Disclaimer: I do not own the vampire academy series or any of the character that are mentioned through out the series Rachelle Mead does!

Hello all!

Yes Yes I know it has been forever since I last updated.

All I can say is that family is more important and they come first. Things haven't completely gone back to normal (like it ever does) but it is slowly getting there.

So to all my readers thank you so much for your patients and support regarding this story.

To those that have contacted me personal thank you very much for your kind words.

Now onto the story! Enjoy

Pavel POV

Leaving RenShi at the temple I walked back to my house with wild thoughts running through my head and a heavy burden weighing on my heart. How could this happen? At the academy of all places?, right under their noses? I barged through my front door picking up the first thing I saw and threw it across the room "AAARRRRHHHHH" I screamed.

I knew RenShi would not let me go to the academy, as I was needed here to complete my training. If anything happen to Rose and the baby there will be no point in me finishing my training as the whole point was to become the child personal body guard. How am I to protect them both at this stage when I am half way around the world in a Russian monastery? I just hope that Guardian Belikov is good as they say to keep them both safe.

Glancing at the wall it was very late and I still had six more hours to wait before I could call my wife and let her know what RenShi has instructed. I just hope that Rose will listen; everything depends on her choice now.


I honestly don't know how I didn't see it before; the chemistry that is coming off both Rose and Dimitri is unbelievable. All this time, it was right under my nose. Watching Dimitri rock Rose back and forth in his arms it was clear as day that both of them were more than lovers, they were connected.

My heart was aching seeing Rose so fragile, she has always been my rock my pillar of strength, I felt so helpless sitting here not been able to help my best friend, my sister. I wanted to hold Rose in my arms and tell her it is going to be all right like she always did for me when the I woke up with the nightmares, or when spirit was getting too much to the point I was cutting myself. Even though I was feeling selfish I knew Dimitri was the person she need right now, specially with the pregnancy.

I relaxed a little in the chair looking away from Rose and glancing at Guardian Hathaway and Abe. Giggles in head I cant believe that Abe Muzur is Rose is father, who would of guessed. Don't get me wrong all the sign were definitely there when it came to Rose showing her attitude but I never would of thought Abe. Guardian Hathaway has relaxed a little since Rose has calmed down pulling the other seat away from the bed to sit down, however Abe kept glaring at Dimitri.

I really should go and find Christian and the rest of them and let them know Rose is awake. We all looked up to Rose she was the glue that held our group of misfits together, our family. I was about to get up and leave when there was a knock at the door. You could see Dimitri tense at the sound tightening his grip on Rose as she let out a little whimper. Guardian Hathaway jumped from he chair pushing Abe to the side and locked eyes with Dimitri. Guardian Hathaway had her stake in her hand at the ready as she nodded indicating she was going to open the door.

"WOOOOW Janine is it only me, I went and got the doctor seeing that Rose is awake" I faintly herd Alberta voice.

Guardian Hathaway pushed the door open for Guardian Petrov and the doctor stepped into the room but you could easily tell that Guardian Hathaway was still on high alert with anyone that she didn't know being around her daughter.

Guardian Petrov silent but quickly came and stood behind me and the doctor stood just shy of the door frozen looking at Dimitri on the bed in shock.

" Excuse me Guardian Belikov but I will have to ask you to unhand my patient and get down from the bed" the male doctor sternly spoken holding Rose file in his hanging hands in front of his body. I looked back to the bed and Rose hands still had an iron grip on Dimitri shirt when she spoke " Don't leave me, please don't leave me" sounding so sacred and frightened.

I sure hate to be that doctor right now as even I knew Dimitri was not going to let Rose out of his arms. I was proven right when a low but vicious growl came from Dimitri.

"The only way you will get Rose out of my arms and me off this bed is if I am dead and try to do so forcefully will only result you with more patients tonight…. And I can guarantee it wont be me" Dimitri threaten the doctor giving him the most deathliest glare that I have ever seen. He really is a badass god, I though as I shifted in my seat. I felt Guardian Petrov arm grab my shoulder reassuring me.

Dimitri and the doctor stared at each other for a moment, I guess the doctor must of realized he wasn't going to win as I heard him sigh "Very well" as he stepped to the foot of the bed resulting in Guardian Hathaway in a counter move coming up to the side of the bed.


I watched as the doctor moved around the bed trying to get closer to Rose who was in the safety of Guardian Belikov arms. I didn't know this doctor and like hell was he going any where near my baby girl without me right next to him. God only knows what Rose is thinking or feeling at this moment. Thank god that Guardian Belikov is here cause I don't thing anyone of us would have been able to calm her down.

Abe was standing close behind me, as he had the same feeling as I did. To think that only a few hours ago I nearly lost my only child. I am more determined now to make sure that Rose understands that I do love her.

"Rose, my name is doctor Zokka, I am the special doctor that the academy brings in for the trials. My team and I were the ones that were working on you when you got brought in. Do you remember anything?" Dr Zokka asked in a warm voice as he tried to reach for her hand.

