Chapter 01

Thrive to Live


Snowflakes fell from the sky to signal the start of a mysterious season, the season that brought hope to many whom believed in it; winter. Some would say the world is reborn once the snow melts, some say it turns into spring, and some say it was a time in the world to enjoy. The white plains were disrupted by a black and red Hell butterfly, fluttering around in front of a small captain that was enjoying the scenery. It was sent to tell him that the Commanding-General was privately summoning him to the spacious office held in the First Squad's barracks. At least a Hell butterfly was sent instead of a messenger, which meant that he could take his time arriving so long as it was not too long.

Perhaps after ten to twenty minutes of walking at a good pace, he had finally arrived at the office of the eldest man of the Shinigami world, and was allowed in by the lieutenant of the squad. He did all normal routines that needed to be done; walking in with respect, standing in front of the desk, and bowing to the old man. When fire and ice met was never the greatest reaction, however, it had to have been important for one single captain to be summoned alone. Moments later the Commanding-General nodded to acknowledge the other's presence before placing hand over hand against his desk.

"Hitsugaya-taichou," Shigekuni started firmly. "I have a very urgent but small mission for you, and whether you require backup is your choice alone to make." He nudged a file forth, revealing a man in question.
Toushirou stepped forth to look at the front page of the documents, trying not to falter when seeing the infamous man everyone knew. "This mission involves Kurosaki Ichigo?" Did he cause some trouble?
The elder nodded as the other grasped the file to look it over. "Over these past seventeen years working with him, we only needed to send an officer to check on the status of the Karakura Town twice a year."
He had been hearing chattering gossips about some issues. "Should I assume that the rumors of there being an increase of Hollow in Karakura Town recently, Soutaichou?" Everyone had been talking about it.
Humming his response to agree, he continued speaking. "Powerful reiatsu brings powerful Hollow, and I have been asked to send a taichou down to Earth to assure the town's safety during this desperate time."

White thin brows fused with confusion to his words despite understanding where this was going. "Though, shouldn't Kurosaki Ichigo be doing this task, he is the protector of that town." Maybe Ichigo was slacking off for some reason, but he could not judge that man for all that he has done for them in the past…

"It was Kurosaki Ichigo's request to have someone sent there to take his place temporarily for the next three to five months." An old wrinkled finger pointed to the file that was held in the other's hand. "As you may be aware of, he has extended his years in schooling to become a better man, both as a human and as a Shinigami." After high school, Ichigo dove right into college to be someone needed. "He informed me the other day during his visit here that his finals are coming up, and the stress has being doing damage."

"With his reiatsu subconsciously rising due to stress, no doubt it would cause the increase the number of Hollow coming into their world." Toushirou flipped to the third page that had a more recent picture of him.
"Much relies on his good work on his succession of these final exams that he has. Which is why I have called you here, Hitsugaya-taichou." The elder stated. "Will you accept and take on this simple mission?"
At first he would have declined helping that man, but he had done so much for Soul Society that he could not complain. "Yes, I will not need assistance. Matsumoto will look after the Tenth Squad in my absence."
Nodding in approval to his request while he was setting his hand set down the file. "You may leave as soon as you can. Please keep in mind that you will have to accommodate with Kurosaki Ichigo for now."


"Oh, so he sent you, huh Toushirou?" A man with a shrubby bright orange goatee mused before opening the door wider for said short male to come in. "Sorry the apartment is a little dirty, I've been busy lately."

Toushirou twitched in annoyance as he came in—after knowing him for almost twenty years, someone would think that he would know how to call someone by their title. Although, in turn, the party not called by their title should be used to the casual name calling after almost twenty as well. Turquoise hues then scanned the apartment to see that it was a bit commodious compared to the one that Inoue Orihime lived in. It was not something that you would call a little dirty though, the only thing that was out of place was a shirt on the arm of the couch that was in the front room. If this was considered dirty, Toushirou had no idea whatsoever what he would call his lieutenant's quarters over in the Tenth Squad's barracks.

