Hello lovely readers! I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been swapped at school and had a major case of writer's block but I pulled out of it and wrote the ending =). So now I only have to work on my other story which I am so blocked on so in the mean time if you have any plot bunnies you would like to plot in my mind feel free =)

NOTE READ PLEASE IMPORTANT: I know there are some holes in the story but I couldn't fit them in so for the sake of the fic, Eli talked to Clare's parents alone and told Clare that they said no. They are eloping.

I do not own Degrassi TT_TT

There was something about Eli that drove me nuts. Whether it was his sarcastic comments or his adorable smirk, I don't know. There was something about him that made me want to wipe the cocky look off his face when he challenged me, which is possibly how I ended up in this position. I looked around my room one last time before grabbing my bag and climbing out the window. When I reached the ground I wasn't surprise to see a smirking Eli leaning on Morty. I smiled and threw my bag at his head as I walked to Morty's passenger seat.

"You coming?" I asked peering at him from the window

He smirked "Eager to spend eternity with me Clare?" I stuck my tongue out at him "Nope just eager for that yummy cake we ordered"

He laughed "Ouch so all this is a ploy to eat cake" "Yup you just happen to be a bonus" I wink at him.

"Okay heart breaker, are you ready to do this"

"More ready then I have ever been"

He starts up Morty and begins to drive away. I look back at what use to be my home and wave goodbye to my once happy home. Eli grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly. I turn to him and give him a small smile before looking out the window.

It's late or early depending on how you look at it. I start to doze off, to Eli quietly singing to a song I liked, his voice getting father away as I fell deeper into sleep.

"Clare. Clare Claaare!" I hear someone saying my name and shaking me softly

I moan and mumble "Five more minutes"

"Clare, come on were here you have to get up" I hear him chuckle "Hmm, I wonder what will get her up" I hear him shift around

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain on my neck. My eyes open wide as I gasp "You BIT me!"

"Yes, yes I did" I look at him "You bit me" "We have established that" he smirks at me

I look at him still not believing that he bit me. I sit there staring at the dash board trying to decide whether that was the sexiest thing he's done or if I'm mad he did it. I feel Eli shifting next to me then once again his mouth is on my neck, only gentler, he kisses the spot he bit lightly running his tongue across the abused flesh. I shiver and sigh I guess I liked it and he's forgiven.

I turn to him and peck his lips before getting out of the car and stretching. I feel my joints protest at the demand of activity after being unused for such a long time. I look around, were in the middle of the forest.

"Uh…Eli where are we?" I ask bewildered

"We are taking eloping to the next level, but first I need you to put this blindfold on and not take it off until I tell you too"

"How will I get dressed or do my make up or hair?" I demand

"There are people that will do it for you, just stop being stubborn and trust me"

He stands behind me and puts the blind fold on me, and makes sure that I can't see anything. He pulls me forward for a few minutes then stops. I hear a door open and Eli pulled me inside and sat me down on a plush chair.

"Remember, don't look. I love you." he kissed me and then I heard him walk away

I sat there for a few minutes contemplating whether I should take the blind fold off, I never really promised I wouldn't and one peek wouldn't hurt. I go to lift the blind fold off but some one slaps my hand away.

"Ouch, what the heck? Who's there?" I hear a girly giggle and a sigh

"Do not worry about that, just cooperate and we can get this party started sooner" The girl's voice is familiar but sounds muffled.

"I have the dress ready for you, we just have to get you into it, do your hair and make up and send you on your merry way" I could here the smile in her voice, it irked me for some reason.

"So I'm not going to be wearing shoes, through this endeavor?" I ask sarcastically

"Of course you are, now please cut the sarcasm and cooperate with my colleague if you don't mind" another muffled female voice said from behind me.

I sighed; I guess I really didn't have a choice. The next few hours were spent getting me into my dress and getting my hair and make up done. They took off my blind fold but made me keep my eyes closed, I was able to sneak a peak, and they both had masks on. I heard another voice, this time it was a man voice, also muffled.

"Five minutes guys, is she ready?"

"Yes she is, did he ever doubt us" Mask girl number 2 giggled

"Wait she has to see her self first" Mask girl #1 says. She pulls me up towards what I assume is a lighted mirror, she takes my blindfold off and I look at myself. I look amazing, I smile when I see the dress it is a white Victorian dress, with a lace pattern and lace trimmings. Its so beautiful.

"Come on Clare, It is your day, make sure to keep your eyes shut" Mask girl #1

One of them pulls me up and drags me forward and around a corner, then pulls me to a stop. I open my eyes and gasp. Tears fill my eyes as I take in the most beautiful sight ever. The small church was filled with her friends and family, decorated with carnations of many colors.

Ali and Jenna pop holding the masks "We do good work huh" they wink at me, hand me a bouquet of forget-me-not's, then walked up the aisle meeting Sav and Adam.

That's when I see him, Eli, standing at the front of the church, with a small smile on his face, which gets bigger when I smile back. I'm about to run up to him when I feel two hands on my own. I turn and see both my mom and dad smiling at me and each other. The music begins and my parents walk me up the aisle, it feels like forever before I reach Eli. They both kiss my cheeks and hand me to Eli.

Eli held my hand and said "Surprise" he smirked at me and turned to the minister.

"We are gathered here today…."

AN: Sorry I've never been to a wedding, therefore I can't write this scene properly so sorry!

"You may now kiss the bride" Eli kissed me sweetly and hugged me. "There will be plenty of time for a real kiss late my lovely wife" he whispered in my ear. I smile and blush slightly at the though.

We head towards the reception.

"Wow, how did you pull all this off, with out me knowing. I thought you said my parents didn't approve and that's why we were eloping?"

"My dear Clare, what's the fun in a regular wedding, besides you know I have a thing for theatrics" He smirked at me. I laugh and hit him on his arm.

"CLARE! I can't believe you were going to get married without me!" Yells Ali, she hugs me and says "I cant believe we pulled it off though and don't think I didn't see you sneak a peak. Good call on the masks Eli" she hugs me and runs off towards Dave.

"So Mr. Goldsworthy, what's next on your list of surprises?" I ask as I sit on his lap and feed him a slice of cake.

"Well Mrs. Goldsworthy, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you now would it" he smirked at me. "What do you say we get out of here?"

I look at him. "Eli we can't, the party is still going on." I frown

He kisses my forehead "Look around, no one is paying attention." I look around and he's right. He starts kissing my neck making all coherent thought float out of my head.

"Alright let's go" We sneak out and head to Morty. I laugh as I see the message written on the back.

"For Eternity"

Well that's the end...what do you think? Review? Yes make my day =)!