I parked the car in front of the cemetery and got my supplies out of the back seat. Before you think I'm a grave robber or something, you should know that my supplies include a thermos and a blanket. Now your wondering what a 16 year old girl is doing in a cemetery with a thermos and blanket. Well, I like to stargaze. I'm sort of fascinated by them. The stars, I mean. And it's quiet and peaceful; a wonderful place to sit and think.

I walked to my favorite spot and placed the blanket on the ground. I lay back on it and stared at the sky. No, I'm not a loner. I can tell that's what you're all thinking. A couple years ago, I would think I was a freak too. I started doing it a year or so back after… never mind. I just never stopped.

After an hour or so, I was tired so I started getting up. Then I saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I felt silly but at the same time, I had a weird feeling, an almost urgency, like I needed to make that wish. Shaking my head, I picked my things and got into my car and drove home.

The drive home was pretty uneventful. I listened to the song I was practicing for the audition next Friday for the musical. I love to sing, but I've always been too shy to try out for anything. My friends finally convinced me, saying I'd be the perfect person to play the lead and that they would try out for different parts so we could do it together. It took almost a week but they managed to convince me. So I was trying out. Next Friday would be the day I finally found if I had any talent in two of my favorite things. Acting and singing. They're my top three favorite things.

I got home and parked my car in the driveway. It was close to midnight so both my parents' cars were in the garage. I let myself in because I knew that there was no way my parents would be awake at this time of night. One thing I hate about the fact that my parents are so in love. They have sex. A lot. And it's loud. It's disgusting. Really? Did they have to make it so loud? Couldn't they have sound proofed their room or something. I am very emotionally scarred. It's a wonder I only have one sibling.

But when I opened the door, the light in the living room was on. Shit. I'm in trouble. What did I do? I don't remember having done anything. I walked slowly toward the living room

'Hey mom, dad. Why are you up so late?'

'We wanted to talk to you."

'About?' so far, so good. Their not yelling or anything, so I can't be in trouble. I wonder what was so important that they had to stay up so late.

'Just remember, sweetie, that we think this the best thing for you. And for us as a family.' My mom said, making me nervous.

This was going to be bad.

'What is it?'

'We have put a lot of thought into this, so you're not going to change our minds.' my dad said, making me even more nervous.

This was really going to be bad.

'Just spit it out. What have you put a lot of thought into?'

'Well, honey, your father got offered a new job. In Washington, in a reservation there called La Push. And I can transfer jobs into a branch of the bank in a town close by called Forks. So we're moving. To La Push.'

I froze. I literally couldn't move, I couldn't think. I just sat there, motionless.

My first semi-coherent thought was, well, that didn't work. Stupid shooting star!

'When?' I said. My voice sounded hollow. Empty. I couldn't believe my parents would do this to me. I was just starting to build my confidence up. I had just started making friends and feeling less of an outsider. First they move me out of my home town and then this? Granted, the first move was necessary after… but this? How was necessary?

'About 2 months.' My dad replied, studying my face.

Two months? I only had two months in the place that was finally beginning to feel like home? Two measly months? I was so angry I just turned around and walked up the stairs. I got to my room and closed the door. Then I ran to the bed and started crying. They weren't sad tears. No, I was too angry to feel sad. I have this annoying tendency where I cry for any heightened emotion. I cry when in happy, sad, scared, even excited. Anything and everything sets my tear ducts off like sprinklers. It's horrible. Can you imagine? Crying because you're nervous about a test? Yeah, I actually did that. The whole "over-active tear ducts" could be very embarrassing. I didn't even get it when I was born I got it after….never mind.

I finally calmed down enough to stop crying. I got my bottle of water and the aspirins next to it and took some. Because of the whole crying a lot thing, I get a lot of headaches. I can't move around without them. The aspirin, I mean. I could feel the meds take effect. I started thinking about ways to convince my mom and dad not to move. I had to convince them that uprooting our family was not a good idea in the slightest. That it was not in the best interest of anyone, especially me. We have enough money, I'm in a great school for me, and we have a beautiful home, and we're close enough to our old town that I can still see my old friends and family sometimes but not so close as to remind me of… why are they doing this?

I came up with several different arguments, but I knew they wouldn't work. As much as I didn't want to move, I knew my parents. They wouldn't have made this decision lightly. They knew how important a constant environment is to me. I guess I'll have to except it. I'm moving. To La Push. Where ever that is. Mom said Washington, though. Oh my god, what am I going to tell Jessica? Or Amber? Or even Trisha?