Ms. Impa's cold eyes looked over the paper, and I could feel my face grow hot. Her face remained unchanged, and she spoke with a level tone.
"Midna, see me after class."
I lowered my head a bit and ignored the jeering comments made by my lovely peers. A goron, who was busy breaking lead from his pencil coughed out a laugh,
"Great job, freak." His posture was set aloof and he had a big foot resting on his desk. It was Darmani, A well known jerk. Everybody pretended to like him, and yet, all knew he was a selfish jock. I rolled my red and yellow eyes in his direction and spoke calmly.
"Shut up, moron."
Darmani blinked twice, and he growled under his breath,
"Why don't you go home where you belong, you glowing freak?"
I pretended to ignore his comment, and stole a quick glance at my glowing runes on my arms. I pulled my sleeves over my hands and listened to Ms. Impa babble on about color theory. Darmani wouldn't stop staring at me, his cold black goron eyes judging me everytime I moved. I began to feel uncomfortable, and adjusted myself so that he couldn't stare at my face. His eyes felt like needles going Into my back. I was almost excited when the bell rang to dismiss me, something I hardly anticipated In art class. I awaited Ms. Impa by the door, and Darmani gave me one last stabbing glance as he shuffled out the door. I shivered. By the gods, he was creepy. walked respectively, with her hands behind her back. I waited for the scolding from her and the yelling, but to my surprise, her voice remained a calm, peaceful tone.
"Midna, whose eyes were those in your sketchbook?"
I felt my blush crawl against my skin as I lied,
"Oh, just some random eyes, I didn't really think about what I was drawing."
I clenched my satchel in my hands. Ms Impa raised her chin,
"Oh, really? They were really beautiful eyes. You are skilled Midna. You've always exceed my expectations. However, I do not want you drawing Link's eyes in the middle of my class again. Understood?"
How did she….? I decided to skip it.
"Yes maa'm."
I walked quickly out of the classroom, eager to leave school and to just get home. I stared at the ground and began picking up my pace. How did she know I was drawing-
BAM! I slammed into something rock hard and fell to the floor.
"ouch! Watch it!"
I looked up, only to look into the cold face of Darmani. I was about to yell at him for knocking me over when he picked me up by my shoulders.
"Darmani! Put-"
"I like freaky looking girls."
He pulled me closer and licked his big goron leaned in to get closer to my face. I screamed and kicked, trying to find a way to get away, but his strong goron grip held me close to him. I tore at him with my nails, but his thick skin was too hard to scratch. Darmani was about to kiss me when I felt myself flying through the air and landing on the far side of the hallway. In a blur of blonde and brown, I heard fthe sounds of grunting and fists slamming against skin. I brushed myself off and huddled up, watching Link slam a five hundred pound goron to the ground. Darmani tried to punch Link in the face, but link smirked and ducked underneath His large, bulky hand. With a groan, Link punched Darmani in the face with a loud thud. Darmani sunk to the ground, like a leaf falling from the tree. Link kicked the goron in the ribs before jogging over to me.
"M-midna! Are you okay?"
He held out a hand and had blood running out one side of his mouth.