Chapter 1


So much has changed over the past three years. It's just my 3 year old daughter I. She never got to meet her father, but I explained to her everything expect for repeating the words that was spoken to me.

IT will be if I never existed.

He didn't know that I was pregnant. You see that day I tried telling him that I was pregnant but never got the chance.


I was sitting in my truck deciding whether or not to go in and get a pregnancy test. I know I said it pregnancy test. I didn't think it was possible for that to happen with me being human and him being a vampire, I knew it was a possibility after we spent that magical night together. I was late and it was starting to get me worried. So this is why I am here, trying to see what my future might be. I never thought of me being a mother figure and him being a father, because I always knew he wanted to have children but that never happened because he was turned.

I stormed out of the truck and headed into Walgreens and bought what I needed, hoping Alice didn't see this because this would be really hard to explain to them.

I headed home hoping no one was home, so I can decide my fate.

Three long minutes passed and everything in my world seemed to change. I took the test in my hands and gasped at the results.



Can this even be possible, and I am only seventeen years old and having a baby, having a half vampire and human baby. I just sat down on the floor and cried, cried for everything that is about to change.

It was like I couldn't move, or think that this moment; it seemed like everything in my body shut down. My next plan was how I was going to tell Edward this. Would he think that I had cheated on him? I would never do that, cheat on him never, I love him too much.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door, making me forget about everything that was happening right in front of me.

I cleaned up, taking all the evidence with me and hiding, knowing who ever was at the door would know something was wrong and hoping it wasn't Alice, I couldn't face her right now.

I opened the door getting a look at the person who is in front of me, and of course it was Edward, my angel and the father of our baby. I smiled.

"Bella what's the matter?" he said looking at me.

"Nothing" I replied but knew it was a lie, knowing I couldn't say it to him.

How would he react to all this?

"Come take a walk with me." This is bad real bad.

I went back to my room and grabbed the test from the hiding spot and put it in my back pocket maybe letting him see it may be easier then saying it.

I followed him through the woods knowing that he was going to keep me safe that is until I noticed something was wrong from reading his face.

Not a good sign.

I didn't really pay too much attention because the next set of words hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I don't you want you"

With that said he kissed my forehead and ran away, I tried to get my voice to sound saying "I'm pregnant" but it came out as a whisper then a sound. I even took the test out knowing he might of heard me but I was wrong. He never came back.

End of Flashback

Till this day hearing his name still hurts me, and knowing that I have to explain this to my daughter about her father is another reason that still pains me.

How do you explain to your three year old daughter that we may never see their father ever again.