Angel Now

It was an industry party; yep Noah Puckerman was in 'the industry', in this case the film industry after being 'discovered' by a modelling scout in the queue for a movie he had fallen into acting just as swiftly and was now one of the most recognised movie stars in the world, so much for him being a 'Lima loser', now he was grossing five million a film, and had three projects on the books. Across from him though in the party was the biggest star in the world, on par with the star of Angelina Jolie and Marylyn Monroe, Rachel Berry, an icon of Broadway and movie she had done exactly as she had said she would in McKinley, she had become a star, a global icon, and the nations sweetheart, and he was the only one who recognised her.

The party was a masquerade party, thrown by some big name in fashion that apparently he had used to model for his publicist and agent had ganged up on him and made him come, the only good thing was the kickass mask that they had gotten him. Based on some stupid TV show that had been on when he was in high school he had a red devil mask and a black designer suit, a glass of champagne in his hands he stalked Rachel around the party, shocked that this was the first time he had seen her since graduation he felt his heart clench more than every picture of her made it do.

He had fucked up, seriously fucked up, after Rachel and Finn's disastrous relationship in junior year he had meant to swoop in before anyone could realise just how fantastic Rachel was, but got scared. After months of hearing her talk about her plans after school and how she was going to break out in the industry, he freaked out and bolted, she had everything sorted out and he was freaking out about what to do with the rest of his life. Ever since he had followed her career religiously, every magazine she was in he bought, or rather got his maid to buy them because some of them were kind of girly, he was head over heels in love with a girl he hadn't seen in the flesh in eight years.

Rachel felt eyes on her and glanced around from the stranger she was talking too, she loved this idea of a masquerade because she could hide in plain sight and still enjoy the party, looking up she blushed behind her mask as she found striking green eyes staring at her from behind a red devil mask. Her mouth curving into a smile she glanced away and looked back, biting her lip to stop herself from giggling happily as she saw him still staring at her, sipping slowly at her drink she excused herself with a smile and headed towards the bra.

She was looking hot, dressed in a strapped tight white dress that stopped mid thigh with golden wings and heels, as well as a golden halo perched delicately on her long brown hair that was curled around her shoulders. Following her as she headed for the bar he downed the drink he was drinking and slid in next to her his arm naturally slipping around her waist to keep her close as the bar got busy. Rachel looked up at him and smiled before turning to the barmen and gently ordered her drink "do you want something?" she asked him.

He shook his head, trying to avoid talking for as long as possible, taking the opportunity to study her face as she turned back to the barmen with a smile and accepted her drink. Rachel sighed as she took a sip of mojito she had ordered, she should feel completely uncomfortable at having this strangers arm around her waist, but part of the appeal of the masquerade was that it was a mystery, though that didn't explain the familiar feeling she felt.

"Dance?" Puck murmured in a low tone into her ear, smirking as his hot breath played across her neck and he saw it erupt in goose bumps.

Rachel smiled and nodded placing down her drink to take his hand as he led her out onto the dance floor, now desperate to know who this well built stranger was, she knew he had to be an actor but the familiar feeling had her memories tugging back to high school. She hadn't kept in touch with anyone from high school, she didn't think any of them would respect her now that she was famous and didn't want the drama of involving them in her life; the only one she knew about was Noah and that was because they worked in the same business and it was hard not to know about the newest action star.

Puck held her close before swinging her out and pulling her in tight to his body, Puck knew that this time he had to take the plunge, now he knew that he could support her and be there for her when he couldn't when he was eighteen, he had been in love with this women for ten years and needed her to know, the good thing with following her life religiously? He knew she was single.

"Noah?" Rachel breathed out suddenly pushing up her mask and looking up at him stunned, as he smirked making himself instantly recognisable even under his mask.

"Hi Rach" he said gently pushing up his own mask, both of them wincing as they were suddenly blinded by a flashbulb, they both looked at each other and laughed, years in the business had numbed them to the constantly lurking paparazzi, and the connection between them had been mentioned before in the media.

"Well he is going to make a lot of money" Puck smiled "the only picture of the Puckleberry reconnection"

"Puckleberry?" Rachel laughed "I haven't heard that since high school"

"I haven't seen you since high school" Puck moaned pulling her closer, remembering her reaction to him earlier and hoping that hadn't changed now that she knew who he was.

"I haven't seen anyone from high school" Rachel admitted looking up at the boy turned into a man, growing up there had always been a flirtation between the two of them, but they had never been able to find their time, and after his bolting away from their friendship in senior year Rachel assumed he just didn't want her.

"Take the plunge take the plunge take the plunge" his brain chanted at him "miss me?" he asked cheekily.

"It is a Possibility" Rachel laughed as they continued to dance oblivious to everyone around them taking off their own masks and watching the two superstars interact on the dance floor, the chemistry between them more potent now than ever before. "Though I might admit it if you missed me"

"Everyday" Puck promised leaning down a little further to whisper in her ear, smirking as he felt her shiver this time.

Rachel bit her lip to prevent herself from blurting out the feelings that she had been carrying around, and looked up into his eyes, always holding the clearest picture of his feelings they sparkled in the flickering light, filled with longing and something she was loath to put a name to unless she was wrong.

The two kept dancing, circling the floor together wrapped in each other's arm, both of them vaguely recognising the lyrics to a old Beyonce song in the background.

"Really?" she breathed out breathlessly, clinging to him, wanting to remember this night for as long as she could if it was all she was going to get.

"Promise" Puck smiled again "I really missed you"

Rachel smiled and eased closer to him as he spun her and pulled her back "I missed you Noah"

"You know no-one has called me Noah since high school, even my mom calls me Puck now"

"I'm sorry?" Rachel stammered a little

"No! No I like you calling me Noah, I just meant I had missed it" he brushed one of her curls behind her ear smiling at her ridiculous halo, vaguely hearing the song playing. "You know there was so much I meant to say to you back then"

"You can say it now" Rachel breathed out, holding her breath in anticipation.

"Ultimately the only thing that matters is that I love you" Puck blurted out as the song became more apparent and he heard the line

"I got my angel now"

Both of them hearing that line laughed a little, breaking the tension that had wrapped them at his admission.

"As much as I have been waiting years for you to say that can we possibly go somewhere else to discuss this?" Rachel asked as she looked around the crowded room.

Puck grinned and nodded, tightening his grip around her waist and leading her out of the party quickly, "oh but Noah" Rachel said halting him behind the valet "I love you too"

Puck breathed out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, and pulled her closer, yeah they had a lot to talk about but right now he had to kiss her, brushing off both of their masks, he caressed her cheek and used his other hand to rest on her hip and pull her close, leaning down he lightly brushed his lips against hers, relishing in the moan that escaped from her as he did, before pressing his lips to hers more firmly both of them blind to another flash before they climbed into Puck's car.


Well folks it seems magic was at the masquerade last night, two of young Hollywood's stars reconnected at the party of high end fashion guru Kimmy, Rachel Berry and Noah Puckerman, formerly classmates at McKinley High in Ohio meet as strangers but before the night was out had created a storm of chemistry around them.

Cue the cries of protest from the many female fans of Puck, sorry folks we have photographic evidence that they not only danced together, looking extremely comfortable but also that they went home together after a steamy lip lock, the proof below.

All we can say is, welcome Puckleberry.