A/N: OK I know I said the next chapter was going to be Maddie's but this came to me today. So Michael gets another chapter first.

I realize this isn't something that would happen on the show, it's just me having a little bit of fun with the wonderful Matt Nix's characters.


The whisper coming from my bed was barely audible. I quickly retreated from the fridge to sit alongside Fiona.

"Yeah, Fi?"

"I'm thirsty."

I smoothed her hair down and pressed a kiss to her forehead before heading back to the fridge to get her a bottle of water.

"Here, Fi, drink this," I instructed, holding the bottle up for her and helping her sit up. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to me. She drank the water, spilling a little when she coughed. I wiped her chin and took the bottle from her when she was finished.

I rubbed her back as she lay back down and settled herself under the covers. When she fell back asleep I got up and called Sam.

"Sam, can you bring some stuff to the loft?" I asked, giving him a list of what I needed.

"Whoa, everything OK brother?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's fine Sam, nothing to worry about."

"OK I'll be there soon Mikey."

I hung up and headed for a quick shower. As I stood with the cool water massaging my back I thought about the events that had led us to where we were now—Fiona sleeping in my bed in the middle of the day.

Yesterday had started just like any other day. We had a job to finish up and the end couldn't have come soon enough for any of us. After a celebratory lunch Sam had headed off on one of his usual pursuits and Fiona and I had come to the loft. She had complained of a headache but it seemed to clear up with some Excedrin when we got home.

Things had heated up between us rather quickly. Fiona had pressed her body against mine, her lips hungrily seeking my own as she grasped my ass with her hand. I eagerly returned her kiss, my tongue gently reaching out to meet hers as she parted her teeth. I grasped her breast through her tank top, noticing that she felt a bit warmer than usual but chalking it up to her heightening arousal.

She had practically ripped my shirt off and removed my pants before pulling her own shirt over her head. I assisted with her shorts and we both stood naked, our bodies pressed together as our hands roamed over each other's body.

Fiona had guided us over to the bed, forcefully but playfully pushing me down onto my back as she stood before me. I smiled up at her as she climbed up onto the bed, her legs straddling my waist, causing her hips to grind against my hardening erection. She leaned down and kissed me deeply, rotating her hips and making me moan with pleasure into her mouth.

We joined together fast and hard. I brought her to release several times before she pushed me over the edge. She was gasping for breath as she collapsed on top of me, kissing my shoulder as she settled into a more comfortable position. She was trembling.

I massaged Fiona's back as her breathing returned to normal and quickly covered us as she continued to shake. I held her closely and kissed her warm forehead as we drifted off to sleep together.

I awoke a few hours later, shocked to be covered in sweat with Fiona shivering next to me. Still half asleep, I reached out to smooth her hair back from her face. When I touched her cheek I was shocked at how hot she felt. I sat up, instantly awake.

"Fi," I whispered, gently stroking her back and reaching behind me for a t-shirt that had been thrown on the end of my bed, "you're burning up. Put this t-shirt on while I get you some water and Tylenol."

"I'm not sick, Michael. I don't need you to take care of me," came her weak reply. She continued to shiver so I gently pulled her up to a sitting position against me. I put the t-shirt on her and when I got up she instantly laid back down, pulling the covers around her.

I quickly returned to her side with the water and medication in my hand. "Take this, Fi," I instructed.

"I don't need it, Michael," she whispered, trying to burrow fully under the covers.

"Do it for me, Fi," I said, holding them out until she took them from me.

I ran upstairs, grabbing some sweatpants and an extra blanket, and hurried back down to where Fi now sat. She had clearly decided not to fight me any longer, as she accepted the sweatpants and quickly pulled them on.

She leaned against me, laying her head on my shoulder as she sneezed. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Not sick, huh, Fi?" I said, rubbing her back to try to warm her up.

"I don't get sick, Michael," she replied.

"OK Fi, but I'm tired so how about we lie back down and try to get a little more sleep?"

Before we could settle she began sneezing again. I got up to get her a box of tissues, placing them on the edge of the bed and moving a trash can next to her side. I sat next to her, rubbing her back and lightly massaging her shoulders. She leaned back against my chest, still burning up.

"Come on, Fi, let's get some rest," I said as I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her to lay down with me. I covered her with the extra blanket before she settled her head on my chest. I could hear her struggling to breathe as I gently stroked her hair.

"I'm not sick, Michael," she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

I didn't sleep much. Fiona eventually rolled off of me and I adjusted the extra blanket to keep her warm. She had stopped shivering but as I held her in my arms she still felt very warm. I kissed the top of her head and drew her close to my chest as I allowed myself to sleep.

