The lady was dressed nicely; she had long, curly, red hair, and big innocent eyes. She wore less make-up than most of the high ladies in the auction.

She had just bought me for ten pennies, that wasn't very much, even for a slave. But it wasn't surprising I was bought for so little. I was too young, I was thin, and I was female, three marks against me. Plus my mother use to tell me that I had puppy dog eyes, so I looked pathetic. My brother had them to, but he was tall, strong, and at the prime age of 22. He would sell for a lot of money.

"Am I to assume what your name is?" the lady asked me good naturedly, making me automatically feel comfortable around her.

I didn't think that she would care for my name, no one else had since I was taken as a slave.

"Are you mute my dear?" she asked me quietly, her voice soft and sympathetic.

I shook my head quickly, "I'm love… that's my name." I was love, my brother was Patient, and my parents were cruel. That wasn't their names, and they were really great people as I remember, and I don't remember them very well, but they named us ridiculous names.

"That is a very beautiful name. Do you have any family you would like me to buy? That boy looks quite like you, is he related to you in any way?

I looked over and met eyes with my brother, "He is my brother," I said, praying he will get to be with me.

"60 pennies," a man said, bidding of him. That was too low for a slave like my brother.

"70," the lady who bought me said, and then winked at me.

"80!" someone else yelled.

This continued until my new owner bought him for 6 dollars. That was really expensive for a slave, even one so strong.

"Hello," she said smiling at Patience, "what is your name?"

"Patience," he said respectfully in his deep voice. I wanted to go run and hug him, but I wasn't sure if that was allowed, so I just smiled at him.]

"Well I'm afraid I spent all my change on you, so ill not buy anything else today," she said, and grunted as she lifted a huge box.

"Master!" I said, feeling like I owed her for buying my brother "Would you like me to carry that for you?"

"Only if you promise to never call me that again. You are a humane being, not a beast. Call me Brooke, and you may carry the other box if you promise to do the same Patience," the pleasantly plump lady said.

I took the box, "I promise Brooke!"

"Thank you Brooke," my brother said, easily lifting the other two boxes, and we followed Brooke to a carriage that was already full boxes around the same size. Some were colorful, but mainly just wood.

"Good thing I didn't get any more new family members, or we would be in a real pinch," she said as we squeezed in.

"Family members?" Patience asked.

"Not exactly, you get to chose if you would like to join my little family unit, or just go free."

"I want to!" I said, my eyes wide and truthful.

Brooke smiled at me, "I'm so glad, we will have to throw you a party soon, but it may not be for awhile, because its harvest right now and we are really busy."

"You live on a farm, what's the catch?" Patience asked.

"I give you a room, safety, and your freedom, you just have to work for me, to help pay for food and boarding. And if you would like to donate your wages, you can help me free more slaves, and buy more land so we get more money, so you get more wages. Though you can do what ever you would like with your money," she said, "You could save it, and then start a new life or what ever you like."

"We… get paid?" Patience asked.

Brooke smiled, "Yes, not much, it costs a lot to afford food for so many, and provide decent rooms for everyone, but you will get 4-6 pennies a day, depends on how the harvest is, and the time of the year. But the harder you work, the better the harvest, we have gotten to pay everyone 7 pennies once."

"We get paid!" I said excitedly, "I've never had my very own money before!"

Brooke reached into her pocket, and handed me a penny, "Driver, stop at the mail station," she said, smiling at me.

"We are almost there," he said nodding.

I hugged the penny to me, "Thank you!" I said.

"I would like to donate my money to freeing others," Patience said.

Brooke smiled, "Thank you."

I looked at the shiny, copper coin in my hand, "can I only donate some of my money, and keep the rest?" I asked.

Brooke nodded, "thank you, that would be perfect Love."

I laughed happily, then hugged her tightly, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

She laughed in happy surprise. "You are more than welcome, now would you run into the mail station, and buy us all a piece of candy?"


"Love is very sweet," Brooke said, watching Love run into the post office, her black hair flying behind her. It was obvious we didn't belong her. Our eyes were more almond shaped, and our skin not as red, more olive, thought Love did freckle easily. Also love had huge, big, innocent eyes that were full of life. "How old is she?"

"9," I said smiling.

"Tender age to be sold into slavery, I'm glad I saved her. She is so innocent and full of life, slavery would have crushed her."

"I… I am good at woodworking; I can make stuff and sell them to help with the expenses. I know you spent a lot on me."

Brooke smiled at me, "Thank you, you may do that on your free time. It can be your hoppy, I need field workers, I just bought more land. And you would be donating the money, that isn't something you have to do if you don't want. You can keep that money and you should feel guilty the tiniest bit. It was worth buying a good strong boy like you, even if you didn't want to stay and help with harvest."

"Thank you."

Then I saw Love running for the mail store, holding three pieces of hard candy. She handed us each one. "I've never bought anything ever before!"