I had fun writing this chapter, as it is in different points of view as it progresses. It was interesting, being in Jacob's head post Imprintion. I thought he would be all Reneesme this and Reneesme that, but he was surprisingly normal. (I cut out all the Reneesme thoughts.) Hope you like it! -Nessa

I sat in my room after my breakfast, staring at my copy of TwiDark again. I had the strangest urge to tear it up and throw it in the garbage. Which is ridiculous, because it was is my favorite book. I half growled and hid it behind the bookshelf. I sighed and started thinking about the reason for my sudden hatred for the fantastic novel. Embry. I knew what I was going to do, but how do I see him without changing my mind and deciding to just ignore what I know. That would be such a huge mistake! It would all catch up with me and I'd break down. I need to deal with this, and then put it behind me. Like grief, which is stupid, because I haven't lost anything.

I sighed again and gave into the pressure. I picked up my phone and dialed Embry's number.

Embry POV

I had been on patrol since 6.00 am. I was really tired and exhausted and all I wanted was to go home and lick my wounds so to speak. But no, Alice had to see some vampires a little too close for comfort! Stupid bloodsucker!

It's not Alice's fault that there's a vampire near. Seth said, his voice, as always, happy. I hate happy.

Really? You're always such a bucket of sunshine we never noticed.

Shut up, Leah. But even she seems… not as snippy as normal. Which for a normal, not Leah person, that's cloud nine. Why is it everyone insists on being ecstatic when I'm in the mood to be perfectly miserable?

Maybe because you INSIST on being perfectly miserable everyfuckingday of your life. Not all of us are like that.

Please Leah. Don't make me laugh. Like you were a bouquet of roses after Sam dumped your ass for Emily!

Leah growled and attacked me. She wasn't even close to me but that girl can run! Anyways, I didn't have time to think about that, I had a very angry werewolf unrelenting on my tail, which suited me just fine. I had a lot of pent up energy that needed to be expelled and Leah healed quick. Plus she just pissed me off! Before the fight could really get started though Jake started yelling.

Stop! Cool off. Embry go home, we don't really need you here.

Whatever. I need some sleep anyway. Party pooper. I started running towards my house, suddenly feeling the urge to get there.

Jacob's POV

God! I hate that self absorbed jerk!

Be easy on him, Leah. He had a rough day yesterday.

What? His mama yell at him again? She said, oozing sarcasm.

No. he told Bree was a werewolf and she didn't take it too well.

Poor dude, Damon said, sympathetically.

Yeah. Tell me about it. I'm kind of glad Nessie is half vampire. She wasn't even surprised that I was a werewolf. I think she would have been surprised if I wasn't part of the supernatural.

Yeah but he's always like that! Leah exclaimed but I could feel some sympathy flowing through her.

Not really. He got better when he imprinted. Much better. Bree really brought out the best of him. I hope they get back together. Seth said to Leah, who just snorted at the first part.

So do I, but he doesn't seem optimistic. He didn't even get to tell her about Imprintion. She just didn't want to hear it.

Poor dude. Damon said again. I wonder what I would have done if Britt had freaked. After the whole laughing thing, she was cool about it.

Yeah, no one has really freaked, other than Emily and she wasn't freaking because Sam is a wolf. I mean, they were all Quileute, so they knew the legends, knew we were "made" to protect them. Or were half vamp. Quil mused.

Liam freaked, I reminded him

Yeah but that was because he thought he would turn into a "giant dog" as he put it. He actually thought that Leah being the only female werewolf in the history of our tribe was kind of cool. Seth interjected.

True. So if Bree gets back together with Embry, there's hope for you Seth. If you imprint on an outsider.

Bree's POV

I was about to hang up after calling for the third time when I heard a breathless


Embry's POV

I finally got to the house and was in time to hear my cell phone ringing. I grabbed it off my floor and answered it without checking the caller ID.


'Embry?' the most beautiful voice said back at me. (Thought I'd make him a bit sappy here.)


Bree's POV


I was quiet. I had no idea what to say. It had never been this awkward. Ever. Not even in the post first date pre second date phone call. You know the one where you had a good time and you think they had a good time, but you can't be too sure and you want to go out with them again, but you're not sure they want to? It was even worse than that. But I need to stop the brain rambling.

'Embry.' I said again, buying time to think of something to say.

'Bree.' He said back.

My turn to speak. I still don't know what to say. Should I just tell him everything over the phone? Or should we go out? I want to see him, I realized.


'I wa…' we spoke at the same time and then did that awkward thing of waiting for the other person to go first. 'Do you want to come over? I need to talk to you.' I said finally.

'Sure. What time?' he said. He sounded relieved; like he was scared I was going to break up with him over the phone or something. Which I so wouldn't do. I'm not Joe Jonas or someone.

'Um… around 10ish, unless you're busy then.'

'No. I'm good I'll see you then. Goodbye Bree.'

'Bye.' I said softly and hung up.

Embry's POV

I sat and stared at the phone long after we had both hung up. Saying goodbye to her almost killed me. It felt too permanent; like it would be the last time I would ever speak to her. Which is ridiculous because I'm going to see her in a couple of hours anyway.

What did she want to talk about? Me being a werewolf? Or us breaking up? Just the thought made my heart ache. Not a dull throb, but a like someone carved a hole in my heart with a rusty table knife. Bree. I can't live without her. What am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to be whatever my imprint needs, but what if she decides she needs me out of her life? I would have to do it, even though it would kill me. The pain in my chest intensified. Now it was my heart being carved out by a wooden spoon.

I could just be jumping the gun, I told myself. She could want to see me to tell me that she doesn't care I turn into a giant wolf, that she loves me anyway. The pain went back to just unbearable, as opposed to want–to-kill-myself intense pain. Unable to think of anything else, I lay down on my bed and waited for the longest hours of my life to pass.

Bree's POV

I sat and stared at the phone long after we had both hung up. What am I going to say to him? I know what I decided, but how do I put it into words?

Embry, I know you're a wolf and it scares the crap out of me, but I love you so I want to take it one day at a time?

Embry, know you would never hurt me, but I don't know about this whole werewolf thing? How about we just take one day at a time?

None of those would work. What am I going to do?

Wait till you see him. The words will just come.

Wow. Actually helpful advice. Where was the bitchy comment? The sarcastic remark?

I just tell you what you need to hear. Nothing more nothing less. And you could say thank you once in a while you know. It wouldn't kill you.

Thanks. Happy?

Now who's the sarcastic one?

Shut up. I have to think. I wonder what he's thinking about right now. With that on my mind, I lay down on my bed and waited for the longest hours of my life to pass.

So, did you like it? I know most of you would have thought that they would be back together by now, but it was not to be. It should be in the next chapter though. I don't know because Bree has yet to live it so I have yet to write about it.

Thank you so much to all you who have reviewed and added us to favorite author and stories' list! We really appreciate it! xoxo Kutsy