I've been meaning to write this fic for some time and I finally did! This is just the prologue real quick but there are 3 more chapters afterward. I'll just post them whenever I get the chance (cause its already finished)I used 'Princess' instead of 'Hime' in this fic cause it just worked better and there's also a lot more of Mistuhide and Kiki X3 Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I do not own Akagami no Shirayukihime.


Prologue: The Lady's Ball

Shirayuki ran the comb slowly through her apple-red hair.

She had been let off of her pharmaceutical duties early that day to prepare for the special occasion that was coming up that evening.

Zen, the second Prince of Clarines, had requested and set up a dance to occur on that evening, and all those who were invited to attend were eagerly getting ready just about now. Shirayuki had sensed the anticipation in the atmosphere throughout that entire week, but now it was almost overwhelming and she could not stop her own heart from fluttering with excitement now.

Yet she was troubled by all of this as well. This is a formal ball. She thought to herself, running the come through her hair over and over again, even though it was perfectly smooth already. It's a formal ball, it's even called the Lady's Ball, so it's obvious that the girls are really supposed to get into this and have as much fun as possible. But…

She gazed around her small room before placing the comb down on her desk and walking over to her closet. She slid open the doors and peeked inside, already knowing full-well that she owned no attire that was nearly as suitable for her to wear to a ball. I don't want to show up and be dressed dully; that will just ruin the mood and make everyone feel awkward. She frowned, considering miss-matching some of her pieces of clothing to make a more formal outfit when a knock came at her door.

"Shirayuki-dono? May I come in?"

"K-Kiki-san! Of course." Shirayuki replied as the other girl slipped into her room.

"Just as I suspected." The silver-haired visitor commented. "You're having trouble finding something for the Lady's Ball, no?" she guessed, having suspected it from the very beginning.

"Y…Yes…Kind of." Shirayuki bowed her head a bit. "I might just not go." She sighed. "I wouldn't want to stand out and be a wet towel on such a huge event."

"What are you saying?" Kiki made her way over to her fellow female. "You do know that Prince Zen will be attending, right? If you don't show up, how do you think he'll feel?" she asked.

Shirayuki was silent, and shuffled her feet.

Kiki smiled. "He'll be completely miserable without you." She informed her. "He'll probably go around asking everyone where you are and in the end be disappointed to know you didn't show up."

"…You're probably right." Shirayuki murmured.

"And," Kiki went on, and Shirayuki realized this was the most she had ever heard the other girl speak all at once. "Didn't you realize why Zen asked for the Ball to be one this specific night?" she queried.

"No." Shirayuki titled her head to one side with a puzzled expression.

Kiki smiled again. "Didn't you realize? It's been exactly six months, to the day, since he's met you. Since we all met you." She added. "It's been half a year since you've come into our lives."

Shirayuki's emerald eyes widened and she looked up at Kiki in shock.

"I…I didn't even realize…I'm sorry…" she stammered.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"I must be so insensitive. I mean I couldn't even remember the date of the day I met such wonderful people and was welcomed into this home…" she seemed almost on the verge of tears.

"Hey, it's alright." Kiki chortled, patting her gently on the shoulder. "Don't get so upset."

The other girl looked up at her and nodded once. "You're right. Sorry." She gave a tiny smile.

"You're apologizing for no reason again." Kiki sighed. "But on to the matter at hand," she changed the subject. "You need a dress for the Ball, am I correct?"


"And that's why I'm here." Kiki took the other girl's hand and led her toward the door. "I'll be helping you prepare for this evening's ball, Shirayuki-dono." She bowed politely, but not as a servant, more as that of a cheerful friend.

"Thank you." Shirayuki smiled, following Kiki out of her room and down the mansion's hallway.

A/N: Sorry this was kind of quick but the next chapters are much longer and better I promise :3

Please review? :3