Author's Note: The wonderful user lechat23 informed me of how Mai would address Meiling and how Kosuke would address her (once he gets to the speaking age.) Mai will be calling Meiling "Okaasan" from now on as is per Chinese tradition and Kosuke will, in the future, call his grandmother Nai Nai, as is per Chinese tradition.

Edit: She is using the Japanese name for mother, not the Chinese one. I will keep it Japanese but I meant it following the tradition of the daughter in law calling the mother in law mother. I'm sorry for an inconsistencies this makes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt or its characters

Mai groaned; the last thing she needed was an ugly cold. Someone must have coughed on her at the store or something because no one else in the house or at SPR was sick. Luckily Meiling was still visiting and was making Mai rest. The young mother was wearing a small face mask to keep from getting Meiling, Koujo, or Kosuke sick.

"I've made some soup for you." Koujo's mother came into the bedroom and headed over to Mai with a bowl of soup and a spoon, placing them on the bedside table beside the glass of water that was already there.

"Thank you, Okaasan." The brunette rasped out from her sore throat, though it sounded a bit muffled due to the face mask. Meiling smiled before leaving the room to tend to the now crying Kosuke. While Koujo was home, he would help out with their baby but since he was at work, Meiling took over that while Mai was sick.

The sick mother reached for the soup and spoon, excited to have an appetite again since yesterday she slept most of the day and didn't feel like eating while she was awake. Mai removed the mask from her face and spooned some of the soup into her mouth; humming happily from the soothing sensation its heat provided her throat. It took no time at all for her to finish it and she replaced the mask while scooting off the bed to put the dishes in the kitchen sink.

"You should be back in bed." Mai jumped, not realizing that her mother-in-law was behind her. She smiled when Meiling gently pushed her away from the sink and took over cleaning the dishes.

"I don't mind." Mai said, her voice less raspy since eating the soup. "You've done so much for me while I've been sick that cleaning a few dishes seemed like no big deal."

"It's not a bother to me." Meiling was rinsing off the spoon and flashed her daughter-in-law a smile. "It's been so long since I've gotten to take on a motherly role. It feels nice to take care of someone again."

"Thank you." Mai reached over and placed her hand on Meiling's, giving a grateful smile. "It feels nice to have an Okaasan again."