Back to the subject, Toushirou scoffed as he stood out of the way so the host could close it. "How many times do I have to tell you it's 'Hitsugaya-taichou' to you? You're old enough now to know how to show some respect to your superiors." The door was closed quietly and locked, and the man placed his hands in his pockets while smiling lightly. "I apologize for not being the taichou you wanted here, you should—"

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, it isn't like that at all." Ichigo chuckled softly as he apologized. "Sorry, it's really good to see you, really. It's been quite some time since I've seen you're little face around, been good?"
"You bastard, you insulted me just now, didn't you?" Calling his face little, just because he barely changed since they had last seen each other after the celebration when the war ended. "Never mind, I'm leaving."
"I would never insult you Toushirou, no harm done right?" He sounded so carefree and casual that it had confused the captain for a brief moment. "Though, I wish it was someone more mature looking, that's all."
A vein appeared on Toushirou's forehead. "Look, that old codger asked me to take the mission of dealing with the Hollow and any other disturbances that would require my assistance, if you don't like it, I'll leave!"

"Don't get so upset over a few words Toushirou." Ichigo stated calmly, making the other even angrier at him. "This side of Karakura Town isn't exactly safe for those who seem like they could be approachable and innocent." He paused, knowing that it did not sound right. "What I mean is, you might be a target for humans if you're not with me in your gigai. If you stray from the apartment, you might get into trouble."

"You're saying that I, Hitsugaya-taichou of the Tenth Squad from Soul Society, could somehow be taken by humans to their advantage for whatever reasons?" Toushirou glared. "Do I look that weak to you?"
"I didn't say that, please don't place words in my mouth." The carrot top sighed softly since the captain was making things difficult. "It doesn't matter what you look like to me, it's to others that worries me."
"Your concern isn't necessary." The little small one hissed. "My mission is to merely deal with spiritual issues, not your human problems. If you believe I can't take care of myself, then say it to my face."
"No, it's not…" saying it would not help. "Okay, if you want to leave I won't stop you. It's not illegal for me to be concerned about my friend." He smiled softly. "Until you decide, how about you have some dinner?"

His stomach turned at the thought of food; he had left before eating dinner but there was no telling that Ichigo knew how to cook something edible. After offering a slight nod to his host, the other went into the kitchen and told him to sit at the table while he fixed him a plate of food. This gave the captain time to look with his eyes around the kitchen as he sat in a chair at the table to wait for the meal. There was a lot of paperwork scattered in the center of the table; maybe the place was a little messy, but could be worse. A plate was placed in front of him as his eyes had wondered around, causing him to look down and see a bowl of hot pot sitting in front of him.

"I figured, since it's the beginning of winter that I would celebrate by eating something warm. I would've made more if I knew someone was being sent tonight." Ichigo walked away to fix himself some. "If it's not your taste, I have some watermelon—or I can fix something else. I don't know if you like Inoue's food—"
"Kurosaki, never mention her cooking to me." Toushirou broke the chopsticks apart. "Besides, do you think I would complain after being treated to a meal?" He grabbed some noodles and meat before he muttered aloud. "Thanks for the meal." As Ichigo joined across the table, he began to eat. "It's good…"
"When my father was busy working, and my sisters were too young, I was always trying to cook. Back then I was burning the food since I was small." The man chuckled. "But I think I'm better at cooking now."
"So long as the meal isn't mixed with paste or anything that does not belong in the meal, I won't have any reason to complain." While taking another bite, he heard the host chuckle. "I said nothing funny Kurosaki."

"Well, you did as a matter of fact." He pointed with his chopsticks toward him. "Firstly, you asked if I thought you would complain after being treated to a meal. If I added paste to the meal, as disgusting as that sounds, would you complain to a meal that I shared with you?" When he saw Toushirou stiffen at this for being caught in his own words, he continued to eat. "Secondly, it sounded like you were going to stay."

The captain prickled unpleasantly to this and could not find away to get himself out of the sticky situation that he had just placed his self in right now. Never would he have imagined that Kurosaki Ichigo would out-think him, a genius, by twisting his words against him as he so easily did. There was no way to cover up his mistakes in words so that lead to the somewhat awkward silence as they continued to eat. The hour passed quite quickly as they finished their meals, leading Ichigo to do the dishes while the other sat.

"If you intend to stay the night, the guest bedroom is the first door to your left, across from the room is the bathroom." Ichigo set the wet dishes aside to dry by themselves before drying his hands off. "You would have the place to yourself most of the day while I'm in classes. There's a communicator in my room if you need to use it." The watch on his wrist beeped, "speaking of which, I have an incoming call, coming?"

Though Toushirou did not understand, but if he were receiving a transmission, then it was probably the Commanding-General checking in to make sure they were there. Since this was a fact in their situation that they had to share this habitat and work together, both of them wondered into Ichigo's bedroom. As they entered the room, there was a large screen against the wall opposite from the bed that made sense, if there was a sudden call while he was asleep… he'd jump awake. The screen stirred with static before showing the Commanding-General while the two stood there side by side as they waited for him to talk.