I woke up not long after, relieved to see Fiona still sound asleep. She was drenched in sweat but as I kissed her forehead I was pleased to feel that she was a bit cooler. I sat up and rubbed her back for a little while.

Eventually I got out of bed and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. I quickly ate before heading to my bathroom to see what supplies I had on hand. Fi would need some NyQuil and orange juice and probably some more tissues and maybe Vicks too. I made a mental note to call Sam. He'd also need to stop by Fi's apartment to bring some clothes. She'd fight me, but I wasn't going to let her leave the loft until she was better.

The sun was up now, so I grabbed another yogurt and a water and headed out to the balcony. I left the doors open so I could hear if Fi woke up. It was a beautiful morning. We didn't have any jobs pending so I had time to just relax.

I called my mom and asked her to pick up some chicken soup for Fiona and she agreed, promising to bring it over in the afternoon. Fi stirred a little but remained asleep as I watched. After doing some work upstairs I returned to the kitchen to see what I had to eat—other than yogurt—in my fridge. That's when I heard Fiona whisper my name.

I finished up my shower and quickly dressed, returning to the side of the bed where Fiona was resting. She had kicked the extra blanket off of the bed and I retrieved it from the floor, folding it and laying it on the chair near the bed. I smoothed the hair out of her face and kissed her cheek.

Taking a seat on the chair, I watched Fi as she slept. She stretched and curled up again but didn't wake up. I thought about how far we had come. Three years ago the thought that she'd be laying in my bed with the flu and letting me take care of her would have seemed insane. I remembered back to waking up in that hotel room and seeing Fiona sitting beside my bed.

My first thought was that I had to get out of there and as far away from Fiona as I could. And it had to happen right away. There was no way she would ever forgive me for having left her in the middle of the night.

It certainly hadn't been a smooth road from that point until now. There had been times I'd pushed her away, and times she'd pushed me away. She had started seeing someone else, not trying to hide it from me.

I never let her know how much I hated the idea of her with someone else. I put on a smile for her but inside I was seething. Campbell knew Fiona in a way that only I should. But then when he had broken it off, the sadness in Fiona's eyes had broken my heart. I realize now that she had come to accept what took me longer to accept.

For us, there could only be each other.

My mom knew it long ago. Sam probably did too.

I had taken longer to realize it and I think Fiona had taken longer to accept that I wasn't going to push her away anymore.

I sat there, lost in thought until I heard Fiona cough. She rolled over, searching for me as I moved over to the bed.

"Michael," she whispered.

"Yeah, Fi?" I replied, placing my hand on her cheek.

"What time is it?" she asked, sitting up and taking my hand in her own.

"Don't worry about that Fi, you just rest so you can get better. My mom is on her way over with soup and Sam will be here with all the meds you could possibly need. You'll be feeling better in no time."

"I'm not sick, Michael," she reminded me just as the door opened and Sam and my mom entered together.

"Sure you're not, honey," mom replied. "Why don't you just humor the rest of us and play along?"

"Wow, Mikey, you were right, she does look terrible!" Sam said. I shot him a "Gee, thanks. Now I'm going to have to pay for that" kind of look.

Fiona glared at me but was deterred by another coughing fit. I gathered her in my arms and rubbed her back as my mom brought a bottle of water and a straw from the kitchen. She held it out for Fi to take a drink, saying, "You have to stay hydrated Fiona, it will help you keep the fever down until you're better. I know, I know, you're not sick!"

Miraculously Fi listened to my mom's advice, leaning against me and taking a sip of the water. Sam set up the medication on the counter while mom put the soup in the fridge. "You know how to heat this up Michael?" she asked. I assured her I did.

Mom brought an assortment of meds over and made Fiona take them. She then gave Fi a quick hug, sternly instructing her to let me take care of her. Fi smiled up at her.

"OK Mikey, call if you need anything. I'll see you guys in a few days. Don't need to be bringing any germs to my lady friend, after all!" Sam said, joining my mom on her way out the door.

Fi turned towards me, resting her head on my shoulder and putting her arms around me.

"Thank you Michael," she said, pressing a kiss to my cheek before lying down again.

"My pleasure, Fi," I said, lying next to her and pulling her into a hug.

"But Michael—"

"I know Fi, you're not sick."

"I'm not," she replied before drifting off to sleep again.

OK I know that was totally corny and probably pretty stupid but I've had a nasty cold all week and I sat down to write after the mid-season finale last night and this is what came out. Be kind in your reviews please.

I'm working on another chapter now but that may end up being its own story. We'll see.