This was supposed to a mundane arrest. An everyday, ordinary, run of the mill apprehension. It wasn't supposed to be like this. We weren't supposed to be subjected into a scenario that we were not anticipating. We weren't supposed to be running against the clock to save a man's life. We weren't supposed to feel our hearts hammer with such desperation, such desolation, at the loosening grip the young man before us held on life.

No amount of training the FBI forced on us could have prepared us for this. We understand the dangers that await us everyday we possess the badge that authenticates us as an agent, but when one acquires the designation as a consultant, what dangers are they subjected to? Certainly not this. Not one definition of consultant rendered this.

I would give anything to see the barrel of a gun pressed against his temple. I'm trained to react in situations such as those. I would pull my weapon, negotiate and if the suspect didn't comply, I would take the shot and hope my partner isn't too distraught that my barrel was aimed so close to him. But that isn't the case. There is no bullet threatening to fire and pierce through his flesh to steal his vitality, to take him away to a place not even an agent such as myself could ever find and reinstate. No, the only bullets present are the ones loaded in my own weapon, the ones reserved for the man responsible for this. I don't care what law is thrown at me, what peril I bring upon myself. I will make damn sure the very soul that impelled this upon my partner disburses for what he has done.

He better enjoy his time, for however short it remains. When he promised to kill the rest of us If we ever got out of here, I was not unsettled the slightest. When he swore to take my partner's life If by some miracle he lived through this, I was not unnerved. He is unaware of the fury he has bestowed upon me or the vengeance that seeks him.

But for now, I must push the grating feeling of revenge to the back of my mind and do what Diana, Jones, and most of all, Neal, are asking, pleading me to do.

Save him.

I must find the antidote to the poison that flows through his veins that is eating away at his hold on life. I only have eight hours to locate the only thing that can keep life within him until his heart stops and his life is gone forever. As all four of us look around, we know we are going to need every minute of those eight hours we have been given. We are locked in a messy basement of an old house out in the middle of nowhere, with no way to get out, no method of contacting help, and a malicious man's word that the antidote we desperately search for is somewhere in this basement.

The four of us begin our search knowing that within minutes it will be down to three. The youngest of all of us, the one we each try to protect and feel responsible for, won't be able to help us because he, Neal Caffrey, will be too busy fighting for his life.

AN: This is an idea I was given and I'm attempting to write it out. I know it is short but this is just to introduce the idea and see what you guys think. If continued it won't always be in first person! Again this is just introducing the story. So please review and let me know what ya think! Thanks! :)