Chapter: 3 Missing girl.

I pushed the autoploit button as I went back to Blasie and her dad. "Hey guys." I said as Blasie grabbed my iPod. It was black with a sliver words that said,'To one friend to another.' I happily grabbed the iPod and put it in my ears. The song that was playing was Love The Way You Lie. I was at one of my favorite parts when, we got attacked agian! I shoved the earphones out of my ears as I told Blasie to go towards the front of the plane to take control if needed to. She looked at me then ran. I looked for her father, but I couldn't see him. Not that I don't want to, but he is one of my best friends' dad. But, I swear if he ever talk smack about my dad again he will-. All of a sudden there was a hand over my mouth and something whispering in my ear to stop screaming, when I finally did, I recongise him. "You."
"Yes, you don't act all, I don't know what is going on, with me mister." I said as I pointed my finger to his face. He looked at me and growled. Uh, one thing I forgot to tell you, even if we are animals, okay spirt animals we liked to be respected and I think I am going to get my butt kicked. I ran as far as I can. I turned into a spirt wolf and jumped out the opened window. I stood there than I saw that this plane was coming down. I tried to get back inside, but Mr.I-am-Blasie's-father-so-I-could-lock-you-out-when-I-want-too. So I turned into a human and looked around, and then it is when I saw it. The bomb. I ran towards the front of the plane with evil machine birds attacking me and I jumped and punched the front window with all my might. Blasie was knocked out and the bomb already started a fire. I looked, but I couldn't see her dad so I threw her over my shoulder and with all the strength I had left I jumped. It was then she woke up and it was then I passed out.

-Three days later-
I woke up and I had the biggest migrane ever. I hold my head with my left hand and use my right to hold me up. I took a look of our surrondings and saw trees, sand, fruit, water, and a camp fire. "So you finally woke up."
"Yea, but I have a migrane to die for."
Blasie laughed as she handed me a coconut. I looked at her and she handed me a spoon and a straw too.
"Its is for your headache. It makes it less intense, but-" But before she could finished...

Chapter 4 coming soon!