Rose moved her hand further away whimpering, burrowing herself more into Guardian Belikov embrace. Guardian Belikov let out a warning snarl as I raised my stake towards the doctor.

"Don't try and touch my daughter without permission, understood?" I barked.

Doctor Zokka turned to me to stare me down with the most disappointed and astonished face. "Remember who you are talking to here please Guardian Hathaway. I am the doctor that is treating your daughter. How am I meant to help her heal if I can not touch her?"

The question was left lingering in the air until Princess Lissa spoke up. "Excuse me Dr Zokka but Rose does not need you to heal her as more to make sure that her body operating the way it should be. If that requires you to touch her than I would think it be wise to ask permission as I will be dammed if I am going to let anyone hurt her again. I would also appreciate it if you keep in check which tone you use in my presence around rose. Rose my not be related to me by blood but is in no other sense my sister." The venom dripping off those words left everyone in the room speechless.

"I am sorry if I have offended you Princess but I am only trying to do my job. I can assure you that Rose is getting the best of everything, orders from the Queen herself. Rose seems to be still in a mild case of shock, I will come back tomorrow to check on her progress. I would suggest that Rose get some rest and much need sleep. I have to request that only one person be stay with rose at this time. The more people surrounding her the more tense she will be." The doctor bowed his head in respect before walking out the door.

"Dimitri, Dimitri to stay" rose said in a whisper.

I looked up into Guardian Belikov eyes pleading as I wanted to stay and hold my daughter in my arms. I moved forward to touch rose but she shunned away gripping tighter onto Guardian Belikov shirt. Guardian Belikov stared back with sadness in his eyes as I began to weep. My own daughter didn't want my comfort.

Abe wrapped his arms around me whispering in my ear words of comfort. "Come Janine, she will be safe with Dimitri. We will get some rest and be back when she wakes up" as we walked towards the door.


You could see the hurt and struggle on Guardian Hathaway face as she left the room. Rose was her daughter, even as strange as there relationship she lovers Rose so much. I know she must be hurting right now as Rose wanted Dimitri to stay and no one else. I was a little hurt but I could understand. If I were in her position all I would want would be Christian. With that thought I best be going too, I need to inform the others on Rose.

As I stood from the chair Guardian Petrov was saying her goodbyes to Dimitri and walking out the door.

"Guardian Belikov I must be going now also, I leave Rose in your hands. She needs your strength and your love right now and no one else's." I sweetly say with a smile on my face.

The face of Guardian Belikov was priceless. I found it very hard not to laugh.

"Pri.. Princess?" His voice was shaken

I snickered a giggle as the great badass Guardian Belikov stumbles with one word. "Guardian Belikov Rose is my sister, did you really think that the attitude change of Rose was going to go un noticed. Laughs do you love her?"

Guardian Belikov nodded his head "Yes Princess I love her very much and deeply. Rose isn't my life, she is something more, she is my heart."

"That is the most sweetest thing I have every heard. I am so happy for you both. You do understand what will happen if I every find out that you have hurt her don't you?" I asked with the glint in my eye.

"Princess I would never dream of ever doing anything to hurt Roza, not intentionally. It would only hurt me also. I do understand your message none the less" Guardian Belikov spoke sincerely

"Good, get some rest and don't let her out of your arms. Ill be back tomorrow." I smiled as I walked to the door, closing it behind me.

Once the door was closed I headed out of the infirmary pulling my phone out of my pocket texting Christian, Adrian asking them to meet me at Tasha quarters.


A knock at my door brought me out of my stupor. Opening the door I found Princess Lissa there with an apologetic look.

"Princess Lissa what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked friendly opening the door wider for her to come in.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything Tasha, but I have asked for Christian and Adrian to meet me hear for an update on Rose." She answered shyly.

"Of course Princess, it is not a hassle in the slightest. Would you like a drink my dear, I was about to pour myself another stiff drink. I bet with today's events you could use a good drink? Hmmm?" I asked

The Princess looked up at me with a concerning look on her face "Water will be fine thank you." Lissa responded

"Come come now Princess I am not a teacher and I do remember what is was like to be young!" I half giggled my response.

Lissa giggles with me for an unknown reason. "Then I will have what ever it is that your having Tasha" Lissa stated with a crocked smile.

I grabbed to glasses from the cupboard pouring a nice glass of cold rum. I handed Lissa a class as we sat at the table.

An odd comfortable silence swept the room as I sat at the table staring at the young Princess who has captivated my nephew's heart.

Thinking of my sweet nephew, here he comes walking over to the table with Adrian close behind him.

"My dear Christian how many time do I have to tell you to knock before you enter someone's room?" I snicker tilting my head in amusement.

