Author's POV
No one dared talk about what had happened that past few days. They all just wanted to forget if possible.
While they were all gathered around the table eating breakfast, a man came barging through the door.
"Your Majesty! The enemy is here…they want to compromise…" He finished.
Everyone looked at him, "Bring him in." Itachi said.
In walked a man who looked like an oger.
"I would like to discus this mater in privacy." He said looking at the guards gathered around the room.
"It's fine." Sasuke said to the guards, "We can handle him if things get out of hand." He said as he looked around and saw his allies while he stood with two other people.
The guards began to leave the room.
"We came to talk about putting an end to the this war." He spoke up.
"You mean the war that you started under our noises?" Itachi asked calmly, which was more menacing then if he would have screamed it.
He cleared his throat. "Yes..well since there is no actual princess or queen of The Sky Under The Sea we shouldn't be punished too bad. We will pay the cost and everything else that you guys went through because of our…uproar." He said looking only at Itachi.
"No princess you say?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes… there is none…if I am not mistaken they were all killed…were they not?"
Itachi smirked, witch caused the guy to swallow hard. "Actually you are mistaken. There is a princess that survived the attack. And she is here."
The looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. "W-What do you mean? This shouldn't be possible…" He spoke more to himself then anyone else.
"Sakura…can you please stand?" Itachi said not taking his eyes off of the man in front of him..or oger.
Sakura stood and looked at the person who caused so much pain to her people, and caused her and Sasuke to have the worst fight they have ever had. She sent death glares at the guy.
"Meet the blood ruler of The Sky Under The Seat." Itachi spoke watching the oger cower in fear where he stood.
"Do NOT think you will get off so easy, you have no idea what you've put MY people through. There will be hell to pay." She said each word trying to control her temper, which scared the men in front of her more.
"W-We are sorry your highness!" The said bowing. "We thought.-"
"That I was dead? And that's a reason to do this?" She shot back, cutting him off. "I'll tell you what, I'LL make the conditions and if you follow them how I say you should we will not make your punishment so sever. Got it?"
They nodded impatiently. "Yes, whatever you say your highness!"
"Good, not get out of my sight!" They quickly left the room.
"I think you'll make a great ruler." Itachi said laughing along with the others.
Sasuke leaned in to whisper something in her ear. "You're cut when you're mad." He said. This caused Sakura to blush.
"Attention everyone! The princess is going to speak." A guard said and Sakura appeared with the rest of them behind her.
"The war has ended, and do not worry they will pay for what they did, your houses will all be repaired, and anything else that you have lost will be replaced." She began as she saw the faces of everyone, they all respected her. She never thought that she would feel such an emotion.
"From this day forward…we will at peace with the rest of super natural."
"How?" Someone had to guts to ask. They all looked at Sakura awaiting her answer.
"We will all get married, creating peace thought all our species." Sakura began.
"Naruto, and Hinata, Tenten and Neji, Ino and Sai, Temari and Shikamaru, Itachi and Mai., …and Myself the princess of The Sky Under The Sea and Sasuke the prince of The Sky Under The Sea."
At this everyone looked at her in shock, even Sasuke. Well everyone except Sasuke's mom who began to jump up and down cheering with joy.
Everyone was thinking about what she had just said. They were all of high class rulers. Prince's and princess' they really could bring peace to everyone. They were all from different super natural beings, this meant no more wars.
They all began to cheer when they heard the news, knowing that their horrible past was now behind them, and now a peaceful future awaited them.
"Sakura, can we talk?" Sasuke asked randomly stopping.
"Yea sure, you guys go ahead we'll catch up." Sakura said as she made her way up to her room with Sasuke behind her.
"What is you wanted to talk about Sasuke?" Sakura said once they were inside her room.
"You…knew I was the prince? Since when?" He asked looking at her directly in the eyes.
Sakura smiled at him. "The first time you sank your teeth into my neck." She said touching her bit marks that were slowly healing while blushing like a tomato. "My …memories came back." She said looking down embarrassed.
"When you bit me…I remembered us, when we were small. You promised I'd be the only girl you would ever be with, and I promised that I would marry you one day." She said no looking back at him with confidence. "And I also remembered you were the one who took my memories…but only to protect me."
"But…did you remember…" Sasuke couldn't finish his question but Sakura knew what he was going to ask.
