Those who don't like it, don't worry, nothing inappropriate(if you know what I mean... ^^;) happens.

This is the prologue so it's a bit short. The other chapters should be longer.

Disclaimer: Why would I own any of these characters if it's a FANfiction site? They belong to Akira Toriyama.

Bra is around 5-6 years old. So Trunks and Goten are about, I dunno, 17-18?

The Briefs stay with the Sons!


At Capsule Corp...

Vegeta sat bearish at a table eating his breakfast that Bulma made, that's how desperate he was. He hated her cooking, baking, toasting, whatever it was. He hated it, but he was too hungry to go out and find better food.

Bra on the other hand was watching one of her favorite shows, The Care Bears. Trunks was forced to watch with her to get away from doing his morning chores.

Bulma did Bra and Trunks's dishes, and Vegeta's, though he was still eating more food. 'I guess it comes from his Saiyan blood...' she thought.

A few hours later at the Son's house...

Goku was happily training with Goten to get away from Chi-Chi's yelling. She was angry at him for making Gohan slack off on his homework. Gohan had to work even harder so his mom wouldn't get even angrier.

"Alright Goten, ready to practice your Kamehameha? Full power?" Goku asked while hovering above their house.

Goten nodded and cupped his hands together, ready to attack his dad. "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!" he yelled, and the Kamehameha went berserk and didn't go anywhere near Goku. It went somewhere far in the distance.

The two looked at each other in shock and flew off to see where it landed after they heard a large KA-BOOM.

Goku and Goten landed in awe to see smoke and a HUGE fire right at Capsule Corp., but not the whole company, it just happened to be where Bulma, Vegeta, Bra and Trunks lived.

"Umm... n-not a problem... we'll just tell them that-"

"Dad! Vegeta's gonna kill me!" Goten yelled, his eyes wide at Goku, making him not finish his sentence.

"Don't worry! We'll just call the fire depa-" but before he could finish, everybody at Capsule Corp. dashed out of the area because it was slowly spreading. One of the company members had already called the fire department and it arrived at their house not a moment too soon.

Luckily, Vegeta and his family were shopping so they were away from the burning house. They were already driving home, with Bulma as the driver and Vegeta in the passenger seat, looking grumpy as usual, and Trunks and Bra, looking outside the window in the back.

Vegeta growled. "How long is this traffic going to take?"

"Calm down Vegeta, it shouldn't take long."

After about 10 minutes of sitting in traffic, Vegeta grew angry and scowled. "I am not going to take this any longer!" And without another word, he opened the door and flew into the air, a ki blast forming in his hand above him.

Bulma knew what he was going to do, blow up all the cars in front of their's. She stuck her head out the window in angst. "Vegeta! Come down here now!"

"You're not the boss of me, woman!"

"If you don't come down here now, I won't cook for you for a whole week!"

Vegeta thought about that for a moment, and thought it was perfect. 'No traffic AND no horrible food from that woman...' "That's fine with me!" he yelled and almost threw his ki blast when he saw smoke coming from the distance, right around where Capsule Corp. was held. His ki blast disappeared in his hand and he grew angry once more. "I bet it's Kakarot and his little brat's doing..." he mumbled.

"Vegeta, what are you looking at? What's happening?"

"Mommy! I see smoke!" Bra yelled, pointing out the window.

Bulma sighed. "Oh no..."

To be continued...

How'd ya like it? I know I know... you here this on every story... need I say it? Please review! Should I continue or is it a piece of poo? Again, reviews will help me update this. Every one counts! ;)