Shaking his head Christian with a glint smile on his face he bends down and places a kiss on the top of the Princess head "I am sorry Aunty but my only role model showed me from a young age that it was alright to break the rules". Then he broke out laughing, the Princess playfully smacked his stomach making him cough.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. "Christian if there ever was a time to heard my advice now would be it, Never and I mean never let this young amazing woman ever slip through your fingers".

I saw Adrian roll his eyes as he took a seat at the table with Christian following suit. "So how is Rose?" Adrian asked bluntly. I stood up from the table walking back into the kitchen to retrieve two more glass, as I knew that both Christian and Adrian will need it with the update that the Princess is about to deliver.

The last hour has been very hard to keep my emotions in check hearing about rose and everything that has happened at the hospital. Christian and Adrian were not going to hide their feeling or thoughts on the matter, Adrian especially. Both boys wanted to hunt down and kill the person responsible for rose being in the hospital; Adrian was going to speak to his aunty the queen demanding answers. It was admirable in what they wanted to do but I couldn't bear to see them hurt.

The princess and I talked the boys out of there revenge plan and that everyone need a good nights rest now that Rose is awake. After everyone left my room I drew myself a hot bath. It was there in the depths of silence that my mobile phone rang.

Pavel POV

I couldn't wait any longer, being a world away and helpless is not my forte. I picked up my phone and called Tasha, god I wish I could hold her in my arms right now, I sighed. The phone rang and on the 5 ring she picked up.

"Hello" she answered out of breath.

"Tasha baby is everything alright?" I asked quickly, panic rising inside of me.

"Oh hey baby, yeah everything is fine. I was just in the bath deep in thought, I had to race to answer the phone." She answered

"Oh thank god, I was worried something else has happened" I stated back releasing a heavy sigh.

"I know baby, but everything seemed to have quieted down for the time being. I had the Princess, Christine and Adrian over before updating on Rose." Her caring voice sounded through the phone.

"And how is Rose?" I asked holding my breath for some news on her.

Tasha released a sigh "Rose is awake, very emotional unstable at the moment but she is awake. There has been no news as such about the baby, so I am assuming that the doctors have not completed their test and her family still go unaware that she is indeed pregnant. I can confirm that the Princess is the only one aware of her condition, to which that wouldn't surprise me. From what I have been told by the Princess she Dimitri is refusing to leave her side. Abe her father will be bring or hiring her some guardians assigned to protect her until this matter is sorted out. Which as you can imagine will make things hard to get her alone."

I heard Tasha take a breath before she continued.

"The queen has made herself present in this case as to try to wrap up the investigation which has got Rose family very suspicious. I know she is only trying to keep things quiet so we can carry out the task ahead that she has set with RenShi but all it has done is draw more suspicition. Things are a mess right now and I really don't know where to go from here?" you could here the stress in her voice. It is hard to imagine that in one day all things have gone from being ok to absolute shit.

I release the breath that I was holding and it is more worse than I thought.

"Tasha Hun, I am sorry that I can not be there with you at this time and everything falls to you and with what RenShi wants you to do is going to be more difficult now then before." I state to her

"God Pavel what does he except me to work miracles. Not only do I have to keep my self hidden from suspicion, I have to break into the medical center as well as the academy's steal roses hard copy files, delete the virtual copies from the computer erasing her from completely like she never existed. Some how manage to explain plus convince Rose to leave her family and Dimitri." Tasha all but growled down the phone.

"Babe calm down, I know you can pull all this off. RenShi would not of given you this task if he didn't think you could do it" I asked honestly.

"So that is what he wants me to do, GREAT!" I could hear the sarcasms dripping from that statement.

I love Tasha more than life itself but she is starting to get on my nerves, I really don't like pulling rank with her as she is my wife and we are meant to be partners in everything but she is getting herself worked up.

"TASHA" I shouted down the phone. There was silence on the other end.

"My love calm down or do I have to pull rank?" I asked

I could hear sobbing now, great I instantly fee like shit as I have made her cry and I am not there to take her into my arms and comfort her.

"Honey, come on baby please calm down I didn't mean to yell at you. Look I know this is hard on you and everyone else involved but it is the sacrifices that we do now will help Rose and that baby of hers. But yes you are correct you will have to do all those things you stated before. RenShi does want you to confront Rose and tell her the truth, and get her to leave to come to the monastery." I answer calmly.

There was and agonizing silence on the end of the phone.

"Ok, but it is going to take me some a few days to speak to Rose so in the mean time I will get a jump start into making her disappear." Tasha replied.

"That's my girl. Ok my love I will leave you to get some rest and plan you next move, keep me updated. When you think you have Rose let me know so I can be on the private jet out to the academy to get her. Good night my love" I speak softly into the phone.

"Goodnight and I love you too." I heard her answer.

Putting my phone down I rolled over in the bed, lying flat on my back with my hands behind my head. This is far from being over.

Hope that you all enjoyed and I didn't disappoint?

Once again thanks to everyone for supporting this story.

Please review.
