Chapter 12

I couldn't believe that Edward was here seeing his daughter for the first time in 4 years. How much I wished I can rewind time and change the future we were suppose to have. Would I still be this way? Would everything work out the same way? What would be different about our lives?

I knew my life would be different when I became a mother to a wonderful baby girl. From the day I had given birth to her I knew she was my everything. She made everything in my life much better. I couldn't even picture my life without her. I knew I was going to love her for everything that she had brought to my life and to that I am grateful.

Having my baby girl in my arms made me realize that I would be happy because even thought Edward wasn't with us anymore that didn't mean I would ever forget him. She looked like him in many ways, the hair that seemed to be messy all the time, the smiles that dazzled people, or the fact that she had her father's green eyes before he was turned. Everything about her remind me of him, how his smiles would dazzle me, or the fact that I would lose a train of thought when I looked into those eyes, and the hair that he pulled off very well. He made hair messing look good.

I couldn't take the silence between us I had to do something.

"There is so much to talk about. I don't see you event trying to start this conversation. I couldn't stand the silence any longer and not being able to get everything off my chest. Edward Cullen, you listen to me and you listen very clearly. How dare you decide what is best for me? How dare you leave without talking to me properly? That was selfish of you to make this big decision without me. That day when you left, that was the day I found out that I was pregnant. I even brought the test with me to show you, but I knew deep down I knew something was wrong. I couldn't believe it until you left me facing this all by myself. It was hard and rough but I got through it all. If it wasn't for Alice helping me I wouldn't be here right now with my daughter. I thank her from the bottom of my heart. It was hard from then on but I manage. Alice had helped me in so many ways. She was able to help me find this place and gave me the money that I needed to start this place up."

What else was I suppose to say to him. There was more that I needed to say but I didn't know how to say them.

"I know I am sorry for everything I put you through. When I left I didn't think I was leaving things a mess. I wouldn't expect you to ever trust me after everything that has happened."

At that time I knew that things from here on would be different in a good way. All I ever wanted for my daughter was for her to have her father. He was going to be a big part in her life and that was totally worth everything. I wanted her to be happy and have the family that will treasure her and love her for all eternity. I wanted to give her everything that I had and even more. I wanted her to see the world for everything that it had to offer. I wanted her to travel and see everything for the first time with wonder and beauty.

What matter the most? The life of my daughter matter the most and that will never change? I will always love Edward; he is the father of my daughter. But I will always put her needs before my own and that is should always be.

"Mommy, Mommy I am ready to open my presents and I want to eat the cake together." My daughter said with a smile on her face.

"Ok sweetie." I wiped the remaining tears left and headed into the bathroom to compose myself. I never noticed that I had tears rolling down my face. I forget that I can get very emotional at times.

2 months later

Things have changed in the past 2 months; Edward had become a constant in our lives. He has been at our house making sure that she was well taken care of, even feeding her and taking her to hunt and so much more. I have notice the difference in her appearance. She was happier and much healthier. Her smiles would always warm my heart up, but now her smiles made a difference in a good way.

I had showed him everything he had missed over the 4 years in her life. I had taken pictures of her, from the first moment she was born. I had told Edward about everything that went on with her, her being sick for the very first time and not knowing what to do.


I had just feed her at midnight and she was sound asleep. She woke up crying really loud and her body temperature was wrong. When she was first born I noticed her skin was a little hotter than normal by a few degrees but nothing major. This day was different because this was the first time I had to take care of a baby all by myself and I didn't know what to do. She was only 4 months old and she was sick. I tried comforting her in any way possible but it didn't work, she kept on crying. I didn't know what to do and I was on the verge of tears myself. I had never felt helpless in my entire life. I didn't know what was going on until she placed her hand on my cheek. She showed me something that got me thinking. She had showed me what she needed. I found out that day that she was able to drink blood and that kind of scared me. Is this why she was crying? Was she thirsty? Why I didn't notice the change in her eyes or something different about. When I looked at her eyes they held something different. They showed love, and devotion to me. Her eyes never changed color and that was new to me. Since I thought that she was half vampire that her eyes would change just like her father but that never happened.

End of Flashback

2 Years later

What can I say that life is beyond perfect? I am married and I have another child on the way. Life does change in the blink of an eye for the better. Everything happened in my life made me realize that this the life that I always wanted, someone one to love me, to take care of me and to help me raise my children. It seemed that I had everything that I needed and that is what makes life much more interesting.

I had married Edward, I know right Edward. After her birthday things has changed for the better. I knew deep down that I can trust him and really open up with him. As time went on we became a couple after a month of talking about everything any anything.

I was home one day and Alice came home with a video. It turned out to be Edward leaving me a video message.

"Hi Bella, I am leaving you this to tell you that I will always, love you no matter how long we are apart and that I will never stop thinking about you. I know me leaving you is the biggest mistake but I hope you will understand that I just wanted to protect you and I thought that this was the right way of doing it. I know this is going to be hard for both of us to get through but I will promise we will meet one day. I just want you to have a normal and happy life. I wanted to be able to give you everything you deserved, like a being my wife, and having kids with you, and living with you.

He turned away from the camera and headed to his room with the camera following him. The door to his room closed shut but that didn't stop the noise and the shaking that was coming from his room. The door opened with a very pissed and depressed Edward. So much destruction in his room, tables apart, broken glass all over the floor. Not a single object was intact. Everything and anything was damaged beyond repair, even his piano that he had kept in his room.

To see him that way and his room that he loved where ever he went broke my heart. I couldn't see him that way ever. I wanted to be the one to run into that video and tell him to come back. I wanted so badly to tell him that I love him and tell him that we had a kid together. I wanted to comfort him and make everything in his life easier. I was use to the Edward who smiled at me, who told me everything was going to be ok, the one who knew what to do in almost every situation.

Since that day I knew it was wrong to stay away from him, knowing that we both suffered together.

I had called him that night after watching the video and asked him to come over. When he arrived we talked about what was going on and why things were different. I told him what was going on with me since our daughter's birthday. I told him everything and he told me everything. To my surprising it made everything so much better and healed the wound that was left. I was able to breathe I mean really breathe with no problems. I was able to see life from a different perspective. I could see us being happily married, I could see a wonderful future together, because he next moment I walked up to him and kissed him.

I knew from that kissed he had loved me and missed me just as I did. I knew from that moment we would face everything together and be one happy family.