Chapter 1


Tonight is Bella's 18th birthday party and Alice is running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Bella, Edward's human girlfriend and my wife's best and only friend outside of this family, doesn't even want a party, but because Alice and Edward say so a party is what we are having.

What can I say about Alice and Edward, except that those two are made for each other. Both of them are controlling and manipulative bitches, who think we should all follow them like the pied piper because of their abilities, and for the most part that is exactly what we do. Or better yet, that is exactly what Carlisle and Esme do and they think the rest of us do as well, when in fact we are just waiting for things to come to a head. Carlisle is the so called head of this coven, which pretends to be a family, and his wife and mate Esme follows his direction thinking he is always right. Unfortunately I know the truth, no move is made without consulting the "mental twins." Rosalie and I coined them the 'mental twins" because if they actually believe what they say is gospel and they think the rest of us buy the garbage that comes out of their mouths they really have to be mental.

Rosalie, wife and mate of Emmett, the go with the flow fun loving incredible hulk, is the person I am closest to in this so called family. Pretending to be twin brother and sister for the last 40-50 years allowed us to really get to know each other, and if I were really honest with myself, she and Emmett are like my real family. Rosalie may appear to be a vain bitch to some, but in fact she has some really good qualities. She is intelligent, methodical, and extremely loyal, but she can be a bitch especially if she doesn't know you, doesn't like you, or you threaten those closest to her, namely Emmett and myself. Then there is Emmett, the brother I've come to appreciate, because his emotions are always so pure and honest which as an empath I can really appreciate.

Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all bad, Alice has helped me a lot in this existence, she has, in her own way, shown me a new path where my abilities don't weigh on me like they use to. In the beginning our relationship was great, but Alice and her damn visions which are never quite accurate, is always trying to tell me what to do, and trying to tell her I need a wife not a mother just gets old after 50 or so years. Her answer is always 'you have to trust me Jazzy I really do know what's best," did I mention I hate the nickname Jazzy! There is just no winning with this woman and sometimes I feel I want to just get the hell away from her and go off on my own, but I don't and that is because my right hand man, Peter, whose "gift," although he wouldn't call it that, never fails told me that Alice would come into my life all high and mighty like acting like we are soul mates, when in fact she would lead me to my rightful soul mate and my real destiny.


Peter and Charlotte had rescued me from Maria about 5 years ago, and while I appreciate the end of all the killing day in and day out and the crazy emotions of all those newborns and not to mention the end of my time with that crazy whore Maria, who just happens to be my sire, I still do not like the emotional rollercoaster I have been on since waking up to this new life.

Peter and Charlotte have just come back from their week long hunt, and Peter is looking at me with his shit eating grin and radiating nothing but mischief and joy and all I can think is what now.

"Major" he says, "I do believe it's time that you go out there and find the stability you are looking for, so you can find your true destiny."

I look at him like he is speaking a foreign language before I reply, "Peter what exactly are you talking about, you know I don't like it when you start talking in code and your emotions are telling me you're not gonna give me a fucking clue as to what you mean."

"It is time for you to go out into the world and figure out your existence Major," he replies still looking at me with that shit eating grin on his face. "What I mean Jazzman is that it is time for you to really exist instead of doing the dead man's walk through this existence, and while your true destiny is still quite a ways off the path to your true destiny though riddled with a shitload of drama is closer than you think. All you have to do is remember these two things #1 everything that glitters ain't gold, and #2 the things truly worth having are worth fighting for, and you Major are one kick ass son of a bitch. When the time is right we will see each other again and our family will be complete." After that he turned around and left, leaving me with nothing but a headache, which I didn't know vampires could get. A few days later, I pack my bags and head off to only Peter knows where and he's not telling me.

About a month later I make it to Philadelphia, hunting as little as possible because I cannot stand the dread and despair of my prey once the fear has left them, I duck into a small diner because the sun is on its way out. Upon entering the diner I see a petite flawless female, and I instantly recognize her as a vampire. Her emotions are some of the most excited and joyful emotions I have ever experienced, and when she walks over to me saying that she has been waiting for a long time, I take her hand and don't look back.

