should free your mind slightly by understanding sexuality is fluid. Now if you accept this fact you might be able to acknowledge you have a certain attraction to men."
"But I don't!" he protested.
"I do not know what you are talking about."
"Yes you do! I was observing your reaction to "The Male most infamous" you liked it!" Sherlock was more like a protesting teen now but John noticed a glint in his eye that he both recognised and didn't. It was the glint of excitement at a new intriguing case. However, there was more this time, there was an eagerness to get in deep, completely unravel the roots. John started to get worried.
"Ok, so let's say for now that you are right..."
"Of course I am right John!"
"Ok Sherlock. According to you I am bisexual?"
"I don't like that term but yes." He grinned. John gulped.
"Have you ever seen this film called "In and Out"?"
"No, don't watch many films. Doesn't sound intellectually stimulating. Is it rude?"
"No, it's. Oh, it doesn't matter. My point is that the main character got told he was gay before he knew it and it took a kiss from a guy to make him know."
Sherlock looked confused for a second but then moved quickly up to John. John went as far back in his seat as he could.
"Sherlock. I am not going to kiss you to work out whether I have feelings towards men."
"But, why not John? It worked for the guy in the film. And it seems logical. I don't mind and I won't tell anyone. Just don't go bashful around Mycroft." He knelt down and sat on his feet. Sherlock had a teasing smile on his face, one John had seen him use on many people when he wanted his way.
"Hang on. You want this."
Sherlock stiffened as though hurt. "I am merely trying to help you establish what you feel. If you don't want to find out..." He paused, he knew what John was thinking.
"Sherlock. If I do this." Sherlock smirked and knelt up. "If, Sherlock, if! You most definitely can't tell anyone. And definitely never mention you ripping that bomb jacket off in the swimming pool." Sherlock nodded.
"It would do nothing for my reputation anyway."
"Oh, thanks Sherlock."
Sherlock shuffled round and leant over the side of Johns chair.
"Have you done this before?"
John looked nervously over at Sherlock. It was true he supposed that he did slightly put emphasis and that he always enjoyed meeting Harry's girlfriends. They had always been really friendly to him. Perhaps Sherlock had a point. Well, he seemed to be in too deep now. Sherlock was too close and looked nervous but eager. Probably just wants to be proved right. He is such a teen, though maybe he was having a good impact on him. Sherlock did seem a bit more understanding lately. He obviously was a High-functioning Sociopath but perhaps John had helped him to become, well more humane.
"Well?" Sherlock was slightly impatient with the speed of Johns brain, oblivious to how long it normally takes people to realise they may have hidden feelings.
"I, erm, I guess you are fairly good looking to some people and," he paused and looked into Sherlock's eyes. Something seemed to fit about this situation. "me I guess." He finished. Sherlock started to smile and John found himself leaning in and placing a soft kiss on Sherlock's lips.
Sherlock looked slightly surprised and for once speechless.
"And you've really never kissed anyone before Sherlock?" John asked
"It didn't seem important. I had other stuff to do; cases to finish, books to read." Sherlock looked sort of sedate but unsure.
"So you've never done it with anyone?"
"Obviously not, John. Like I said, unimportant and irrelevant to my life and cases."
Definitely sociopathic, thought John. He couldn't imagine what it would have been like without any fun.
"So did it help?" Sherlock wanted to know now.
"One kiss, will hardly tell me Sherlock." He found himself laughing out. This was not right. John was asking Sherlock for another kiss.
"Interesting" Sherlock said. "The fact that you say you can't tell from one kiss and yet that film you mentioned earlier-"
"Shut up Sherlock." John interrupted and pulled his lapels in for a proper kiss.
Sherlock looked surprised again. "That was different to the last."
John sighed and smirked, Sherlock obviously knew nothing at all about kissing.
"That, Sherlock was a real kiss. A real first kiss." John paused and felt his lips. It seemed to have become okay to kiss a man, his flatmate, a sociopath.
"John, I" Sherlock began awkwardly.
John grabbed his lapels again and this time fully explored Sherlock's mouth. He pulled away and this time Sherlock felt his lips.
"You are meant to do that back."
"Oh, right." This time Sherlock leaned in and John found himself being kissed and explored. Boy did Sherlock learn fast. John was getting into this. He felt nervous but free, for once, he felt entirely free.
"Sherlock" he said smiling slightly as they broke for air. "Do you want to learn some more?"
Sherlock smirked "If it helps." John grinned back and awkwardly stood up. Sherlock looked up at him surprised.
"Upstairs?" John asked. Sherlock stood up quickly and John took the lead, glancing downstairs.
"Don't worry John. I gave Mrs Hudson some money and she decided to go buy us a microwave; and have lunch on us." He grinned. "She is out for a while yet." John glanced at him surprised.
"Oh, right." He said and ran up the stairs. Sherlock ran up too and John was on the landing failing at deciding which room to go in. Sherlock opened the door to his bedroom and John entered for the first time.