Yami & Yugi: (mouth hanging open) "Your m-making a new story!

I sure am, though it wiil mean my update on my other story will be in the longer plus school starts in 4 days, and that's not all, I also got a new character! Come on out Scarlet!

Scarlet: Hey everybody, What's up? (waves to audience, smiling)

Yup, that's right, I got a Yami!

Yami & Yugi: ! (frozen in shock)

Eh. They'll be alive once the angst begins

Yami: What do you mean?

Umm, let me just say if you knew you would kill me.

Yami: What do you plan on doing to my hikari?

Hurry, Scarlet, say the disclaimer!

Scarlet: Seriously people, do you really think she would be in school if she could draw anime and make that type of money? Of cource she DOESN'T OWN YUGIOH!

Yami: I still want to know what you plan on-"

Too late, on to the story, hit it!

Normal Pov~

"Yami are you okay? You've been quiet for a while?" Yugi asked, as he looked up to his Yami who was currently standing on a staircase with his back turned to Yugi.

"Yes, Yugi, there is no need to worry about me..." Yami still didn't face Yugi, even as he spoke.

"Okay, I guess I'll just leave then." Yugi sounded hesitant to leave and waited for Yami to tell him the truth, but all he recieved was a nod so he turned away, slowly out to his real room.

As soon as the door clicked shut the pharoah turned around with sad eyes.

"Yugi, I wish I didn't have to lie to you, but I don't want to burden you with my own troubles..." A sigh escaped his lips, as he sat down on the cold ancient stone.

Why, can I not remember my own life, friends, or even family? This thought had been plauging him for a while causing him to spend various amounts of time in his soul room to find answers, becoming more distant from everyone including Yugi.

I wonder how Yugi's doing anyway. He was so lost in his own thoughts he didn't realize how this was affecting Yugi until he tried to sence him through their mind link to be hit by a wave of sadness along with hurt.

I was just trying to help him, instead I ended up hurting him. Yami quickly strode to Yugi's soul room to apologize, only to find it shockingly closed.

"Yugi, please open the door." Yami pleaded through their mind link. No answer. He tried knocking on the door. Still no answer. Finnaly Yami gave up and decided to try talking to him outside.~

In Yugi's Room~

Yami always tells me everything, what's different know? Yugi had left Yami's soul room back to his real room, laying on his bed as the crestant moon's light shined through his bedroom's window.

Yugi knew that Yami treated him different than everybody. When he was with Yugi he no longer had his game face on instead he showed true emotions. With Yugi he laughed not just a chuckle, but actually laughed.

Yami told Yugi everything and he told Yami everything, making Yugi wonder what had changed.

Maybe he doesn't trust me any more, maybe I am just getting in his way to finding his past... A few tears started rolling down his cheeks as he buried his face deeper into the pillow.

I'm just a burden, Yami has always been the strong one... His thoughts drifted to all the duels he couldn't protect himself in, including the shadow game when he was against Pegasus, many times he felt he had to be saved by Yami.

I'm only dragging him down, no wonder he wouldn't look at me. The tears ran freely from his face, he didn't try to stop them, he just let them fall freely against his face. When suddenly a strong voice called out, "Yugi, please stop crying, I didn't mean to upset you." Yami's voice was pleading.

Yugi just hid his face deeper into the pillow, shacking with sobs.

"Yugi I didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to protect you, please forgive me." Yami was desperate now, yet Yugi didn't move. Finnaly Yami pulled Yugi's face towards him.

Yugi's tear covered face glistened in the moon light. His eyes met Yami's and then his eyes went down cast whispering, " I should be apologizing for being so weak... I'm s-sorry for being a burden, dragging you down. I can't even protect my self..." Yugi's voiced cracked as even more tears ran down his face.

"Yugi your not a buden. Your the most generous, nicest person I know. A best friend that I love like a brother. Your strong in your own way, you can do things I never will be able to do and visa versa, that's why I'm your Yami and your my light. Were so different, though that is why we get along. Don't doubt yourself because I don't, for I trust you with my whole heart. So, please, stop crying." Yami finished his speech then gave Yugi a hug, letting him cry on his shoulder.

They stayed there for a while when Yugi's tears stopped coming and he mumbled a thank you to Yami.

"It's what I'm here for." Yami stated happy he got through to Yugi. Yugi then suddenly let out a yawn causing him to blush.

"Yugi, you should get some sleep, you need your rest." Yugi didn't argue for all his crying made him tired. Yami relaxed when he saw Yugi's eyes flutter closed, his breathing becoming gentle.

I thought he might have a hard time sleeping, I guess he just fine. Yami gently scooted away from his hikari, who only mumbled a bit before turning over. Yami then carefully tucked the blanket around his young friend. He was about to return to the puzzle when a voice he thought he wouldnt hear again cut the silence.

No it can't be! Bakura! ~

So yeah a cliffy I'm going to end this chap- AHHHHH! (jumps out the way of a giant axe in the spot she was standing in)


Start the story! No cliffy! I wanna live!

Yami: Don't you dare cut me-

"Well, the pharoah, remembers me this time." Bakura stood next to a now open window, his snowy white hair glowing in the pale moonlight.

"Bakura what are you doing here?" Yami stormed, his voice louder than intended for it caused Yugi to stir slightly.

