AN: first chapter's very short but that's because I took a break and forgot where I was going to go with it lol. Next one will be better though, I promise.

You go believin' in your Lancelot
Well it's all in vain
And you're chasin' picket fences,
There's always hell to pay
I met many a girl in here
With the same story line
All them boys on those white horses
Don't know how to ride

It started with the thief maybe having feelings for the hacker. He watched them from the shadowy corners of the bar. No, he wasn't stalking; just doing what he did best which was watching and protecting. He knew the tech had a crush on the blond but also that the blond didn't exactly know how to return the feelings. Even if she felt the same, she wouldn't know what to do with it. All of them were like that, never fully trusting, whether it be to protect yourself or others; well all except the hacker. He was like an open book but the hitter put that down to being an all over geek.

But he was sure she didn't; after all she was just learning how to make friends and any 'jealousy' that was shown about the 'pretzels' liking a girl was misplaced. She didn't understand the difference is all. But that didn't mean the Hitter thought his girl was stupid. No, far from it, she was very smart, just a bit naive. But they were working on that and he had to say she came a long way from before...

He watched her face twist in confusion as the hacker said the pretzels would be there if she wanted them and he sighed. Whatever feelings were there were just that - there. If she wanted the geek, so be it, but he knew it wouldn't last long. See, the geek thought the thief was broken and felt the need to fix her. When she never needed fixing at all; just needed someone on her level. Way up there on the rooftops where the peace would find her...

Once the annoying kid was gone, the long haired hitter slid onto the stool next to his thief and whispered, "you're doing fine, darlin'. You'll figure it out."
I said "as luck would have it

I was tossed by the throne
I let my merry hair down
Some years ago
And I traded my coat of arms

For a guitar and some broken yellow lines."

Then came the battle between Kaye Lynn and Kirkwood Music and the thief felt strange when the hitter was supposed to be the 'fiddle'. What was supposed to be the honest owner of a record label turned crooked. He stole people's songs and their money. It was going fine until the young girl kissed him. As he pulled back he heard a small whimper which caused him to spin around. Parker was standing in the doorway...

"Parker, no!" Eliot exclaimed. But as he chased her out into the hall, she was gone; cover to the air vent swinging shut.