"I see Hitsugaya-taichou has arrived on time." Shigekuni stated firmly. "Is this to your liking, Kurosaki?"
Ichigo did not look over to the little captain to answer, "I have no complaints to your decision, Jii-san."
"Are all things well on your side as well, Hitsugaya-taichou?" This was the real question to be asked.
Toushirou look unfazed as he too answered. "It's just as Kurosaki said, there are no complaints here."
"Very well, that is good to hear." He tapped his staff against the ground. "I looked forward to reports."
"That won't really be necessary, would it, Jii-san?" The carrot top questioned, hands now in his pockets.
"I suppose not." His attention turned. "Hitsugaya-taichou, do well to listen to Kurosaki, he is in charge."
This made Toushirou wonder if he was trying to have him kill Ichigo, but bowed. "Yes, Soutaichou…"

With that, the transmission ended.

"Why does he bother with reports when there's nothing that would need to be reported." Once glancing at his watch to see the time, Ichigo retreated to the front from and opened up his laptop with Toushirou on his heels somewhat. "There are some novels on the second top shelf if you would like to read." For a brief moment, he forgot that the captain was vertically challenged, but remembered when the captain came to the bookshelf. "Oh… sorry, there's a foot stool in the kitchen by the refrigerator if you would like to use it."

"I'm only observing your selection." He pulled a book off the first shelf—
"Please don't mess up the order, those are notes and documents I've published for myself."
Sure enough, it had the man's name on it, the entire shelf of books did. "You've been busy these years."
"Yes, well… as a human, my life is half over, I want to fulfill one goal before I die and go to Soul Society." His voice was soft and gentle as he continued on his essay, but then paused. "I know what awaits me."
Toushirou knew what he meant. "You should be grateful to be positioned as a future taichou in Seireitei."
"Grateful?" He looked at him with a sad frown. "Humans are supposed to rest in peace."
"A normal human perhaps," there was a pause when scowled at for this.

"Normal, huh?" Ichigo hummed casually, trying to think about it. "You were born in Rukongai, right?" The other turned to look at him as if he were confirming it. "I wonder what it's like, being from another world."
Somewhat curious and confused to his tone of voice, he placed the book away to come over to him. "To what reason would you have to ponder about from being in a world that has no technology in its wake?"
"That's the thing though. Rukongai is so much more fascinating than this world, and there's so much I don't quite understand about it." A smiled almost appeared. "How does it work? How is it contained?"
"I was from the First District, I suppose you can consider their methods of work somewhat like farmers and common marketing. There's no need when they don't eat due to—" He paused. "Contained?"

"Dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of people die in one day. For Soul Society to be able to handle that capacity and not throw anything off balance is amazing." His papers were stacked nice and cleanly before he grabbed his laptop to continue on his essay once more. "I occasionally asked myself, do a third of them become Hollow, a third earthbound souls, and the rest are souls that sought for refuge?"

Toushirou recovered from the man's surprising speech. "You enjoy making things complicated."

"The Gods work in mysterious ways, and even you, Kami-sama, are very complicated." Watching the captain's cheeks tint red at the pun he made, Shinigami meant Death God, and he respectively called him a God just to see his reaction. "Funny…" he chuckled. "Does that make me half human, half a God?"

"It makes you the Kurosaki Ichigo." Crossing his arms, he glared at him for being caught blushing.
"Don't say it like that, Toushirou." Ichigo continued with his typing. "I didn't do anything, Inoue did."
"You asked her to do a lot for Soul Society, and…" he looked away, mumbling. "For me as well…"
"Unohana-san healed you, as for Rangiku-san, she's a friend." It was getting to a dark subject.
"Tell me why you asked her to rescue Hinamori." There it was. "You knew nothing about her."

"…Momo is someone important to you. I can't say I felt guilty back then for her, but, I suppose I could say I felt guilty for you." Ichigo stopped typing to look at the captain for a brief moment. "They had messed with your head and you did something you didn't mean to do—it wasn't fair for her to suffer from that."

His words embedded into his brain, and he turned towards the hall, whispering. "I'll retire now."

