Hey guys. This is my first fic so pretty please leave reviews for me. It will motivate me to add. So thanks in advance for reading and reviewing. :)

Well, to start off, my name is Brittany. I've been a wrestling fan since I was born. I have been writing since 2007. I've written wrestling based stories before, but I don't think they were too good. That was back in 2007. This is my first ever fic so let me know your feedback on how i'm doing so far. I write alot but not wrestling stories. Based on your reviews, I'll continue this story. I'm working on another story but I couldn't help but start this one.

Let me introduce the story.

Heads up, this story is rated M. It will have strong language at times, along with sexual references, and sex scenes.

It's based in 2010. Only Trish Stratus is still there, and only 25. John Cena has just made his debut on Smackdown against Kurt Angle. He's also 25. Other superstars appear. Such as Trish's girls, Melina Perez, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James, and Candice Michelle. There are also assholes in this story. I don't know about future chapters, but my first few I've written, Vince, Edge, and Lita are the assholes. I may add more later on. Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Stephanie McMahon and others will appear or make cameos in the form of a flashback. I'm not sure where this is going, so bare with me. Trish has been single for 5 years now. Ever since Chris Jericho cheated on her with Stephanie McMahon. Ok, on with the story. Pretty pretty please review. It'll inspire me to keep writing.

Disclamimer: I do not own any one in this story. Everything goes to its respective owners. And any names, PPV's ar anything else are not owned by me. They are owned by their respective owners. Unless other wise noted.

The italisized lettering is Cena's thoughts, and the underlined words are trish's thoughts.

Chapter Name: The Run-In

Danm it. Where is the check in at? Cena, stop being a retard and get your shit together.

That was the voice inside of the debuting John Cena on the morning of Saturday June 23, 2010. John Cena had made his debut that Tuesday at the Smackdown tapings. He accepted Kurt Angle's open challenge and nearly defeated the All-American Olympian but came up just a hint short. But that didn't stop the WWE from contacting him to sign a deal to it's flagship Monday Night program, Monday Night Raw. Despite his loss on Tuesdsay, WWE was more than impressed with his wrestling skills and response from the crowd that they decided to sign him. He was ecstatic.

Now if only you can find the stupid entrance you dork. Don't get yourself lost John.

The voice in Cena's head may have been more than harsh with him at times, but it was his "voice" that got him to where he was. He had found the check in now he was trying to find the entrance to his plane. He was on his way to Los Angeles because Raw was going to be live there on Monday. John wanted to get there early to secure himself time so he wasn't late. Also, he wanted to maybe get used to being on the road alot.

Great one John. You got yourself lost. Your going to miss your plane and your oppurtinity at being on Raw on Monday you jackass. Pull your shit together.

His thoughts were interupted abruptly by a beautiful blonde Canadian bombshell. She gently tapped him on his shoulder and as he turned around to see who it was tapping him, his bag on his shoulder in which he was carrying his ring gear, hygiene supplies, and many changes of clothes, swung full force at the buxom blonde's head. She wasn't expecting anything, and it caught her right in the side of her head. She lost her balance being so caught off guard, she fell to the floor. John grabbed her hand to stop her from falling, which helped a bit, as she landed on her butt rather than her head.

John: Oh God. I'm so sorry Miss... (As he looked down at the face of the woman he accidentally knocked over, he immediately recognized this woman as none other than the WWE Women's Champion, Trish Stratus. At the sight of her John is so in shock he has to blink a few times to make sure his eyes weren't decieving him. He still has hold of her hand and doesn't seem to even notice.)

John: ... Trish? (She nods as she holds the side of head kind of in shock, which she has been doing the entire time she was on the floor.)

Trish: Yes. I'm Trish. (She looks up at him for the first time and notices how incredibly handsome he is. She is almost awestruck at the sight of his fine, handsome features.)

Oh God Trish, this guy is extremely handsome. Deep blue eyes, fine jaw line, if I didn't know any better, I'd be drooling right now from the sight of this guy.

(After a moment, Trish recomposes herself.)

Trish: Since you seem to have a sturdy grip on my hand, you mind helping me up there tiger? (John hadn't even noticed he was still gripping her hand.)

John: Oh, sorry. (He pulls her up and to her feet. He is still in shock that Trish Stratus, a woman he watched on t.v every week on Monday Night Raw, the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, was standing before him. And she looked even more beautiful in person. T.V just didn't do her any justice. Her face was glowing and she had the most beautiful facial features a woman could have. And her body was even nicer in person than on t.v, as if that were possible. She's completely stunning and breath-taking. Trish begins to pat her legs and butt to rid any dust that may have gotten on them. John now feels embarrassed about knocking the 3 Time Babe Of The Year winner down.)

John: I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean... (Trish holds her hand up, palm facing John, signaling him to be quiet. He obeys.)

Trish: Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have caught you off guard like I did. I just happened to notice you seemed kinda lost so I thought I'd give you hand. (John nods.)

John: Wow. Thanks. That's... (Trish cuts him off with a look of great thought.)

Trish: Excuse me, but I can't help but notice that you look extremely familiar. (John opens his mouth to reply but she immediately cuts him off.)

Trish: Hey, I know who you are. Your that new guy on Smackdown. The one who got up in Kurt Angle's face last night and slapped the taste out of his mouth. (John smiles and nods, happy that she recognized him. He holds his hand out to shake hands.)