End of Flashback

Alice is still flitting about trying to make everything perfect when all of a sudden we hear an unknown vehicle approaching. Alice whips her head towards me with her eyes full of disgust and blurts out "go and tell them to leave right now Bella and Edward will be here in a minute and I do not want this party ruined," I have no idea who she is talking about and as I am heading for the door I yell out unnecessarily as our hearing is excellent, "it's too late I hear Bella and Edward coming right now." As I get to the front door I see Peter and Charlotte standing there, Peter has his trademark shit eating grin plastered on his face, and Charlotte is holding a gift bag. I look at them waiting for an explanation, and I see Edward hop out of his pussy ass Volvo and flit around the other side to let Bella out, as I look at her I think wow doesn't she look beautiful tonight. Edward's head whips around to me as he whispers too low for Bella to hear "get them out of here before they scare her half to death." Peter eyes me suspiciously as if to say is this fucker serious. As Edward is leading Bella over to the front porch to go into the house she asks Edward, "who are they," Edward responds, "nobody just former acquaintances of Jasper." Bella looks at me bursting with curiosity.

Peter takes this opportunity to advance towards them at a human pace. With a smile on his face he looks at Bella who Edward has not so discreetly moved behind his back. Peter completely dismisses Edward and looks around him directly to Bella and says, "good evening Bella, the name is Peter Whitlock and this is my wife and mate Charlotte." Charlotte looks towards Bella with a friendly yet timid smile meant to put Bella at ease.

Bella replies, "nice to meet you Peter and you too Charlotte are you here for the forced birthday party?" Peter and Charlotte both let out a small chuckle before Peter responds, "we did come to see this snarky bastard," he gestures in my direction, "but we did bring you a birthday gift." Bella eyes all of us suspiciously before Edward fills her in letting her know that Peter is an old friend from my past and he has a certain ability to just know things. Peter coughs "bullshit" and says, "it is not an ability it is something similar to intuition, and as far as our relationship goes, let's just say that Jasper is my brother of sorts."

Bella steps around Edward, and holds her hand out in greeting to Peter and Charlotte and says, "thank you for coming but you really didn't have to I didn't even want to celebrate my birthday." Just as Peter was getting ready to reply Edward steps forward looking at me with disbelief and hisses, "why would you invite these human drinkers to our home when we are celebrating a birthday with a human." As I am getting ready to reply the entire family comes out on the porch after obviously listening in to our little discussion. Carlisle and Esme greet Bella with a warm embrace then turn to greet Peter and Charlotte warmly. Alice then makes her presents known and goes over to Bella all hyper pixie like and throws her arm around her saying, "happy birthday Bella you should come see inside its beautiful and we can get this party started," to which Bella rolls her eyes and says, "gee thanks Alice you really shouldn't have," then mumbles under her breath, "in fact I specifically asked you not to." Of course everyone heard her and we are all trying to stifle the snickers at that statement.

As Alice leads Bella into the house followed by Esme and Carlisle she turns and says, "well aren't the rest of you coming and looks pointedly at me, Peter and Charlotte?" Alice tells her that Peter and Charlotte weren't really invited they just stopped by unannounced, and Edward says in his sissy ass voice, "no love, they don't have to stay, they are human drinkers after all and we wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." Bella crosses her arms over her chests and looks directly at Edward and says, "I am 100% sure that Jasper would not invite people over here that could hurt me, after all, he did protect me in Phoenix during the whole James incident." She looks over at me with a small thankful smile and floods me with nothing but complete faith and trust, something within me shifts under the onslaught of her feelings, although I am not sure what, because I have never felt feelings so pure towards me, not even from my own wife. Carlisle, taking the role as leader, although he looks to Alice and Edward minutely and receives a nod from each of them before he continues says to Peter and Charlotte, "it is nice to see you again, please come in and help us celebrate Bella's birthday, she is Edward's mate and we must ask that you be very careful as you can see she is human and we love her very much and would not want anything to happen to her." Peter looks offended before stating, "Charlotte and I have more control than that I assure you and we know what's going on, we even bought presents." He looks over to Bella who is starting to resemble a tomato her blush is so deep, Peter mumbles absolutely beautiful under his breath and Edward makes a move to Bella and escorts her into the house. I look over to Peter and both of us shrug our shoulders, because who knows what gotten into Edward now.

