NOOOO, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! I'M GOING TO AND YOUCAN'T STOP ME!(standing on top of edge of rather tall building)

Scarlet: Mystery Agent, now calm down. You don't have to do this for a stupid story! Let's talk things out!

Nooo, I must! I can't let go of the story!

Scarlet: Oh, come on! Your making a sequal to this alternate ending! Dang it, Yami and Yugi, say something!

Yugi: Jump! Jump! Jump! Don't let this story go, just jump! (chanting)

Yami: I gotta see this! (eating popcorn)

Scarlet: Well, your no help...

Maybe, I shouldn't do this... Maybe, I should think this throu-

Yami: Hurry Up and Jump already! (throws one piece of mini poccorn at Mystery Agent)

Wait, what the- AHHHHH! (popcorn somehow throws Mystery Agent off balance and she falls off ledge!)

Davi: I would say "GASPINGNESS!", but that would be way to lame. (everyone walks to edge of of building when Mystery Agent pops back up)

Awww, who am I kidding. That was awesome! (coming up and down on trambulene)

Scarlet: You idiots, now she's going to be hyper! You just had to talk her into it!

Yami:...(drops popcorn bag)

Yugi: Author's Yami, say what?

What, didn you people think I was doing suicide or something? ahhahahhaha!

Readers: (half being sent to hospitle with heart attacks, some fainted, others using inhalers)

...Omr, you really thought I would.

Yami: Pharoahs can dream.

Well, I guess you don't count beacuse here goes the ALTERNAT ENDING WHERE YOU LOSE! MUHAAHAHAHHA!

Davi: Scarlet:, didn't I tell you to-

No, this actually me. I'm just hyped, SO LETS ROLL!

Yugi: It was cool knowing you, Yami! (sobbing)

Yami: It was nice knowing me, Yugi! (sobbing with Yugi)

Disclaimer: People, this is the last chapter (actually prolouge to the sequal to this alternate ending) is the last one so all I got to say is I refuse to say I don't own Yugioh! So, come and get me government! (goverment comes pointing weapons towards Mystery Agent) Uhhh, "You'll never catch me coppers!" HhhHAHAHHAHAHA! I always wanted to say that.(runs away into steet, being chased)

Scarlet: Ummm, if you didn't understand, she doesn't own Yugioh, yeah...okay... Bye!

Normal Pov~

The card glowed brilliantely against the darkness surrounding it. Yami no longer held the card in his hand, but it seemed to levitate on its own.

"What is this?" Bakura demanded, for he noticed the cards strange behavior and wanted to know why it was acting that way.

"Let us see." Yami stated with determination, praying the card was what he was hoping for. The glow began fading, revealing to all what it was. Though, no one noticed how the card had suddenly seemed to not only dim, but it also turned into the sickening color of all the shadows in the background.

"What, this can't be!" Yami shouted. For the card that levitated before them was a spell card.

"I told you, you had no chance, paharoah! Hahahhaha!" Bakura crackled with his own twisted enjoyment, while Yami fell to his knees in defeat mixed with shocked.

"I was supposed to win... How could this happened, this can't be happening..." Yami continued on, barely noticing both Yugi and Ryou being thrown out of the shadow boxes. Immediately both of them noticed something was wrong, something had to be for Yami to be on his knees and Bakura smiling. Also the fact that both the millenium ring plus puzzle were around Bakura's neck was a terrible sign.

"Yami...are you alright?" Yugi asked in a whisper, barely standing. Yami turned to him, somewhat coming back to reality, before looking towards the floor.

"Yugi, I'm not alright...I lost." Yami stated without looking up, in shame.

"What-? You couldn't have. You can't be sent to the shadow realm forever!" Yugi cried out histerically, attempting to make his way to Yami, only to be held back by Ryou. Ryou shook his head for a silent "No", knowing there was no hope.

"I'm sorry, Yugi, but I lost. I have to be sent to the shadow realm." Yami said with certainty, walking to Yugi to say his goodbye when he was jerked back by a shadow.

"What is happening?" Yami yelled in confusion, untill he saw that Bakura was laughing.

"Bakura, what are you doing? Can't you at least let me see Yugi, before you take me away from him!" Yami questioned in anger, as the shadows held him back from moving further.

"There is no need to say goodbye to someone your stilll going to see." Bakura chuckled, now confusing everyone.

"What do you mean?" Yami questioned, wondering why he hadn't been taken by the shadows yet. Yami was happy, yet confused at the same time.

"Haven't you wondered why Ryou's still here even though he was in your shadow box when you lost? The answer is the same reason of why you are still here to...It's because I'm not sending you away, I'm keeping you here." Bakura smirked with glee, while everyone else stared in confusion.

"Why would you do this?" Yami was still confused. He was again to ask a question when Bakura continued.

"There is another answer to that also...It's because I'm not through with you. I want my revenge and the first step was getting your puzzle since that can bring all the millenium items together, of cource you probally don't know that with your forgetfulness. The second step was having you and Yugi here so you couldn't escape." Bakura answered while everyone was stunned.

