"Suffer The Consequences" by Abraxas (2010-08-18)

"You were a very, very bad girl!" Panrtho snarled.

The young, tiny Thundercat squirmed with wrists and ankles restrained onto the hood of the vehicle.

"It was such a thick, long stick with the softest and bluest tip and I yanked it, I yanked it, I yanked it... Until that engine squirmed and purred all over the place! What a mess I made - oh, Jagga - I was a bad girl but when I saw it I needed it..."

"Look!" Panthro fumbled almost shredded the front of his uniform and lowered it. Under the skylight the moon revealed his body in all of its glory - tight, flexing chest, flat stomach, chiseled abs, cuts blurred by fur merged into the base of a cock. Twitching. Thick. Long. A blue tip blooming out of foreskin. "That is what your mischief does to a panther!" The Thundercat pressed that cock against the top of the dress between mounds of breasts while growling, bucking against the fur of the other. "Girl - why do you drive me crazy?"

"I want your cum!" The figure snapped trying and failing to reach the cock with its lips. "Panthro - I want to yank your thick, long stick and squeeze your soft blue tip until it splatters your cum through my grip." The captive struggled while the captor rubbed its cock everywhere. "Let me yank it!"

"No - you are a bad girl -" sticky drops of dew sparkled like stars across the hide of the captive - "you will not touch until you suffer the consequences..."

"Er, what the fuck?"

They jumped as the intrusion (and the light) shattered their play...

It was Tygra - their ruckus aroused the tiger who stood at the doorway and gazed at them. Panthro naked. WileyKat dressed - like WileyKit, his sister.

Just as quickly as he struck he retreated. The tiger slunked out of the garage dazed. He learned his lesson and vowed not to mix Silky Fruit and Carrot Juice again.