John: John Cena. (Trish is impressed by his manners and shakes his hand.)

Trish: Trish...

John: Stratus. Yea, I know. I watch you on Raw all the time. I'm not trying to brownnose or anything, but I have to admit, your the best female wrestler I have ever seen. (She smiles and nods, putting her hands on her hips.)

Trish: Wow, thanks. And I gotta hand it to you, you really gave Kurt a run for his money. (John smiles.)

Damn, John, Trish is even more beautiful in person than on t.v.

John: Thanks. (Just then, a flight attendant gets on the loud speaker.)

Attendent: Flight 316 is now boarding. (Both Trish and John look at eachother.)

Both: Well, I should get going... (They both look at eachother with big grinny smiles.)

John: You have flight 316 too? (Trish shrugs her shoulders.)

Trish: I guess I do. (John smiles and they walk together to get on the plane. Once they reach the stairs, John stops.)

John: Ladies first. (Trish smiles.)

I'm really getting impressed by this guy. He is so kind and a real gentlemen.

(Trish goes to step on the plane and John grabs her hand.)

John: Here. Let me help you. (John holds onto Trish's hand and holds it as he walks behind her to help her up the stairs even though she didn't need help, she accepted it whole heartedly. Once they reach the top of the stairs, John lets go of her hand and smiles at her.)

John: I should get to my seat. (She nods in agreement.)

Trish: Yea, so should I. (John looks down at his plane ticket and his seat number is 512. He looks up at Trish.)

John: Where is seat 512? (She looks around, then down at her ticket.)

Seat 513.

(Trish looks up at him with a toothy grin.)

Trish: It just so happens that I have the seat right next to yours. (John's jaw drops slightly in shock. She nudges her head to the left.)

Trish: Follow me. (The Canadian beauty ascends the aisle and John follows. He can't help but notice that her cute little butt sways gently side to side everytime she takes a step.)

Damn, she got a fine, tight ass. Look how it swings...

(His thoughts are interuptted when Trish stops walking and John, not paying attention because he's so lost in thought, runs right into her. He bumps into her butt and she jerks forward a little bit.)

John: Oh God... (John quickly grabs Trish around the waist and catches her. She stands up straight and turns around to look at him. She has a huge smile on her face.)

Trish: Geez... (She feels embarrassed suddenly, realizing that she had forgotten his name. John realizes this.)

John: John Cena. (Trish nods. John feels kind of bad that she forgot his name. All of a sudden, he feels "bad" somewhere else. His penis is tingling a little aching to be rubbed out.)

Oh shit. Not now. Not while your talking to Trish. Stay down.

Trish: ... John. Sorry about that. Anyways, you gotta be more careful there rookie. You almost knocked me out before and now you almost knocked me down. (Trish pats him on the shoulder almost generating the feeling that she wasn't mad or anything, just trying to give him words of advice. John feels embarrassed for running into her.)

John: I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention and... (John immediately realizes he's getting hard because his penis rubbed against Trish's butt when he accidentally ran into her. He's trying his hardest to compress his "little champion" and not seem anxious. Trish realizes John has cut himself off and for a second he stays completely quiet. Trish ends this silence before it becomes awkward.)

Trish: Well, the reason I stopped is because, here's our seats.

Thank God. I couldn't stand another second standing up before I had a stiffy jabbing my pants.

(Just then, John begins to feel his penis rise a little bit when he notices how good Trish's hair smells. It smells like she just washed it with Lilac scented shampoo. He needs just a second where Trish's eyes are completely off him so he can handle his "problem".)

John: Trish, I got the window seat, but if you want it, you can have it. (Trish smiles. She loves the window seats. She hasn't even noticed John's predicament.)

Trish: Really? Thanks. (Trish makes her way to the window seat. John has that one second of opportunity and he quickly presses his hand on his pants zipper to push his penis down so it doesn't poke at the front of his baggy jeans and makes it obvious that he has "wood". Trish takes a seat and hadn't noticed anything. John fixed his "problem" and sits next to her in the seat next to the aisle. John feels much better because his penis has stopped aching for attention and went back to normal. Trish looks over at John and smiles. He returns it as she puts her headphones to her I-Pod in her ears. Trish has the volume turned all the way up and can't hear anything. This was her normal flying routine. But today was a little different. Usually she put on her music and fell asleep the second she did. But this time she was wide awake. She couldn't go to sleep. Usually she would have some weird pervert sitting next to her trying to get her number. But this time was different. She had never sat next to a normal person. And normal by standards of looks. The usual people were really ugly, or completely made of plastic from all the plastic surgeries. In the whole 7 years traveling with WWE, she had yet to sit next to a remotely average looking, let alone a handsome guy like John. She wanted to rip her head phones off and have a conversation with him forever, but she didn't. She didn't want to seem anxious or desperate. The last time she had a handsome man sitting next to her was when she was still involved with Chris Jericho. But that relationship ended in complete disaster so Trish tried to never think of it. She couldn't help but notice how good John looked. As Trish stared out the window of the plane, that had yet to even close the doors to take off, she could see a slight reflection. That of John. She smiled at the meer look of him.

Damn, he is soooo hot.

Trish sat there, totally lost in music and thoughts.


p.s please review. im begging you guys. thanks in advance.