A/N: Hey ya'll, this is just one of the little 'extras' at the end of the Doujinshi and it was waaaaay too cute to pass up. So I added it. Enjoy.


Zoro and Luffy held out their arm's side by side. The raven's free hand circled around his before he let go of his arm, his hand balling into a fist as he clenched it tight. "Yours is definitely bigger. That's not fair!" He whined.

"HOW THE HECK IS THAT UNFAIR?"Zoro sweatdropped at the smaller boy's glare. "Stop caring so much!"

"You've also got more muscle everywhere else, like on your chest." Luffy flexed his left arm, the muscle only slightly bulging. "Even though we're only two years apart." He muttered in envy.

"What's gotten into you?" The green-haired male asked. "I don't think you have anything to complain about." Zoro suddenly grinned. "We train differently. Like you can compare your skinny arms to mine."

"But Sanji's arms and chest haven't changed—"

The swordsman's eye twitched in annoyance as the blonde's name was mentioned. "How did that shitty cook enter this conversation…?"

"Ah, well, I noticed it when I hugged him."

'HUGGED?' Zoro's entire body irked.

Luffy answered like it was something he did every day. "I jumped Sanji because I was starving…"

'Sanji! Foooood!' Luffy whined as he wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist.

'Get off me you shitty piece of rubber!' Sanji threatened, his hand clenched around the raven's neck and pulling it to try and get rid of the younger boy as a large knife was in his other hand.

"And that's when I noticed." He continued, looking back down at his arm as he flexed it again. His pout became even more noticeable. "I guess being made of rubber means I'll never get to be all buff…" He was shaken from his self pity the moment a hard arm suddenly wrapped around his neck, snatching him from his spot and dragging him closer to the bigger body frame. "Hm?" He asked in a sort of 'What's up Zoro' way.

"Ah!" Luffy exclaimed as it hit him. "YOU'RE JEALOUS ARE YOU? HUH? HUH?"

The swordsman growled. "Not so loud…"

"Hey," Luffy's hands tugged on the green-haired male's arms encouragingly. "Zoro."

"…" Was it really necessary to say it? Che. It couldn't be helped. "Yeah, that's right."

Luffy's playful expression disappeared as Zoro admitted it.

"I'm jealous because you hugged Sanji. I'm jealous because you're talking about Sanji." He told the younger boy. "Actually," He turned his head to look down at the raven, his usually peeved glare on his face. "I get jealous every time you talk about somebody else." The next thing he asked was a question full of menace. "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?"

"No—pe!" Luffy sang back, his grin covering his entire face as he smiled. "Can't be helped, so I'll just have to spoil you!" He announced and wrapped his arms around the elder male's waist, squeezing tightly. "Here's a love-hug! And 'nother-hug!"

"You're the one spoiling me?" Zoro asked precariously.


"That sounded like fun," Robin commented as she sat at the table next to Luffy, listening to the story he was telling about Zoro's confession. "The two of you are so close…"

"Yup!" Luffy swallowed his bite of food and grinned. "So I hugged Sanji, right? And Zoro got jealous of me!"

"WHAT?"The mug of coffee the blonde had be pouring slipped out of his grasp, clattering to the ground before it shattered. There was a grave, sickening look on his face as Sanji looked uneasily at the green-haired swordsman. "You idiot!"

"Jealous, huh?" Nami snickered as she knew what probably had happened but how their captain had been so Luffy-like to misinterpret the true meaning.

"NOT JEALOUS OF "YOU"!" Zoro screamed at Luffy.