The Broken Smile

Chapter 1

"Hey Ren!" I said, excited to start the new day. "It's time to get up!"

Ren stirred around, then glared at me. "Shut up, you eediot. I'm trying to sleep." He mumbled.

I smiled at him. "C'mon, now, pal!" I said to him as I stretched. "It's a beautiful day!"

Ren sat up and stared at me like I was stupid. "Beautiful, huh?" He started. "Well, YOU enjoy it then!" he said as he slapped me then laid back down.

I rubbed my cheek where he slapped me. I gave him a sad look, then hopped out of bed. "Sorry, Ren…" I apologized as I walked downstairs.

Hmm… he slapped me like he does every day… I thought as I walked over to the couch. I just love it when he does that to me… I stopped in my tracks and blinked a few times, comprehending what I had just thought. "What's wrong with my mind?" I asked myself. "I don't like it… I never did… it hurts too much for me to enjoy being hit…" I said to myself as I stared blankly at the ground. I let out a sigh, and then sat on the couch. I gazed outside, the sun shined brightly in my face. I closed my eyes and smiled. Today was such a nice way, despite the way I thought. I opened my eyes, staring outside.

"Soo nice out… maybe Ren would like to go outside today!" I said to myself, getting excited.

I hopped down, and ran excitedly upstairs and into our bedroom. I flung open the door and walked over to Ren quietly. I stared at him with my big smile.

Ren slowly opened his eyes and glared when he saw me. "What ees it, man!" He angrily mumbled

I stuck my tongue out as I smiled at him. "Well, Ren, maybe after breakfast, we could go on a walk or something since it's so pretty outside!" I said.

Ren sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Stimpy… you really want to drag me outside, today?" He growled as he glared at me.

I nodded, then gave Ren my best begging face. It always made him crack.

He stared at me, unsure about the decision. He crossed his arms and looked away. "That's not gonna work on me, Stimpy!"

I grabbed him by his shoulders and stared at him with my big kitten eyes. "Pleeeaasseee Ren?" I begged.

Ren hesitantly looked at me, then closed his eyes and let out a growl. "ALRIGHT, FINE!" He angrily yelled.

I stared at him then closed my hands together. "JOOYYY!" I said happily.

Ren glared at me. "Now go make yourself useful and go make me breakfast!" He demanded.

I smiled at him, then saluted him. "YES SIR!" I said, acting like a soldier.

I walked downstairs as Ren followed me. I walked into the kitchen then turned to Ren. "What would you like, Ren?" I asked.

Ren sat at the table and rested his chin on his hand. "Hmmm…what do we have?" He asked.

I walked over to the fridge and peeked inside. I looked around. I closed the fridge, finding nothing breakfast related. I looked in the pantry.

Ren sighed and stared at me. "Do we have to go to the store?"

I was still looking around when he said that. "Ummm… well…" I smiled as I dug some pancake mix out of the pantry. "How about pancakes?" I said as I showed him the mix.

Ren smiled excitedly. "Ok!" he said.

I grabbed a pan from one of the cabinets and put it on the stove. I turned on the stove and began making the pancake mix.

Ren drummed his fingers on the table looking around. "How long will it take, Stimpy?" He asked.

I looked back at him. "Only a few minutes, Ren!" I replied as I turned back to the stove.

I do enjoy making things for Ren. It makes me feel helpful.

I poured the finished mix into the pan and let it sit until I was ready to flip it. I made 4 pancakes for Ren, and some for myself as well. I poured syrup on Ren's with butter on top, just how he likes it. I put powdered sugar on mine.

I turned to Ren holding his plat in one hand and mine in the other. I put his plate in front of him, and I sat across from him with mine.

Ren smiled at me. "Wow, Stimpy! I can't wait to taste them!" He said.

I blushed at his words. "Oh, Ren!"

I handed him a fork. "Go ahead!" I said.

Ren took his fork and started eating. I watched him, and then began to eat mine. It tasted kind of bland. I got closer to Ren and decided to sneak a lick of some of his syrup. Accidentally, I licked his chin instead.

Ren stopped eating and stared at me. "H-hey! What are you doing, Stimpy?" He asked.

Realizing what I did, I quickly pulled away and blushed. "My bad Ren!" I quickly said, as I looked the other way.

Ren glared at me, and continued eating.

What was I even thinking? I didn't want to lick him… I thought.