"Toushirou," the host called softly, causing the other to stop in place. "Momo has forgiven you for what happened, I'll be damned if you don't forgive yourself as well." This made the captain look at him, slightly surprised at his words. "Since you're staying here in this world, I have one rule that you have to obey at all times." Hearing this would have made Toushirou laugh if the other did not sound so serious. "If you come outside this apartment in that gigai, and you see a group of men that try to talk to you, run away instantly." With his attention caught, the captain turned to look at him fully. "They prey on others no matter the age or gender, that's why I was concerned with you being the designated person to come here. Either way, your rules are to not harm humans under any circumstances, that's why I'm telling you now, to run away."

That was the reason as to why he seemed uncomfortable about the fact that Toushirou was the one summoned to Earth as his replacement. It was true that Shinigami were not allowed to raise a finger towards humans unless they were at the brink of death in their gigai. Even then, Shinigami only needed to swallow a candy or struggle out of the gigai in order to get away from any sort of abuse received. Instead of telling the Strawberry that he was thankful for his concern, there was only one thing that spoke aloud.

"It's Hitsugaya-taichou." With this, he headed down the hallway.
Ichigo smiled at this as he replied loudly for him. "Goodnight Toushirou!"
"Shut up!" To end their conversation of the night, he slammed the door angrily.
Now smiling ear to ear, he continued on the essay. "Nice to see you again, I think."

His watch beeped, which then caused him to sigh exhaustively before getting up to go to his room, and stood in front of the communicator. Before anything, a thought occurred to him and hurried back in the other room to grab his laptop to set on his desk before going back to his spot. Hopefully he would keep his voice down to let the other sleep while he could—he also hope that the Commanding-General would also keep his voice down. The transmission had begun, and he almost took a step back in surprise to see Hinamori Momo standing there on screen.

"M-Momo, you should be asleep by now, what's wrong?" Ichigo then mentally cringed; he knew he must have said her name too loud as he heard rustling in the other room. 'Damn, he's going to come in here.'
"Nothing's wrong Kurosaki-kun, I… um, I heard Shirou-chan was there." The fragile woman seemed glum about something. "When I heard this from Rangiku-san in the fukutaichou meeting, I thought he might—"
"You're not doubting Toushirou again are you?" He scratched the side of his head as he spoke aloud. "It wasn't intentional, Jii-san sent him on short notice, but you'll have to ask him yourself when he wakes."
"B-But Kurosaki-kun! Normally he would send a Hell butterfly or tell me somehow that he was going to go on a long mission!" She was beginning to snap in fear. "W-What if he's angry… d-did I do something t—"

"Momo," the carrot top soft gently to her so that he would not scare her, but he also caught glimpse of the captain in subject. "It's just a simple misunderstanding, Toushirou isn't mad at you at all. Remember what I told you about him?" She sniffled and hummed positively to the question. "Good, that's why you should know that Toushirou isn't upset with you, but I'm sure he'll be worried sick if you don't go to bed soon."

"B-But… I can't sleep… without Shirou-chan or Kurosaki-kun here… it's too hard, the memories just keep falling back into place and I get so scared." Her body shivered as if it were proof of her fear of the past.
"What are you talking about, did you hit your head on the way to the communicator? We're right there where you left us!" He crossed his arms, smiling cockily. "Unless you placed us in the closet to rot…"
She gasped at this, as if she remembered something. "Y-You're right! I'm so sorry, I completely forgotten the presents you gave me! They're in the box because I didn't want them to get dirty! I'm so sorry!"
"Good grief Momo, you're falling apart. Sticking me in a box with Shirou-chan, what if he's claustrophobic! He'd cut my head off for sure!" The woman began to giggle. "It's not funny you little brat! Stop laughing!"

It only made her laugh even more as the sniffling ceased and her voice became more cheerful that it was when they began their conversation. Toushirou stared at the man from the doorway, stunned to hear the frail female laughing—it had been years since he heard her laugh happily. Somehow, no matter what the task was, Kurosaki Ichigo always seemed to be able to pull anything off, even to have her laugh. This fact alone was something that truthfully made Toushirou a little jealous of him though he would never admit it.

"Now then, go to your quarters and get some rest, I'll have Toushirou contact you first thing in the morning when he wakes up." However, he raised a brow to show curiosity. "Unless you would want me to wake him up of course, then I really would be a dead man." The female laughed and softly declined. "I'll say this once more to you Momo, and this time, remember it. Toushirou will always be on your side, understand?"