"You can't do this. Leave Yugi out of this!" Yami commanded, attempting to break away from the shadows.

"Don't try to escape, for I made sure you couldn't. Besides, shouldn't you just be glad you get to stay with your precious light. Of cource you will only be seeing him get hurt, while you can't do a thing to stop it. Wouldn't that be the perfect revenge? Forcing the protector to live forever, watching the one he sworn to protect get hurt while he can't do anything, except watch. By the way, that starts now." Bakura glowed with a lust for revenge, walking to Yugi who was struggling to make his way to his Yami.

"Sorry, but your not allowed to be without pain." Bakura was already next to Yugi and before Yugi could move, Bakura had already knocked him to the ground. It was easy since Yugi was already barely standing.

"Stop, don't you dare hurt him!" Yami attempted to break free again, only for his bindings to tighten.

"Don't worry it will only get worse." Bakura said, controling the shadows to drag Yugi next to Yami. Yugi stayed motionless, only letting his head fall onto the shadow tentacles wrapped around him.

"Now what's the matter with you. I want you to watch the show now. Wouldn't you both want to watch me get the millenium and control the world. Or maybe watch your friends perish before my rulership. Though, that's not as bad as what I have planned for you." Bakura held Yugi's head up, telling him what he planned to do, just to enrage Yami.

"Let go of him, you-" Yami was cut off when a shadow covered his mouth.

"That's no way to talk to your new ruler, now is it?" Bakura threatened, diging his nail into Yugi's neck who let out a whimper of pain, while Yami let out muffled crys. Suddenly Bakura released Yugi when he saw the cuts he was making were starting to bleed.

"Stop your worrying, pharoah. I don't won't Yugi to die before I even control the world yet. Where would the fun be." Bakura said, uncaringly before a dark glow surrounded him.

"Now let's ge those millenium items here." Bakura crackled as dark like tentacles shot out from him. They streched out beyond vision, before they came back with the five other millenium items.

"Hahahahah! Now I finnaly have them! I can finnaly get my revenge! After thousands of years of waiting, my revenge will be fufilled!" Bakura was thrilled as the millenium items floated around him. He seemed entranced by the power surrounding him, when he was takeled to the ground.

"Who the-? Ryou!" Bakura growled attempting to knock Ryou off of him.

"I'm not leting you do this!" Ryou yelled, struggling with Bakura who was ranting on about how Ryou must obey him. Ryou ignored him, focasing his attention to Yugi and Yami who were freed from shadows since Bakura's concentration was broken.

"Guys, go! I'll keep him here, just GO!" Ryou struggled to say, while still putting up a somewhat good fight against Bakura. Yami didn't have to be told twice and with a sad nod of goodbye, he ran, dragging Yugi with him.

"Noooooooo!" Bakura cried out, when he realized what was going on. Seeing his prizes escape, fueled him into an uncontrolable rage.

"You have to learn your place, former host. Even if you must learn the hard way." Bakura suddenly knocked Ryou off of him, who only looked at him with fear, at seeing the dark power surrounding Bakura.

"Here's a lesson in obedeince. I hope you remeber it, for you'll have an enternity to ponder on it." Bakura gathered the sparks of darkness into a large mass, before sending it to Ryou.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Was the scream that rang out, as the mark struck its target. The only thing left were the wisps of shadows that used to be a human.~

Yami's Pov~

I ran. I could barely feel my legs, but I knew I had to keep running.

It was hard since I also had to carry some of Yugi's weight, from him not being able to run from lack of energy. It was untill I was half way to my destination, before I realized that it wasn't just carrying Yugi that was dragging me down, but Yugi purposely limpinping the other way.

"Yugi, stop! What are you doing?" I didn't understand what he was doing or why.

"We can't leave...Ryou's still in there..." Yugi said weakly, diging his feet into the ground to prevent us from moving.

"I know you don't want to leave a friend behind, but we must. He sacraficed himself for us and we have to respect that." I could feel Yugi's pain through our link, though I knew we had to keep moving. The darkness seemed to spark in the air, the longer we stayed.

"Come on, Yugi." I attempted to pull him away, yet Yugi refused to budge. I knew he wouldn't move anytime soon so I lifted him up and kept running.

"Stop it, Yami! We can't leave without him!" Yugi was struggling to free himself, though I wouldn't let go with us being so close to the destination. Soon Yugi stopped struggling out of weakness, yet still pleaded for us to go back.

"Yugi, we can't go back because we're already here." I stated, as I entered the game shop. It was a risky move, since I knew this would be the first place Bakura would check, yet we needed supplies. I quickly set Yugi down, against the door then began searching for supplies.

"Yami, what about our friends. We're not leaving them, right?" Yugi questioned weakly, while I stuffed whatever I could find into a bag I found.

"Yugi, we can't reach them. It would already be too late..." I answered before continuing on with my gathering when Yugi questioned me again.