Ren stopped again and stared at me, questioning my blushing. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

I stared at him. "Oh, nothing's Wrong, Ren!" I said as my blush faded.

"You're acting strange today, Stimpy." He said.

I smiled at him and continued eating. Once we were finished, we put our plates in the sink and headed out the door.

"So Stimpy, where are we going to walk to?" he asked as I looked around outside.

I closed the door behind us and replied, "Well, how about the park?" I suggested.

Ren looked over at me. "Ok. The park it is, then." He said, agreeing with me.

I smiled as we started walking down the road. I looked at him and started to blush a little. I took his hand and held it gently while we were walking.

Ren's ears perked up and he looked down at our hands. He pulled his away and said quietly to me, "Not in public, Stimpy."

I blushed even harder and looked away. I closed my hands together. "Alright, Ren…"

Ren had a slight blush, but he hid it well and looked around. "S-so… nice weather, eh Stimpy?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

My blush faded as I looked back at him. I inhaled deeply, then exhaled. "It sure is!" I replied.

Ren looked away nervously at my reply. I glanced at him and stopped walking. I grabbed him by his shoulder, stopping him. "You ok, Ren?" I asked.

He glared at me. "Y-yeah! I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, a little angry at my question.

"Well, you look kinda…uncomfortable." I said. "Are ya sick or something?"

"No I'm not sick! I'm just fine!" Ren said back.

I looked away. "You sure? I asked again."

Ren closed his eyes tightly and yelled, "YES I'M SURE! CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT?"

I cowered back a bit. My ears went down as I stared frightfully at him.

Ren saw me cower back and he looked kind of guilty. "I'm sorry Stimpy… I guess I'm just tired…" He said as his ears went back.

I smiled at him, accepting his apology. I picked him up and hugged him tightly. "It's ok, buddy!" I said.

"H-hey! Not so rough!" He said, trying to push me away.

I blushed and let him down. "Sorry Ren!" I said.

Ren dusted himself off and stared at me. "That's alright, Stimpy." He said.

Ren looked around reluctantly, and then grabbed my hand.

My eyes widened as I looked down at our hands. I blushed deeply, and gave Ren a lustful look. "Uhh… Ren? Any particular reason why you're holding my hand?" I asked.

Ren looked at our hands, his blush becoming brighter. "Oh… heh…No reason… c'mon, let's keep walking." He said as he tugged me along.

I was walking next to him, hand in hand. I looked at him, then looked away. "Hey uhh...Ren?" I started. "Can I… can I tell you something?" I asked.

Ren looked up at me. "Sure. What is it?" He asked as his blush faded.

"Well… I cherish every moment that I'm with you…" I said, smiling at him.

Ren stopped walking and stared at me. "R-really? But I'm such a jerk… how can you say that without lying?" He asked as his voice started cracking up.

I looked at him. He was about to cry… I always found that sweet about him. In fact, I always love his softer side. "I put up with it because… you're the only one I have…" I said.

Ren hugged me tightly. "Oh Stimpy… I never knew that…"

As I hugged him back, I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged him back. "Yeah…" I felt tears run down my face. I wiped them away.

Ren dug his claws into my back and started crying. "Stimpy, I'm sorry for always being a jerk to you! I don't mean it sometimes!" He sobbed loudly.

I stroked his back, calming him down. "Apology accepted, Ren." I said calmly.

Ren was still in tears when he came into my view. "Thank you, Stimpy…" He said as he wiped some tears from his eyes.

I smiled at him, holding back sobs. I wiped some tears away from Ren's eyes. I gazed into his eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly… but I guess my mind was holding me back. I held Ren's hand as I tugged him along. I looked ahead. We were almost to the park, only a few more blocks to go. I looked down at the ground. I blinked a few times, wondering about what I had thought earlier…

I like being hit by him…why would I even think something as stupid as that? I thought to myself.

I felt Ren squeeze my hand affectionately. I looked at him and smiled.

How can I not love that face? I thought as I stared into his eyes.

Ren looked away, blushing hard. "So umm… what do ya wanna do when we get home, Stimpy?" He asked.

I looked straight ahead as we walked into the entrance of the park. "Well, maybe we could stay here for a while…" I replied. I looked at Ren. "Maybe sleep under the stars? We haven't camped out in years." I suggested.

Ren looked at me and smiled. He wagged his tail and said, "Ok. That sounds just fine, Stimpy."

I blushed and smiled at him. We were going to finally camp outside again… just like we did many years ago.