Disclaimer – Transformers © Hasbro


Sideswipe staggered down the hall to his quarters, half-dead on his feet. Pulling two shifts was torture, but two shifts of nothing but staring at an empty screen was nothing short of processor killing.

Sunstreaker met him halfway, going the other direction. He looked Sides up and down and sighed. "Sides, you look like crap."

"Lovely to see you too, Sunshine." Sideswipe said, not even stopping his trek to his room. Sunstreaker turned and fell into step beside him. "What do you want?"

Sunstreaker shrugged. "Heard you talked to Hot Rod."


"Do you not remember our conversation earlier?"

Sides gave him a peeved glare. "No, I don't, actually. And before you jump to conclusions, he was looking for the rec room, got turned around and wound up in the comm room. I wasn't going to ignore the guy."

Sunstreaker fell silent as they reached the doors to their shared quarters. Sides nodded to Sunstreaker. "I'm going to bed now. If Prowl needs me, have him comm. me."

Sunstreaker nodded. "Fine. Have a good recharge."

Sideswipe gave him a grin, some of his humor showing despite his exhaustion. "I plan to."

Sunstreaker watched as Sideswipe disappeared into their quarters, then spun on his heel and stalked down the hall. As far as he was concerned, it was time to have a come-to-Primus talk with Hot Rod.

He didn't particularly care if it was an innocent conversation, that was his brother he was making a move on.

Hot Rod looked up from his energon as a shadow fell over him. "Ah, Sunstreaker. Have a seat?"

Sunstreaker slid into the offered seat. "I want you to stay away from Sideswipe."

Hot Rod smiled. "You don't beat around the bush, do you?"


Hot Rod considered Sunstreaker evenly. "You think to scare me off with a few tough words?"

"Again, no. I'll just turn you into scrap metal and then bunt you back to Cybertron where you belong. No words necessary." Sunstreaker said, leaning back in his seat. He offered Hot Rod a small smirk.

Hot Rod smiled back. "That's assuming you can beat me."

"I can." There was no arrogance, or boasting in Sunstreaker's tone.

Hot Rod continued to smile. "So instead of scaring me off with words, you intend to use your fists? Strangely fitting, if you ask me."

Sunstreaker shrugged, and pierced Hot Rod with a level look. "I'm not a particularly vocal mech. I prefer to let my fists do the talking for me."

"So why are we having this conversation?"

"Because I'm trying to show some semblance of civility." Sunstreaker said mildly. "Now then, I've said it once, and I'll say it one more time. Stay away from my brother."

"Why should I? As far as I'm aware, he's not in a relationship, so what's the big deal?"

Sunstreaker shrugged. "I don't trust you."

"You don't trust me?"

"No. You show up on base, and not even five minutes after being introduced to us, you immediately start following Sideswipe around like a love-struck idiot. Forgive me if I'm not inclined to let you anywhere near my brother." With that, Sunstreaker stood up, and with a nod to Hot Rod, left the table.

Hot Rod watched Sunstreaker go, considering his next move.

A/N - I'm alive! I actually hit something of a block about half-way through this chapter. Thank God for good music, otherwise this might have never gotten written. Here's to hoping that you like it. So read, review, and let me know one way or another!