"PMS maybe," Peter says so casually it is comical. Emmett comes up behind Peter and throws his massive arm around Peters shoulders and bellows, "it's good to see you Peter you to Charlotte things are not so boring with you guys around." We all headed towards the house with Peter and Emmett rough housing and Rosalie and Charlotte talking animatedly about whatever it is women talk about these days. As we enter Alice stomps over in my direction and says, "I didn't see this at all, how could I not see this coming, I really should have seen this coming." I roll my eyes before I tell her, " well your visions are becoming cloudy whenever Bella is picture, and you also wanted to watch for yourself as the surprise of the situation comes across her face Alice so just let it go and stop obsessing about everything not under your control." She stomps away from me and over to where Bella, Edward, Esme and Carlisle are talking to each other.

Alice assuming the role as hostess gestures over to the presents and squeals " time for presents Bella." Bella lets out and exasperated huff and says, 'fine Alice let the torture begin." Charlotte holds up her gift bag which is not on the table of presents and Bella looks at her in mock surprise and embarrassment. Charlotte hands the bag to Bella, and Bella opens it and reveals an assortment of bath products, and Charlotte explains the importance of each item, letting her know that the aromatherapy scents will help her relax and soothe stress and tension. Bella looks over to Charlotte and Peter in thanks, before she can finish Peter holds up both of his hands in defense of himself and states clearly and decisively, "that is Charlotte's present to you, there is no way in hell I would get you some old sissified present, my present to you is something that you cannot wrap or place in a bag, I am offering you the opportunity to ask the questions you wanted to ask the moment you saw me and I told you who I was." I stiffened and my eyes went wide as saucers, before Alice interjected," this is not story hour or a question and answer session this is a birthday party, we are here to celebrate and that is exactly what we are going to do." Peter cocks his eyebrow at Alice and looks over to Bella and says, "that and my friendship are what I have to offer you at this time and there is no shelf life on either." Bella bows her head politely in thanks.

As Bella moves on to open the present from me and Alice, events take a turn for the worst. As she slides her finger under the tape, she gets a paper cut and before you can even see the blood the sweet smell of her delicious blood hits the air. Charlotte and Peter move to either side, and as I spring to attack Peter steps in front of me and Charlotte restrains me. As I come back to my senses, I notice everyone has stopped breathing including Edwards, but I see his eyes so filled with hunger that in his haste to move away from Bella he launches her into the table of presents, cake and glass plates. He stands there horrified at the sight before him. Bella is there on the floor, cake all over the front of her dress and a gash in her arm that is pulsing blood. As Edward advances toward her with unknown intent as his emotions are all over the place going from overwhelming bloodlust to concern to rage to love, Carlisle sees this and makes a move in front of Bella to stop his progression. Carlisle looks to Edward and there is a silent exchange before Edward answers and unspoken question and says, "please." Carlisle looks to Emmett and asks Emmett to take Edward outside.

While Emmett takes Edward outside, Carlisle asks Esme to retrieve his bag. Alice and Rosalie leave the house and take off after Emmett and Edward, while Peter, Charlotte and I go outside as well. We are standing just in the field next to the house when I take a deep breath and Peter still has a restraining hand on me. I look up at him letting him know that I am okay but can still smell the blood and he looks at me with the know it all look that he usually displays when he is not going to tell you something that you really want to know, asshole.

All of a sudden I feel an anger so strong it causes me to get into my hunting crouch, and Peter and Charlotte both mirror my gesture. As I look towards the emotion I see Alice emerge from the forest with a scowl on her face. She comes to a dead stop in front of me and as I look at her the anger is replaced with a loathing so strong I am surprised she doesn't cringe as she looks over towards Peter and Charlotte. " I think it's time for both of you to leave while my family, husband' she spits the word husband like a curse, " and I deal with this problem." In which Peter replies, "sorry to burst your bubble but your husband happens to be family to me and we are not going anywhere."

As Peter and Alice faceoff, I stand straight up and look to Alice but make no move to defend her as I tell her in all seriousness I can muster, "whatever needs to happen we will deal with as a family, and Peter and Charlotte are more family to me then anyone else so they will be wherever I am."