She giggled at him, "Shirou-chan must be really close by if you won't say what you always tell me, huh?"
"Maybe." He then smiled sheepishly. "It's embarrassing to say when his room is right next to mine Momo."
"It's okay, I feel much better now even without you having to say it for me." Said female smiled happily.
"Good, I'm glad to hear that." Ichigo placed his hands in his pockets. "Get some rest now, I mean it too."
"Kay, night Kurosaki-kun!" The transmission ended. Leaving him to deal with the semi-angry captain.

"I suppose you won't be satisfied with her laughter to leave her words out of tonight's conversation?" He walked over to his desk, sat on his chair, and turned on the laptop—but Toushirou came over and closed it as it attempted to load. "Apparently not," he leaned back in his chair. "You're acting very childish today."

"Kurosaki, I swear to you, I will kill you if you're using Hinamori." Despite saying his, his host was amused.
"What a brave thing to say to the one who is in charge of your mission, Toushirou." He watched the small one flicker with hate. "Yes, I'm using her, that's why I asked Inoue to help. Is that what you want to hear?"
The captain stared at him when knowing that he was sarcastic. "…I'm sorry. After everything you've done, I shouldn't accuse you of using her in any manner." He bowed before quickly trying to escape with pride.
"We both know that she will be my subordinate in the future, so I have babied her for ten years since the war." This made the other stop at the doorway. "Only recently I've gradually become a little firm with her."
Toushirou knew this to be true; at first he thought that it was a bad idea for Ichigo to be her captain, but he saw how careful he was with her. "What do you always tell Hinamori then?" He asked softly, quietly.

When there was a long pause, he felt Toushirou look at him, so he quietly answered. "Every night when she has trouble sleeping due to having doubts about you, I tell her one thing." His brown hues turned to the captain, speaking. "I tell her, 'With you here, alive and well, Toushirou will always have a place where he belongs,' that's all." He paused again before adding quietly. "Sorry if it seems a little stretched for you."

"No…" He stood there… letting those words sink in for the moment. "Please continue to tell her that."
"Can I tell you something?" Ichigo earned his gaze again. "She worries that you're avoiding her, are you?"
"That's—" it was hard to say that it was none of his business, but he was so involved. "Not your concern."
"I can't keep making excuses for you. Tomorrow morning, tell her you're sorry for worrying her—"
"This is none of your business Kurosaki, why can't you butt out?" Shit… he lashed out at him.

"Tell her that you are sorry for worrying her, and that you will try to move on." Ichigo finished from when he was interrupted. "Someone very precious to you asked me to make your relationship with her as a part of my business." He stood slowly and began to change his clothes. "Momo needs to lean on someone."

"That someone is me!" If only he were out of the gigai right now. "She doesn't need to lean on you!"
"You can't forgive yourself after what you did! She isn't stupid! And just like you, she's still fragile from it!"
This had taken him back by surprise. "W-What are you talking about?" Toushirou was not fragile at all!
"Just…" he tried to settle down. "Yes, Momo does need you, but you're hurting, just as much as she is."
"Don't talk as if you know anything about me." Seems like he recovered quite quickly from his shock.
"Don't talk as if I don't." His eyes rolled. "Again, stop acting like a child. Men admit to their problems."
"If there were any problems to admit to, I would." With his body turned, be began to storm out again—

"It's Hitsugaya-taichou, it's Hitsugaya-taichou, it's Hitsugaya-taichou." Ichigo opened his laptop again. "I know that your trust is hard to come by, but I know that in some way you respect me like I respect you. To act strong right now when you need support, it only hurts everyone else around you, especially Momo." It became quiet as Toushirou began to contemplate on his words. "There's no way I can force you to talk to me, but please keep in mind that I am here for you, so is Momo, and Rangiku-san too. Goodnight, again."

The captain stood there for almost a full minute before quietly walking away without a word.

Ichigo felt a little guilty for talking him down like that when he knew that Toushirou was in a state of denial when it came down to it. He took in a deep breath before exhaling and flexing his hands in order to get back to his essay that needed to be finished tonight. As time was passing by, it soon became midnight when he finished the essay and printed it out from the printer in the other room in the front. There was no intention of listening to the rustling in the guest room where Toushirou was sleeping, muttering things that could not be heard outside the door. A hand rested on the knob, but he paused when he knew that there was no way in Hell the little captain would want to be comforted by him. His mind gave him a few excuses to mind his own business to leave the sleeper alone, the main one was to let the other adjust to this. With this embedded in his mind, he walked to the front room to grab his ten paged essay before going to bed.