"Oh, pharaoh, such a temper, you nearly woke up your host." Bakura eyes had a malicious glint as he looked towards the sleeping form in the bed. Yami saw this too as his eyes narrowed dangerously at Bakura.

"Don't you get near him, you-" In a swift moment Bakura had knocked Yami to the ground suddenly putting up a glass case between them, with his powers, preventing Yami from leaving that corner of the room.

"Let me out!" Yami banged against the glass imprisoning him.

"Don't worry, it will be gone as soon as I finish my job here." Bakura walked over to Yugi who seemed to cring away unconsciously, as if he senced the dark precence looming over him.

"Stay away from him, demon!" Yami uselessly tried to destoy the wall.

"Stop trying. Nothing will work, not even your power. It's so strong you can't even use your mindlink." Bakura smirked at the pharaoh when Yugi woke to see Bakura in front of him.

"What's going on!" Yugi yelled in shock.

"Yugi, GET AWAY!" Yami warned.

"Too late." Bakura wraped one arm around Yugi, pinning his arms to his sides while he covered Yugi's mouth with the other. Yugi imeadiatly struggled against his grip, though it didn't really affect Bakura.

"Figured you'd struggled so I brought you something," Bakura pulled out a small bottle filled with a dark purple liquid.

"Open wide." Bakura lowered the bottle to Yugi's mouth, when Bakura cried out in pain. Bakura's grip loosening enough for Yugi to spring out.

"You stupid hikari! How dare you bite me!" Bakura shouted, while Yugi had already made his way to Yami and they both attempted to break Yami's encasement.

"Yugi, look out!" Yami suddenly cried out, when Bakura grabbed Yugi from the behind.

"Well, I guess we can do this the hard way." He tossed Yugi to the ground then called on the shadows that wrapped around Yugi's waist, legs, and arms, chaining him to the floor.

"Now open your mouth, little Yugi." He lowered the bottle to Yugi's mouth who dodged it until Bakura commanded the shadows to strap his head down, also tightning the shadows already straping Yugi down to the point where he could barely move.

"This should make things easier." Bakura again lowered the bottle to him again, but Yugi clamped his mouth shut.

"Open your mouth!" Bakura slaped Yugi hard, causing him to let out a cry of pain long enough for Bakura to force a rubber tube in his mouth, keeping him from closing his mouth.

"Now that is a more obediant, hikari." Bakura smirked as he poured the liquid down the gap of the tube. Yugi suddenly felt the liquid fill his mouth with a slimy, chilling taste. He started wishing he could get rid of it when Bakura clamped a hand over his nose a shadow covered his mouth cutting off all his oxegyn.

"I won't lift my hand and the only way that shadow will leave from your mouth if you swallow it; plus I'm pretty sure you want to breath." Yugi muffled crys were unheard as he tried to get air, but his oxegyn was leaving him fast.

I have to drink this stuff, I can't breath! Yugi's vison was blurring when suddenly Yami takled Bakura away and Yugi took in air through his noise since he was gagged.

"How dare you hurt him!" Yami was struggling with Bakura with angered filled eyes, for he had seen Bakura slap his hikari across the face and Yami's blood boiled at the scene.

"How did you even get out, it should have held for a couple more minutes." Bakura strained to say, while attempting to knock the pharaoh of him.

"Yugi helped weaken the block!" Yami answered back also struggling to pin Bkaura down.

"Awww, such a cute story, sorry to end it so soon." Bakura said, sarcasticly, before using all his power to kick Yami back. The force knocking Yami all the way to the wall, where he tumbled out the window just barely grabbing the window panel.

Yugi let out a muffled cry of horror, as he tried even harder to get out of his binds, sencing his Yami's distress. Bakura, meanwhile, strode over to the window and smirked down at the pharoah's pitiful sight.

"Sorry to leave you hanging, but I have to finish something." Bakura thus began manically laughing. The laugh ringing throught the night as he went back to Yugi.

This time Bakura covered Yugi's air without anyone to stop him untill Yugi finnally gave in for air, swallowing the liquid that sent chills throughout him.

Yugi suddenly felt a wave of dizyness come over him, causing him to cease struggling, his body weighted down by the tiredness.

Yugi's mind couldn't even regestir himself being lifted up, when he saw Yami desperately climbing up and coming towards him. Bakura unexpectedly, in a sudden motion, swiftly turned back and injected a needle to Yami's arm causing him to fall straight down.

Yami tried to speak onlt to find he couldn't move his mouth or his head, only his eyes widened in shock.

"You never give up. Well now you have to since you've been injected with paralaysis syringe, but it will ware off in 30 minutes. When you can, meet me at Ryou's apartment in two days and bring your deck. Come without nor tell anyone" Bakura let his dark laugh out again as he layed Yugi's head on his shoulder who coundn't resist.

With the last of his strength, Yugi cracked an eye open, looking towards Yami with sad eyes.

Goodbye... Yami... was Yugi's last thought before all went dark. ~

Now a sort of cliffy. Tell me what you think before Yami kills me, please!

Yami: I'm going to kill that (bleeeeeeeeep) Bakura but first you! (Prepares shadow powers)

Scarlet save me! (jumps into Scarlet's arms who also cowers away then running with Yami shooting shadows aimlessly)