"Yea… I remembered that we were already married. We've been married for ten years now."
Sasuke sighed in relief and went over to hug Sakura tightly. "finally…I don't have to worry about keeping my distance from you. I love you Sakura." He said the last part in a whisper.
Sakura hugged him back. "I always had loved you…" She said burying her face in his chest.
Outside the room
"Shh!" Ino said the Naruto who was trying to hold back tears at their lovey dovey friends in the other side of the door.
"WTF! They've been married so long!" Tenten asked in a whisper.
"Yes they have." A cool voice said behind them and they all jumped from where they were as they turned to look at Itachi leaning against the wall. He laughed at their reaction. "don't worry I won't blow your cover." He said and they all focused their attention back at the couple inside the room.
"Sasuke?" Sakura started.
"Hmm?" Sasuke said.
"I need to tell you something important. Sasuke pushed her back a bit and looked into her eyes.
"Go ahead." He said calmly,.
She took in a deep breath but turned her attention towards the door. "you guys can stop trying to eave drop on us and just come in, I want you all to hear this." Sakura said while Sasuke looked at the door confused. How did she know they were there? I didn't even sense them…
They all sweat dropped as they walked in embarrassed for being caught, along with Itachi who wasn't ashamed at all.
"Sakura..?" Sasuke asked back to her.
She took in another deep breath and face everyone before turning back to Sasuke, she grabbed his hand which he didn't have a problem with.
Then she placed his hand on her stomach. He looked at her with confusion but walked closer to her anyways to be able to touch her easier.
"Sasuke…I'm pregnant." Sakura said looking at him, waiting for him to show some kind of expression and calculated every emotion that passed through his features.
Then faster then she could have seen she was being twirled around in the air, and being showered with kisses, ad the other's were barely trying to sink it in.
"BABY SHOER!" Ino was the first to break through their silence.
"That's great news!" Tenten followed.
"Congratulations, Sakura." Hinata said shyly.
"You're going to be a mom!" Temari said giving her a smile.
"Good job little brother." Itachi said.
The door slammed open and they all looked to see who it was. Sasuke's mom was standing in the door with her eyes wide and she looked like she just ran a marathon.
"Did I hear correctly?" She asked looking between Sasuke and Sakura. "I'm going to have a grand child!" She asked and Sakura nodded.
A huge smile broke out in her face and she began to cheer as her husband walked in. "This is great news!" She said. "Sweaty please control yourself." 'He said before giving his younger son a smile that said 'Nice work.'
While they were all talking about the baby that was soon to come they didn't notice that Sakura and Sasuke had left the room, well everyone but Itachi.
You're finally going to be happy little brother, I can finally relax. He thought as he smirked to himself. I know you two will make each other happy. Thank you Sakura.
Sakura and Sasuke were sitting on the tallest tree they could find, which was also the tree that they saw their first sunset in while they were in that place.
Sakura was sitting between Sasuke legs, and his arms were snaked around her protectively holding her tighter to his body.
He kissed the top of her head as they watched the sunset.
"I love you Sasuke…" Sakura suddenly said.
"Hn…I love you too." He said placing butterfly kisses down her neck.
"This will be the beginning of our lives together…are you nervous?" She asked looking at him.
He looked back at her. "No." He answered calmly.
"How can you not be scared?" Sakura asked.
"Sakura…" He started and she didn't interrupt., "there is a train leaving, and we don't know where that train will lead us, but I don't care… why is that Sakura?" Sasuke said, Sakura was a little confused by what he said but the it clicked.
"Because…" She said her eyes full of determination. "Because it doesn't matter where we are going, as long as I'm with you, it's the right place to go." She answered back, Sasuke smiled a true smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"Correct." Sasuke said before placing his lips with hers.
Finished! YEA! Haha
Thank you all for reading my story. And thank you all who stood by my story till the end!
The last couple of lines, the train thing, I got that from the movie Inception well I think that's how you spell it.
Anyways heard that part… and it was just so damn cute! I had to use it haha
Reviews are very much appreciated!
And don't worry everyone I already have another story in mind! So prepare yourselves for that one because (In my opinion) It's going to be the best story I have written so far!
Haha ok well until then everyone!
Thank again. Hope you enjoyed the story over all!
Reviews please