"What about Grandpa?" Yugi asked, as I attepted to ignore him. I couldn't answer, for the answer would break his heart.

"Yami. Answer me." Yugi's voice was weak, yet refused to go unheard.

"Yugi, we could never reach them. Not Tea, Joey, Tristan, or Ryou. We can't even see your grandpa, which you should know since all the way in Egypt. We would never make it in time...It's impossible." I said the truth, no matter how much it hurt to say it.

"But they would come back for us-"

"Yugi, stop! Just, stop!" My voice was one that stopped Yugi mid-sentence.

"I know you want to go back and understand if there was only one thing I could do, it would be going back for them, but we just can't! This isn't about what you or I want, but what we need!" I don't remember the last time I spoke this harsh to anyone, especially Yugi. Yugi said nothing, yet I knew that the tears were already falling. I did my best to ignore him, no matter how much I wanted to apologize. Soon though, I couldn't help except apologize.

"Yugi, I'm-" I haulted, for Yugi was no where in sight.

"Yugi, YUGI!" I rushed downstairs to find Yugi limping towards the door.

You just won't listen. I thought to myself as I grabbed a hold of his hand and held him back.

"Yami, let go! I need to see my friends!" Yugi attempted to pull out my grasp, which onlt resulted in failure. His eyes were still streaming with tears. If he wasn't going to listen, I was going to have to do something I didn't want to do. Though first, I would try reason again.

"Yugi, don't you remember what you said to me in that duel. You told me to still attack even though you would get hurt because overall it would still have a better end result than not attacking. It's similar to now. Think, if we try to go to anyone's house, Bakura will probally catch us both. If we don't, then our friend may be captured, but then we'll still be able to have a chance to save them." I tried to convince Yugi, by using his own logic.

"...NO! IT'S NOT THE SAME!" Yugi attempted to denie it and I knew what I had to do.

Yugi, please forgive me. I sent him this message, causing him to hault in his struggling. He probally would have asked a question, but I had already pulled him into his soul room.

Yami, how could you? I felt Yugi's betrayel and sadness throught the mindlink, but all I did was lock his soul room tighter.

I,m sorry. Was all sent Yugi before closing the mindlink off. The last thing I felt was Yugi banging against his soul room door, yelling for me to let him out. Soon his screams became harsh sobs that I could only wish were not caused by me.

I'm sorry. Oh, so very sorry. I kept repeating to myself as I lifted the bags full with essentials. I could only hope that Yugi would forgive me, while I left the game shop to an unknown destination.

We would need each other's support, for very soon I knew we would be the only thing each other had left.~

Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! NOOOO, I COMPLETED IT!

Yugi: Forget that, I'm going to die!

Yami: I'm to young to be a fugitive!

Your a thousands of years old spirit. You may look to be in your 20's, but you ain't that young.


Bakura: I rule the world! It's about dang time!

It's not my fault my laptop brkedown, the car broke down, the snowstorm made it too hard to walk and the library was closed! SO SHUT IT!

Scarlet: Whatever. I'm just glad it's over. I mean hearing everyday you talk about your story ideas, I have feeling you would have at least 23 stories out by now!

Yup! Now I can finnaly let them out!

Yugi: Woah, woah, woah. You telling me your going to work on your other stories before this sequal!

Only a couple-

Yami: Bleeeping NO! YOU BETTER TELLING ME WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! (Chainsaw pointed at mystery agent)

Well, come on! The fans agree with me!


Scarlet: "Wow", I certainly see "support" there.

Just let me make my own decesions...Where's Davi?

Davi: Don't make me go!

Come on, just leave already!

Davi: NEVER! (holding on to Ryou's leg before she is hit by sleeping darts)

Ryou: That's the 12th one today. (attepting to pull free off Davi's unconcious grasp, while people drag her to real world!

Well there is only one thing I can do and no it is not jumping into Scarlet's arms. I just have to thank every one who has reviewed, especialy the last 5 people who did! If you haven't this is your last chance. Now hit it, people! Thank you's, my style!

(*music begins)


Give a shout to the reviewers! Without you, I wouldn't be here!


Yami: Thanks to all the reviewers, even though they caused us to be tortured!


Yugi: Thanks to all the people who love to see the actual good guys in this world be tortured and kidnapped!


Scarlet: Thanks to all the people that added this story/ author to their favorities list, even though they'll probally never ever review this story!


Ryou: Thanks to the people that made me a hero since I get even less screen time then background characters!


Davi: Go...Bakura...uhhhhh...(still unconcious)


Bakura: Muhahahah! I rule the world!

Thank someone, don't gloat!

Bakura: Whatever. Thanks to people who love for me to torture my prey and let me win...Plus...I RULE THE WORLD!

Close enough...


Seto: Thank the people who-

YOUR NOT IN THIS STORY! GET OUT! (Everyone throws Seto through portal)

That's a wrap! GOODBYE! (*music ends*)

Scarlet: Or die! (shot gun clicks into place)


*Mystery Agent Out!* (For good in this story, just not forever! Hhahahahaha! )